'Wbo am 1, to have the brazen temerity and hardihood to set the puny
appanage of my office in the balance against that simple undeviable
aim? Who am 1, to render null and abrogate the purchase she made
with that poor crazed lost and worthless life?'
And good too-good and mellow too. So it was not even in hopes of
saving her life, that I came here at two o'clock in the morning. It
wasn't even to be told that he had already decided not to save her.
It was not even to confess to my husband, but to do it in the
hearing of two strangers, something which I bad spent eight years
trying to expiate so that my husband wouldn't have to know about it.
Dont you see? That's just suffering. Not for anything: just
You came here to affirm the very thing which Nancy is going to die
tomorrow morning to postulate: that little children, as long as they
are little children, shall be intact, unanguished, untorn,
All right. I have done that. Can we go home now?
.Wool I Yes.(she turns, moves toward the
steps, Stevens beside her. As she
reaches the first step, she falters,
seems to stumble slightly, like a
sleepwalker. Stevens steadies her
but at once she frees her arm,
and begins to descend)
(on the first step: to no one, still
with that sleepwalker air)
To save my soul-if I have a soul. If there is a God to
save it-a God who wants it-