bility and peace; not ole cradle-rocking black mammy at all, because
the Gowan Stevenses are young and modern, so young and modern that all
the other young country-club set applauded when they took an
ex-dopefiend nigger whore out of the gutter to nurse their children,
because the rest of the young countryclub set didn't know that it
wasn't the Gowan Stevenses but Temple Drake who had chosen the ex-
dopefiend nigger whore for the reason that an exdopefiend nigger whore
was the only animal in Jefferson that spoke Temple Drake's language-
(quickly takes up the burning cigarette from the tray and puffs at it,
talking through the puffs) Oh yes, I'm going to tell this too. A
confidante. You know: the big-time ball player, the idol on the pedes-
tal, the worshipped; and the worshipper, the acolyte, the one that
never had and never would, no matter how willing or how hard she
tried, get out of the sandlots, the bush league. You know: the long
afternoons, with the last electric button pressed on the last cooking
or washing or sweeping gadget and the baby safely asleep for a while,
and the two sisters in sin swapping trade or anyway avocational
secrets over Coca-Colas in the quiet kitchen. Somebody to talk to, as
we all seem to need, want, have to have, not to converse with you nor
even agree with you, but just keep quiet and listen. Which is all that
people really want, really need; I mean, to behave themselves, keep
out of one another's hair; the maladjustments which they tell us breed
the arsonists and rapists and murderers and thieves and the rest of
the antisocial enemies, are not really maladjustments but simply
because the embryonic murderers and thieves didn't have anybody to
listen to them: which is an idea the Catholic Church discovered two
thousand years ago only it just didn't carry it far enough or maybe it
was too busy being the Church to have time to bother with man, or
maybe it wasn't the Church's fault at all but simply because it had to
deal with human beings and maybe if the world was just populated with
a kind of creature half of which were dumb, couldn't do anything but
listen, couldn't even escape from having to listen to the other half,
there wouldn't even be any war. Which was what Temple had. somebody
paid by the week just to listen, which you would have thought would
have been enough; and