He passes her and goes briskly on toward the alcove at rear. Nancy turns
to follow.
(quickly) Nancy.
(Nancy doesn't pause. Temple continues, rapidly)
What about me? Even if there is one and somebody waiting in it to
forgive me, there's still tomorrow and tomorrow. And suppose tomorrow
and tomorrow, and then nobody there, nobody waiting to forgive me-
(moving on after the Jailor) Believe.
Believe what, Nancy? Tell me.
She exits into the alcove behind the Jailor. The steel door off-stage
clangs, the key clashes. Then the Jailor reappears, approaches, and
crosses toward the exit. He unlocks the door and opens it out again,
Yes, sir. A long hard way. If I was ever fool enough to commit a
killing that would get my neck into a noose, the last thing I would
want to see would be a preacher. I'd a heap rather believe there
wasn't nothing after death than to risk the station where I was
probably going to get off.
(he waits, holding the door, looking back at them. Temple
stands motionless until Stevens touches her arm slightly.
Then she moves, stumbles slightly and infinitesimally, so
infinitesimally and so quickly recovered that the Jailor
has barely time to react to it, though he does so: with
quick concern, with that quality about him almost gentle,
almost articulate, turning from the door, even leaving it
open as he starts quickly toward her)