AUGUST 10, 1954

Mishaps Galore

Must be getting old or crazy … my other half, Wilbur, came home three days in a row, complaining of a headache … and is there anything worse than a man who has a little pain? Guess that’s why we have the babies …

I, myself, was having a terrible time reading the paper, so yesterday morning, I went to Birmingham to get my eyes checked, and, lo and behold, I had on Wilbur’s glasses and he had on mine. We are getting different colored ones next time.

I don’t feel too bad. I heard there was a fire the other day over at Opal’s beauty shop, and Biddie Louise Otis, who was hooked up to the permanent wave machine at the time, started screaming bloody murder because she thought it was her head that was on fire. But it was just some old hair in the wastepaper basket that was burning. Naughty Bird, Opal’s shampoo girl, put out the fire and it was fine.

Don’t forget to vote. Nobody is running against Grady Kilgore, but it makes him feel good, so do it anyway.

By the way, Jasper Peavey got another write-up in the Railroad News, and we know Big George and Onzell must be proud.

… Dot Weems …

P.S. The Dill Pickle Club had its annual Icebox Follies again and it was hilarious as usual. My other half sang “Red Sails in the Sunset” again. Sorry, folks … I just cain’t get him to learn a new one.
