NOVEMBER 2, 1932
Whistle Stop Pig Club Started
Due to the encouragement of the Alabama Extension Service, a local pig club has been formed. Anyone wanting information is to call Mrs. Bertha Vick at home. Bertha said that a Miss Zula Hight of Kittrel, North Carolina, earned a pure-bred Registered China Pig in just seven days, and Bertha said that you could do the same thing if you just put your mind to it. She said to own a pure-bred pig is a mark of distinction for you and your community and will start you on the road to prosperity. It will mean the laying of a foundation for a comfortable income for you all of your life, and when old age overtakes you.
Idgie just got her brand-new Philco radio at the cafe, and says anybody wanting to hear “Amos ‘n’ Andy,” or any other program, is welcome to come in and need not order anything to eat. She says the sound is good at night especially.
By the way, does anybody know how to get rid of dog tracks in cement? If so, call me up or come by the post office and tell me.
… Dot Weems …