AUGUST 1, 1945

Man Falls in Lacquer

If I hadn’t been married to him, I would have never believed it.… My other half was out at the railroad yards, hanging out where they’ve been painting all the troop trains, and he fell into a 250-gallon vat of lacquer. He was able to climb out, but the lacquer dried so fast, he was completely encrusted before setting foot on the ground and we had to get Opal to come over to the house and cut the lacquer out of what’s left of his hair. It’s a good thing we didn’t have any children. I don’t have time to worry about any other kids.

Does anybody know a good baby-sitter for a husband …?

We are all so happy the war is finally over. Bobby Scroggins came home yesterday, and Tommy Glass and Ray Limeway got home last Thursday. Hooray!

Nothing but good news. Ninny Threadgoode came in and brought me a four-leaf clover. She said she and Albert had found three of them in her front yard. Thanks, Ninny.

… Dot Weems …
