OCTOBER 30, 1947

Stump Threadgoode Makes Good

Stump Threadgoode, son of Idgie Threadgoode and Ruth Jamison, got a big write-up in the Birmingham News. Congratulations. We’re all mighty proud of him, but don’t go in the cafe unless you’re willing to spend an hour having Idgie tell you all about the game. Never saw a prouder parent. And after the game, the whole team and the band and the cheerleaders were treated to free hamburgers at the cafe.

My other half has no fashion sense. I came home the other afternoon looking so smart in my new snood that I got over at Opal’s beauty shop, and he said my snood looked like a goat’s udder with a fly net on it.… Then, on our anniversary, he carries me over to Birmingham to a spaghetti restaurant, when he knows I’m on a diet.… Men! Can’t live with them, and can’t live without them.

By the way, we were sorry to hear about Artis O. Peavey’s bad luck.

… Dot Weems …
