NOVEMBER 10, 1967

Skull Found in Garden

Congratulations to our new lady governor, Mrs. Lurleen Wallace, who won in a landslide victory over the other fellow. She looked darling at inauguration, and promised to pay her husband, George, a dollar a year to be her number one adviser.… Good luck, Lurleen.

Almost as exciting as our new governor is the discovery Thursday morning of a human skull over in the vacant lot by the old Threadgoode place.

It is not an Indian, said the coroner in Birmingham. It is not old enough, and it has a glass eye, and whoever it was had their head chopped off. Foul play is suspected, said the coroner. Anyone missing a person with a glass eye is asked to contact the Birmingham News. Or call me, I will do it for you. It is a blue eye.

My other half went and did a silly thing on me last Saturday. He went and had a heart attack, and about scared his poor wife to death. The doctor said it wasn’t all that serious but that he was going to have to give up smoking. So I’ve got me a big grumbly bear at home, but I’m babying him along and Mr. Wilbur Weems has gotten his breakfast in bed for the past week. Any of you old galoots out there who want to help me cheer him up, come on over … but don’t bring any cigarettes, because he will try to get them off of you. I know, he stole a pack of mine. Guess I’m going to have to give them up, myself.

I’m taking him on a vacation when he gets better.

… Dot Weems …
