JUNE 2, 1917

When Sipsey handed Onzell the twin boys she had just given birth to, she couldn’t believe her eyes. The oldest son, whom she named Jasper, was the color of a creamy cup of coffee, and the other one, named Artis, was black as coal.

Later, when Big George saw them, he about laughed his head off.

Sipsey was looking inside Artis’s mouth. “Lookie here, George, dis baby done got blue gums,” and she shook her head in dismay. “God help us.”

But Big George, who was not superstitious, was still laughing …

Ten years later, he didn’t think it was so funny. He had just whipped Artis within an inch of his life for stabbing his brother Jasper with a penknife. Artis had stabbed him five times in the arm before an older boy had pulled him off and thrown him across the yard.

Jasper had gotten up and had run down to the cafe, holding his bleeding arm and calling for his momma. Big George was out in the back, barbecuing, and saw Jasper first and carried him down to the doctor’s house.

Dr. Hadley cleaned him up and bandaged him, and when Jasper told the doctor that his brother had been the one who had done it, Big George was humiliated.

That night, both boys were in pain and couldn’t sleep. They were lying in bed, looking out the window at the full moon and listening to the night sounds of frogs and crickets.

Artis turned to his brother, who looked almost white in the moonlight. “I knowed I shouldn’ta done it … but it felt so good, I jes couldn’t stop.”
