OCTOBER 22, 1929

Meteorite to Be on Display at Cafe

Mrs. Biddie Louise Otis announced today that she was going to take the meteorite that came through her roof last week down to the cafe so people would stop calling her up about it, because she is busy moving. She said that it is nothing but a big gray rock, but if anyone wants to look at it they can.

Idgie says to come on in the cafe whenever you want to and she will have it on the counter.

Sorry I don’t have more news this week, but my other half, Wilbur, has the flu and I’ve had to wait on him hand and foot all week.

Is there anything worse than a man that’s sick?

We are sorry to report that our beloved 98-year-old Bessie Vick, Bertha’s mother-in-law, died yesterday, of what was thought to be old age.

… Dot Weems …
