Rust has two different types of constants which can be declared in any scope including global. Both require explicit type annotation:
• const: An unchangeable value (the common case).
• static: A possibly mutable variable with 'static lifetime. The static lifetime is inferred and does not have to be specified. Accessing or modifying a mutable static variable is unsafe.
// Globals are declared outside all other scopes.
static LANGUAGE: &str = "Rust";
const THRESHOLD: i32 = 10;
fn is_big(n: i32) -> bool {
// Access constant in some function
fn main() {
let n = 16;
// Access constant in the main thread
println!("This is {}", LANGUAGE);
println!("The threshold is {}", THRESHOLD);
println!("{} is {}", n, if is_big(n) { "big" } else { "small" });
// Error! Cannot modify a `const`.
// FIXME ^ Comment out this line
The const/static RFC, 'static lifetime