"That sure would be a big help," says Lou. "How do you think we might be able to do that?"
"Your bottlenecks are not maintaining a flow sufficient to meet demand and make money," he says. "So there is only one thing to do. We have to find more capacity."
"But we don't have the money for more capacity," says Lou.
"Or the time to install it," says Bob.
"I'm not talking about more capacity from one end of the plant to the other," says Jonah. "To increase the capacity of the plant is to increase the capacity of only the bottlenecks."
"You mean make them into non-bottlenecks," says Stacey.
"No," he says. "Absolutely not. The bottlenecks stay bottle- necks. What we must do is find enough capacity for the bottle- necks to become more equal to demand."
"Where're we going to find it?" asks Bob. "You mean it's just layin' around out there?"
"In effect, yes," says Jonah. "If you are like most manufac- turers, you will have capacity that is hidden from you because some of your thinking is incorrect. And I suggest that first of all we go into your plant and see for ourselves exactly how you are managing your two bottlenecks."
"Why not," I say. "After all, no one visits this plant and es- capes without a tour."
The six of us put on the safety glasses and hats and go into the plant. Jonah and I head the column as we walk through the double doors into the orange light. It's about halfway into second shift now and somewhat quieter than it is on day turn. That's good because it lets us hear each other better when we talk. I point out various stages of production to Jonah as we walk. I notice Jonah's eyes measuring the stacks of inventory piled every- where. I try to hurry us along.
"This is our NCX-10 n/c machine," I tell Jonah as we arrive at the big machine.
"And this is your bottleneck, correct?" asks Jonah.
"One of them," I say.
"Can you tell me why isn't it working right now?" asks Jo- nah.
Indeed, the NCX-10 is stopped at the moment.
I say, "Well... ah, good question. Bob, why isn't the NCX-10 running?"
Bob glances at his watch.