
How do you respect yourself staying with a man who can’t or won’t value you?

Yes, it’s hard if you run a business together, but the cheater is the one who must change and prove love.

Don’t even touch him till he begs and pleads; make him vacuum and clean the toilet, make him call and text you constantly.

You won’t forgive yourself if you don’t at least try to move past it.

We’re all human.

You’ll save on therapy bills.

You didn’t make him do it.

You have a strong foundation together; don’t throw it away. You might never find anyone else.

“Ginger!” The door banged and she came up the stairs. Guiltily, I closed the cheaters window. She came into the room, rosy and exultant, lifting me up.

“What is it?” I said. “What?”

She said, “I saw the distance! I knew where it was, and I don’t even know how! I saw it for the first time and I jumped perfect and we were going fast! Ginger, I am going to be in the competition!”
