Bass-fishing- Piscatus Percarum
Let me guess-you have to drink the beer to make room in the ice chest for all the fish you catch
Ut coniecturam faciam-necesse est tibi bibere cerevisiam ut locum in cista glaciei des piscibus captis
It’s a keeper!
Licet mihi hunc retinere!
Stock car racing- Certamen Curruum Generalium
When are they going to start running into each other and blowing up?
Quando inter se collidentes incipient in flammas dirumpi?
Pit stop!
Statio restaurativa!
Wrestling- Luctatus
Something tells me that the mean-looking bearded guy dressed up like the Ayatollah is no match for the wily Captain America
Suspicor illum truculentum barbatum ritu archierei Persici vestitum non esse comparem Centurioni Americano vafro
Smashmouth! Smackdown!
Ictus in os! Prostratio!
Bungee jumping- Saltus de Ponte
How dumb would you have to be to jump off a bridge with a rope tied to your foot?
Quam vecors sit is qui de ponte saliat pedibus funiculo ligatis?
Geronimo, geronimare!
Snowboarding- Super Nivem Labi
Hey dude, let’s head to the halfpipe, catch some major air, and stick some tricks!
Heus, laute, contendamus ad canalem nivalem ut aerem oppido capientes nonnullas technas exsequamur!
Super rad! I’m stoked!
Maxime radicitus! Flagro!
The Olympics- Olympia
I’ll vote for the Greek in the wrestling if you vote for the Roman in the chariot race
Graeco palmam dabo in certamine luctandi si Romano palmam dabis in certamine quadrigarum
Fiat haec pactio!