I’m afraid I have some bad news, doc
Vereor ne tristem tibi nuntium adferam, medice
I’ve noticed you have no concept of time-I’ve been waiting for over an hour
Animadverti te nullam notionem temporis habere-nam plus quam unam horam tibi praestolatus sum
Your handwriting on prescriptions is totally illegible and shows signs of dementia
Chirographum tuum quasi demens in medicamentorum praescriptis nemo legere potest
Your manner is oddly distracted
Te geris mirum in modum neglegenter
You have an extremely strange sense of humor
Inusitatissima iocaris
Your fees are insane
Mercedes tuae insanae sunt
I think you have a brain tumor
Puto te tuber in cerebro alere
I’ll stop in again in a year and see how you’re doing
Reveniam ad annum ut cognoscam de valetudine tua
Hang in there!
Perfer et obdura!