In attempting to create a comprehensive guidebook about the Carioca, those delightfully creative inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro, I think the author (with my generous input) has been quite successful. Believe me, if anyone can teach you how to be a local in Rio, she’s got a clear shot at it. And since I am a legitimate Carioca from birth, you’ve got to give me credit for being an authority on the subject.
Of course, the art of being a Carioca incorporates millions of cultural peculiarities, well beyond those mentioned in this book. With enough ideas and material to fill a twelve volume encyclopedia, we came to the conclusion, being the good Cariocas we are, that it would simply be too much work. Therefore, we decided to do an abbreviated version and focus on giving you, the gringo, the opportunity to fully acquaint yourself with the positive energy that, thanks to the Carioca, radiates from this outrageously charming city.