factual impediments - faktiski šķēršļi
fail to accept - izvairīties pieņemt
failure to act - bezdarbība
fall of the hammer - piesitums
family law - ģimenes tiesības
family (§ 214) - In the narrow sense of its definition, a family consists of the spouses and their children while they are still part of a common household. - ģimene
fault - vaina
fear - bailes
fictitiously - fiktīvi
filiation of a child - bērna izcelšanās
financial benefit - mantiska vērtība
financial value - mantiska vērtība
finder of lost property - nozaudētas lietas atradējs
finder's fee - atradēja alga
first lessor - pirmais iznomātājs
fishing right - zvejas tiesība
force - vardarbība
force majeure - nepārvarama vara
forced heir (§423) - Forced heirs are the spouse and descendants, but if there are no descendants, then ascendants of the nearest degree of kinship. - neatraidāms mantinieks
forfeiture of inheritances - mantojuma atraušana
founding documents - dibināšanas akts
fraud (§ 1459) - Fraud is the unlawful deception of another person for the purpose of inducing him or her to perform acts contrary to his or her interests or to refrain from such acts. - viltus
freight costs - veduma maksa
friendship purchase - draudzības pirkums
fruits (§ 855) - Fruits, within the widest meaning of this word, are every benefit which may be obtained through the use of a principal property. Fruits, within the narrowest meaning, are all that which may be obtained from a property, either as the natural product thereof or as income which it bears in connection with special legal relationships; in the former case, the fruits are called natural, in the latter, civil. Included in the latter shall be lease and rental payments and interest on capital. - augļi
fulfilment - izpildījums (1425.p.)
full kinship - pilnīga radniecība
full right of control - pilnīgas varas tiesība
fungible property - atvietojama lieta
future property - nākamā lieta