gambling contract (§ 2281) - A gambling contract is a contract by which profit to one party and loss to the other party are made contingent on an unknown future event. - spēles līgums

general power of attorney - ģenerālpilnvara

General Registry office - dzimtsarakstu nodaļa

generally useful purpose - vispārnoderīgs mērķis

gift (§ 1912) - A gift is a legal transaction whereby one person grants valuable property to another through generosity and without remuneration. - dāvinājums

give as present - dāvināt

give notice of claims - uzteikt prasījumus

give rise to a right - dot tiesību

good cause - svarīgs iemesls

goods - preces

grant rights - piešķirt tiesības

gross ingratitude - rupja nepateicība

gross insults - rupji apvainojumi

gross negligence - rupja neuzmanība

grow a crop - audzēt kultūru

guarantee (§ 1692) - A guarantee is a contractual duty to be liable for the debt of a third person without, however, releasing the third person from the debt. - galvojums

guarantor - galvinieks

guardian - aizbildnis

guardianship - aizbildnība

