parcel of land, piece of land - zemes gabals

parental authority - vecāku vara

parish - pagasts

parish court - pagasttiesa

part of a share - daļas daļa

partial kinship - nepilnīga radniecība

partnership - biedrība

partnership contract - sabiedrības līgums

passing of ownership - –īpašuma pāreja

pay court costs - atlīdzināt prāvas izdevumus

payment - maksājums, samaksa

penalty - pametums

performance - izpildījums

period - termiņš

permission - atļauja

permit - atļauja

person - persona

person being substituted for - atvietojamā persona

person lacking capacity to act - rīcības nespējīga persona

person who has acquired the property in bad faith - ļaunticīgs ieguvējs

person who has processed something - apstrādātājs

person whose property has been distressed - apķīlātais

personal attributes - personīgās īpašības

personal inclinations - personīgās tieksmes

personal rights - personiskas tiesības

personal servitudes (§ 1131) - A servitude established for the benefit of a specific natural or legal person is a personal servitude. - personālservitūti

person being put into possession - ievešana valdījumā

physical deficiencies - miesīgi trūkumi

place of residence (§ 7) - Place of residence (domicile) is that place where a person is voluntarily dwelling with the express or implied intent to permanently live and work there. - dzīves vieta

plaintiff - prasītājs

planted fields - sējumi

planting - stādīšana

pledge - ķīla

pledge right (§ 1278) - A pledge right is such right in regard to property of another (Section 841) as on the basis of which the property secures the claim of a creditor so that the creditor is able to receive from the property payment for such claim. - ķīlas tiesība

pledgee - ķīlas ņēmējs

pledger - ieķīlātājs

pledger - ķīlas devējs

pledging, pledge - ieķīlājums

pole - maikste

possession - valdījums

possessor in good faith (§ 910) - Possessors in good faith are those who are convinced that no other person has a greater right to possess the property than they, but possessors in bad faith are those who know that they do not have the right to possess the property or that some other person has greater right in this respect than they. - labticīgs valdītājs

possessory pledge (§ 1279) - A pledge right in regard to movable property is called a possessory pledge, if upon such property being pledged, possession of it is transferred to the creditor. - rokas ķīla

–potential lost income - varbūtējā atrautā peļņa–

power of attorney - pilnvara

predecessor - priekšgājējs

pre-emption - izpirkums

pre-emptor - izpircējs

preference - priekšrocība (873.p.)

preferential share - neatņemama daļa

pre-legacy - prelegāts

primary heir - –pirmmantinieks

primary purpose - pirmējais uzdevums (1211.p.)

principal - kapitāls (1362.p.)

principal debt - galvenais parāds

principal debtor - galvenais parādnieks

principal property (§ 850) - Principal property is that which may be the independent subject-matter of rights. However, property as exists only in conjunction with, belonging to or as otherwise associated with principal property (Section 851), is auxiliary property. - galvenās lietas

priority right - priekšrocība, pirmtiesība

private delict - personisks aizskārums

private rights - –privāttiesības

private volition - privāta griba

private will - privāts testaments

privation - trūkums

privileged will - privileģēts testaments

probable intent - šķietamas domas

proclamation - izsludināšana

profit - peļņa

profitability - ienesība

promise - solījums, apsolījums (1523.p.)

promisee - apsolījuma ņēmējs

promisor - apsolītājs

promissory note - parādraksts

proof - pierādījums

property - īpašums

property law - lietu tiesības

property of other person, another person'’s property - sveša lieta

property rights - lietu tiesības

property without heirs - bezmantinieku manta

proportionally - samērīgi

proprietor - saimnieks

protection of an estate - mantojuma apsardzība

provide by contract - pielīgt, paredzēt līgumā

provider of advice - padoma devējs

public duty - sabiedrisks pienākums

public waters - publiski ūdeņi

public will - publisks testaments

publishment - izsludināšana

purchase contract (§ 2002) - A purchase contract is a contract whereby one party promises to convey to the other certain property or rights for an agreed sum of money. - pirkuma līgums

purchase payment - pirkuma cena

purchase price - pirkuma cena, pirkuma maksa

purchaser - pircējs
