THE REST OF THE CLASS RUNS out of the classroom to go to recess. I get up to go to Mrs. Brook time and I decide to ask her if Dad can come see her since she doesn’t charge insurance. At least she never charges me insurance. And she said she could see him even though he’s a grown-up.
Mrs. Johnson says, Oh Caitlin. I almost forgot. Mrs. Brook isn’t here.
I know. She’s in her room.
No. She had to go out of town.
Her sister is having difficulty with her pregnancy.
I Look At The Person.
Mrs. Johnson looks at the floor and then at me. She’s having a lot of trouble with her twin babies who aren’t born yet.
I thought babies were only a lot of trouble after they were born.
Sometimes it’s before and after. So Mrs. Brook is going to see what she can do to help her sister. She sighs. I hope everything goes well.
I wonder what that means. What if it doesn’t?
I just mean I hope the babies… are fine.
What if they’re not? What’ll be wrong with them?
I’m sure they’ll be fine. Pregnancy is just… hard.
How does she know? Are you pregnant?
Mrs. Johnson’s face turns pinkish. N-no.
I don’t want to be pregnant either, I say. I have enough hard things to Deal With.
Mrs. Johnson lets me sit in the classroom instead of going to recess. She gives me paper so I can draw. I decide to draw a picture for Mrs. Brook of some stuffed animals looking at the Facial Expressions Chart because I have that chart memorized.
Mrs. Johnson says I should write a letter to Mrs. Brook to go with my drawing. I sigh because I’d rather draw but Mrs. Johnson Looks At The Person hard so I write the letter even though I’m much better at drawing than writing and Mrs. Johnson should know that by now.
Dear Mrs. Brook I’m sorry about your difficult sister and the babies who are still inside of her causing trouble. I hope they start behaving so you can come back soon. I will even practice my finesse and keep pace with you when we walk. And I promise I will be your friend. Scout’s honor.
Caitlin Ann Smith.