I’M PROUD WHEN I TELL MRS. Brook the chest is done. I also tell her that I have one really good friend which is Michael and one sort of maybe future friend which is Emma. And maybe Mr. Walters.

Mrs. Brook smiles. Do you think you’re coming to Closure?

I think so.

How about your dad?

I think working on the chest helped him too.

I’m very glad you came up with that idea, she says.

I smile because I’m glad too. But then I frown.

What’s wrong?

I don’t think I’ve gotten Closure for Michael.

She sighs. A lot of people still need to find Closure.

Who else?

The whole community Caitlin — especially the students and teachers at Virginia Dare Middle School. Oh! Did you hear? The school board voted to change the school name over the summer.


There are a lot of bad memories associated with that name. I think they’re trying to find Closure too.

I’m not sure I Get It but I try to figure it out. It doesn’t work. I don’t see how changing the name is going to bring Closure.

No. But it’s a step. Maybe you can come up with something else.

Me? Why me?

Because you’re going there next year. It’s part of your community.

Suddenly I don’t feel so proud anymore. I still need to find Closure for Michael AND I have to find Closure for a whole entire school. And now the community too? How am I going to do all that?
