Гордиевский О., Эндрю К. КГБ. Разведывательные операции от Ленина до Горбачева. М., 1999; Deacon R. A History of the British Secret Service. London, 1969; Deacon R. A History of the Soviet Secret Service. London, 1972; Andrew C. Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community. London, 1986; Spence R. Trust No One. The Secret World of Sidney Reily. Los Angeles, 2002; RayfieldD. Stalin and His Hangmen. N. Y., 2004; Andrew C., Mitrokhin V. The Mitrokhin Archive. The KGB in Europe and the West. Allen Lane: The Penguin Press, 1999, etc. Для более основательного знакомства с западной литературой о спецслужбах смотрите специальные библиографические издания: Rocca R.G., DziakJJ. Bibliography on Soviet Intelligence and Security Services. Boulder, 1985; Parrish M. Soviet Security and Intelligence Organization, 1917–1990: A Bibliographical Dictionary and Review of Literature in English. N. Y., Westport, 1992, etc.
