VIII. Horse Feathers (чушь собачья; досл. перья лошади)

Brigid O'Shaughnessy was huddled (Бриджит О’Шонесси съежилась) in the armchair by the table (в кресле у стола). Her forearms were up (ее предплечья были подняты вверх) over her cheeks (над ее щеками), her knees drawn up until (ее колени подняты до тех пор) they hid the lower part of her face (пока они не скрыли нижнюю часть ее лица). Her eyes were white-circled (ее глаза были широко распахнуты: «с белыми кругами») and terrified (и испуганы).

huddle [hAdl] forearm ['fO:rQ:m] terrify ['terIfaI]

Brigid O'Shaughnessy was huddled in the armchair by the table. Her forearms were up over her cheeks, her knees drawn up until they hid the lower part of her face. Her eyes were white-circled and terrified.

Joel Cairo stood in front of her (Джоэль Кейро стоял перед ней), bending over her (склонившись над ней), holding in one hand the pistol (держа в одной руке пистолет) Spade had twisted out of his hand (который Спейд выкрутил у него из рук). His other hand (его другая рука) was clapped to his forehead (была прижата к его лбу). Blood ran through the fingers of that hand (кровь бежала сквозь пальцы этой руки) and down under them (и вниз, под них) to his eyes (к его глазам). A smaller trickle (струйка поменьше) from his cut lip (с его рассеченной губы) made three wavy lines (делала три извилистые линии) across his chin (через его подбородок = по его подбородку).

bending ['bendIN] pistol ['pIstl] chin [tSIn]

Joel Cairo stood in front of her, bending over her, holding in one hand the pistol Spade had twisted out of his hand. His other hand was clapped to his forehead. Blood ran through the fingers of that hand and down under them to his eyes. A smaller trickle from his cut lip made three wavy lines across his chin.

Cairo did not heed the detectives (Кейро не обратил внимания на детективов; heed — внимание, осторожность; to heed — обращать внимание, учитывать). He was glaring at the girl (он уставился на девушку) huddled in front of him (съежившуюся перед ним). His lips were working spasmodically (его губы двигались судорожно), but no coherent sound (но никакого связного звука) came from between them (они не издавали: «между ними не исходило»).

Dundy, the first of the three into the living-room (Данди, первый из трех вошедший в гостиную), moved swiftly to Cairo's side (поспешно двинулся в сторону Кейро), put a hand on his own hip (положил руку на свое собственное бедро) under his overcoat (под своим пальто), a hand on the Levantine's wrist (руку на запястье левантинца), and growled (и прорычал): "What are you up to here (чего это вы замышляете /здесь/)?"

glaring ['gle(q)rIN] spasmodically [spxz'mOdIkqlI] under ['Andq]

Cairo did not heed the detectives. He was glaring at the girl huddled in front of him. His lips were working spasmodically, but no coherent sound came from between them.

Dundy, the first of the three into the living-room, moved swiftly to Cairo's side, put a hand on his own hip under his overcoat, a hand on the Levantine's wrist, and growled: "What are you up to here?"

Cairo took the red-smeared hand (Кейро убрал измазанную красным руку) from his head (со своей головы) and flourished it (и взмахнул ею) close to the Lieutenant's face (близко к лицу лейтенанта). Uncovered by the hand (больше не покрытый рукой), his forehead showed (его лоб показал) a three-inch ragged tear (рваную царапину в три дюйма; tear — разрыв, прореха, дыра). "This is what she has done (это то, что она сделала)," he cried (крикнул он). "Look at it (посмотрите на это)."

smear [smIq] flourish ['flArIS] uncovered [An'kAvqd]

Cairo took the red-smeared hand from his head and flourished it close to the Lieutenant's face. Uncovered by the hand, his forehead showed a three-inch ragged tear. "This is what she has done," he cried. "Look at it."

The girl put her feet down on the floor (девушка опустила свои ноги на пол) and looked warily from Dundy (и осторожно перевела взгляд от Данди), holding Cairo's wrist (держащего запястье Кейро), to Tom Polhaus (на Тома Полхауза), standing a little behind them (стоявшего немного за ними), to Spade (на Спейда), leaning against the door-frame (прислонившегося к дверной коробке: «раме»). Spade's face was placid (лицо Спейда было безмятежно). When his gaze met hers (когда его взгляд встретился с ее) his yellow-grey eyes glinted for an instant (его желто-серые глаза на мгновение блеснули) with malicious humor (злобным юмором) and then became expressionless again (а потом снова стали невыразительными; expression — выражение).

leaning ['li:nIN] frame [freIm] malicious [mq'lISqs]

The girl put her feet down on the floor and looked warily from Dundy, holding Cairo's wrist, to Tom Polhaus, standing a little behind them, to Spade, leaning against the door-frame. Spade's face was placid. When his gaze met hers his yellow-grey eyes glinted for an instant with malicious humor and then became expressionless again.

"Did you do that (это сделали вы)?" Dundy asked the girl (спросил девушку Данди), nodding at Cairo's cut head (кивая на рассеченную голову Кейро).

She looked at Spade again (она снова посмотрела на Спейда). He did not in any way (он никаким образом) respond (не ответил) to the appeal in her eyes (на призыв ее глаз). He leaned against the door-frame (он прислонился к дверной раме) and observed the occupants of the room (и наблюдал за находящимися в комнате) with the polite detached air (с вежливым отстраненным выражением лица; air — воздух, атмосфера; манера, вид) of a disinterested spectator (незаинтересованного наблюдателя).

respond [rI'spOnd] observed [qb'zq:vd] occupant ['OkjVpqnt]

"Did you do that?" Dundy asked the girl, nodding at Cairo's cut head.

She looked at Spade again. He did not in any way respond to the appeal in her eyes. He leaned against the door-frame and observed the occupants of the room with the polite detached air of a disinterested spectator.

The girl turned her eyes up to Dundy's (девушка повернула свои глаза к глазам Данди). Her eyes were wide (ее глаза были широко распахнутыми) and dark (и темными) and earnest (и серьезными). "I had to (я была вынуждена)," she said in a low throbbing voice (сказала она тихим трепещущим голосом; to throb — сильно биться/пульсировать; беспокоиться, трепетать). "I was all alone in here with him (я была совсем одна с ним здесь) when he attacked me (когда он напал на меня). I couldn't (я не могла) — I tried to keep him off (я пыталась держать его подальше). I (я) — I couldn't make myself shoot him (я не смогла заставить себя застрелить его)."

turned [tq:nd] throbbing ['TrObIN] attack [q'txk]

The girl turned her eyes up to Dundy's. Her eyes were wide and dark and earnest. "I had to," she said in a low throbbing voice. "I was all alone in here with him when he attacked me. I couldn't — I tried to keep him off. I — I couldn't make myself shoot him."

"Oh, you liar (о, вы — лгунья)!" Cairo cried (закричал Кейро), trying unsuccessfully to pull the arm (безуспешно пытаясь вытащить руку; success— успех) that held his pistol (которая держала пистолет) out of Dundy's grip (из хватки Данди). "Oh, you dirty filthy liar (о, вы — грязная, низкая лгунья)!" He twisted himself around (он повернулся) to face Dundy (чтобы стать лицом к Данди). "She's lying awfully (она ужасно лжет). I came here in good faith (я пришел сюда с честными намерениями) and was attacked by both of them (и подвергся нападению их обоих), and when you came (а когда вы пришли) he went out to talk to you (он вышел, чтобы поговорить с вами), leaving her here with this pistol (оставив ее здесь с этим пистолетом), and then she said (и потом она сказала) they were going to kill me (что они собираются убить меня) after you left (после того, как вы уйдете), and I called for help (и я позвал на помощь), so you wouldn't leave me here (чтобы вы не оставили меня здесь) to be murdered (на убиение), and then she struck me (и потом она ударила меня) with the pistol (этим пистолетом)."

unsuccessfully ["Ansqk'sesf(q)lI] awfully ['O:f(q)lI] struck [strAk]

"Oh, you liar!" Cairo cried, trying unsuccessfully to pull the arm that held his pistol out of Dundy's grip. "Oh, you dirty filthy liar!" He twisted himself around to face Dundy. "She's lying awfully. I came here in good faith and was attacked by both of them, and when you came he went out to talk to you, leaving her here with this pistol, and then she said they were going to kill me after you left, and I called for help, so you wouldn't leave me here to be murdered, and then she struck me with the pistol."

"Here, give me this thing (ну-ка, дайте мне этот пистолет)," Dundy said, and took the pistol from Cairo's hand (и взял пистолет из руки Кейро), "Now let's get this straight (теперь давайте разберемся; straight — прямо). What'd you come here for (для чего вы сюда пришли)?"

"He sent for me (он послал за мной)." Cairo twisted his head around (Кейро повернул голову; to twist — крутить, вить/ся/) to stare defiantly at Spade (чтобы вызывающе уставиться на Спейда). "He called me up on the phone (он позвонил мне по телефону) and asked me to come here (и попросил меня прийти сюда)."

Spade blinked sleepily at the Levantine (Спейд сонно моргнул на левантинца) and said nothing (и ничего не сказал).

defiantly [dI'faIqntlI] call [kO:l] blink [blINk]

"Here, give me this thing," Dundy said, and took the pistol from Cairo's hand, "Now let's get this straight. What'd you come here for?"

"He sent for me." Cairo twisted his head around to stare defiantly at Spade. "He called me up on the phone and asked me to come here."

Spade blinked sleepily at the Levantine and said nothing.

Dundy asked (Данди спросил): "What'd he want you for (для чего вы ему были нужны)?"

Cairo withheld his reply (Кейро задержал свой ответ) until he had mopped his bloody forehead (пока он не вытер свой окровавленный лоб) and chin (и подбородок) with a lavender-barred silk handkerchief (бледно-лиловым: «лавандовым» полосатым шелковым носовым платком). By then (к этому времени) some of the indignation in his manner (некоторое негодование в его манере поведения) had been replaced by caution (сменилось на осторожность). "He said he wanted (он сказал, он хочет) — they wanted (они хотят) — to see me (видеть меня). I didn't know what about (я не знал, для чего)."

Tom Polhaus lowered his head (Том Полхауз наклонил голову), sniffed the odor of chypre (вдохнул запах шипра) that the mopping handkerchief (который носовой платок, которым он вытирал /лицо/) had released in the air (распространял в воздухе; to release — освобождать), and turned his head (и повернул голову) to scowl interrogatively at Spade (чтобы сердито и вопросительно посмотреть на Спейда). Spade winked at him (Спейд подмигнул ему) and went on rolling a cigarette (и продолжал сворачивать сигарету).

withheld [wID'held] indignation ["IndIg'neIS(q)n] interrogatively ["Intq'rOgqtIvlI]

Dundy asked: "What'd he want you for?"

Cairo withheld his reply until he had mopped his bloody forehead and chin with a lavender-barred silk handkerchief. By then some of the indignation in his manner had been replaced by caution. "He said he wanted — they wanted — to see me. I didn't know what about."

Tom Polhaus lowered his head, sniffed the odor of chypre that the mopping handkerchief had released in the air, and turned his head to scowl interrogatively at Spade. Spade winked at him and went on rolling a cigarette.

Dundy asked (Данди спросил): "Well, what happened then (ну, что случилось потом)?"

"Then they attacked me (потом они напали на меня). She struck me first (она ударила меня первой), and then he choked me (а потом он стал душить меня) and took time pistol (и взял мой пистолет) out of my pocket (из моего кармана). I don't know (я не знаю) what they would have done next (что бы они сделали после этого: «следующим») if you hadn't arrived at that moment (если бы вы не пришли: «прибыли» в этот момент). I dare say (осмелюсь сказать) they would have murdered me (они убили бы меня) then and there (тут же, на месте: «тогда и там»). When he went out (когда он вышел) to answer the bell (чтобы ответить на звонок = открыть дверь) he left her here with the pistol (он оставил ее здесь с пистолетом) to watch over me (чтобы следить за мной)."

next [nekst] arrive [q'raIv] bell [bel]

Dundy asked: "Well, what happened then?"

"Then they attacked me. She struck me first, and then he choked me and took time pistol out of my pocket. I don't know what they would have done next if you hadn't arrived at that moment. I dare say they would have murdered me then and there. When he went out to answer the bell he left her here with the pistol to watch over me."

Brigid O'Shaughnessy jumped out of the armchair (Бриджит О’Шонесси выскочила из кресла) crying (крича), "Why don't you make him (почему вы не заставите его) tell the truth (сказать правду)?" and slapped Cairo on the cheek (и ударила Кейро по щеке).

Cairo yelled inarticulately (Кейро нечленораздельно завопил).

Dundy pushed the girl back into the chair (Данди толкнул девушку обратно в кресло) with the hand (рукой) that was not holding the Levantine's arm (которая не держала руку левантинца) and growled (и зарычал): "None of that now (прекратите уж это, хватит: «ничего из этого сейчас»)."

truth [tru:T] yell [jel] inarticulate ["InQ:'tIkjqlqt]

Brigid O'Shaughnessy jumped out of the armchair crying, "Why don't you make him tell the truth?" and slapped Cairo on the cheek.

Cairo yelled inarticulately.

Dundy pushed the girl back into the chair with the hand that was not holding the Levantine's arm and growled: "None of that now."

Spade, lighting his cigarette (Спейд, зажигая свою сигарету), grinned softly through smoke (мягко улыбнулся сквозь дым) and told Tom (и сказал Тому): "She's impulsive (а она импульсивна)."

"Yeah (да)," Tom agreed (согласился Том).

Dundy scowled down at the girl (Данди сердито посмотрел на девушку) and asked (и спросил): "What do you want (что вы хотите) us to think the truth is (чтобы мы считали правдой)?"

"Not what he said (не то, что он сказал)," she replied (ответила она). "Not anything he said (абсолютно ничего из того, что он сказал)." She turned to Spade (она повернулась к Спейду). "Is it (так)?"

"How do I know (откуда я знаю)?" Spade responded (ответил Спейд). "I was out in the kitchen (я был там, на кухне) mixing an omelette (смешивая омлет = готовя омлет) when it all happened, wasn't I (когда все это случилось, не так ли)?"

impulsive [Im'pAlsIv] kitchen ['kItSIn] omelette ['OmlIt]

Spade, lighting his cigarette, grinned softly through smoke and told Tom: "She's impulsive."

"Yeah," Tom agreed.

Dundy scowled down at the girl and asked: "What do you want us to think the truth is?"

"Not what he said," she replied. "Not anything he said." She turned to Spade. "Is it?"

"How do I know'?" Spade responded. "I was out in the kitchen mixing an omelette when it all happened, wasn't I?"

She wrinkled her forehead (она нахмурила лоб; to wrinkle — морщинить, покрывать складками), studying him with eyes (изучая его глазами) that perplexity clouded (которые омрачило недоумение).

Tom grunted in disgust (Том /что-то/ промычал с отвращением; to grunt— хрюкать; ворчать, бормотать).

Dundy, still scowling at the girl (Данди, все еще сердито смотря на девушку), ignored Spade's speech (проигнорировал речь Спейда) and asked her (и спросил ее): "If he's not telling the truth (если он не говорит правду), how come (как так получилось, что) he did the squawking for help (он орал о помощи), and not you (а не вы)?"

"Oh, he was frightened to death (о, он был до смерти напуган) when I struck him (когда я ударила его)," she replied (ответила она), looking contemptuously at the Levantine (презрительно глядя на левантинца; contempt— презрение).

disgust [dIs'gAst] ignore [Ig'nO:] frightened ['fraItnd]

She wrinkled her forehead, studying him with eyes that perplexity clouded.

Tom grunted in disgust.

Dundy, still scowling at the girl, ignored Spade's speech and asked her: "If he's not telling the truth, how come he did the squawking for help, and not you?"

"Oh, he was frightened to death when I struck him," she replied, looking contemptuously at the Levantine.

Cairo's face flushed (лицо Кейро покрылось румянцем) where it was not blood-smeared (там, где оно не было замазано кровью). He exclaimed (он воскликнул): "Pfoo! Another lie (фу! опять ложь: «другая ложь»)!"

She kicked his leg (она пнула его ногу), the high heel of her blue slipper (высокий каблук ее голубой туфли) striking him (ударила его) just below the knee (прямо под колено). Dundy pulled him away from her (Данди оттащил его от нее) while big Tom came (в то время, как большой Том подошел) to stand close to her (чтобы стать к ней ближе), rumbling (громыхая): "Behave, sister (ведите себя хорошо, сестренка). That's no way to act (так делать нельзя)."

"Then make him tell the truth (тогда заставьте его говорить правду)," she said defiantly (сказала она вызывающе).

blood [blAd] slipper ['slıpq] act [xkt]

Cairo's face flushed where it was not blood-smeared. He exclaimed: "Pfoo! Another lie!"

She kicked his leg, the high heel of her blue slipper striking him just below the knee. Dundy pulled him away from her while big Tom came to stand close to her, rumbling: "Behave, sister. That's no way to act."

"Then make him tell the truth," she said defiantly.

"We'll do that all right (мы это сделаем, будьте уверены)," he promised (пообещал он). "Just don't get rough (только не грубите; rough — неровный, шершавый; грубый)." Dundy, looking at Spade (Данди, глядя на Спейда) with green eyes (зелеными глазами) hard and bright and satisfied (жестко и радостно, и удовлетворенно), addressed his subordinate (обратился к своему подчиненному): "Well, Tom (ну, Том), I don't guess (я не думаю) we'll go wrong (что мы ошибемся) pulling the lot of them in (если арестуем их всех; to pull — тащить, тянуть)."

Tom nodded gloomily (Том мрачно кивнул).

subordinate [sq'bO:dInIt] lot [lOt] nod [nOd]

"We'll do that all right," he promised. "Just don't get rough." Dundy, looking at Spade with green eyes hard and bright and satisfied, addressed his subordinate: "Well, Tom, I don't guess we'll go wrong pulling the lot of them in."

Tom nodded gloomily.

Spade left the door (Спейд оставил дверь) and advanced to the center of the room (и приблизился к центру комнаты; to advance — идти вперед, продвигаться), dropping his cigarette into a tray on the table (бросая сигарету в пепельницу на столе) as he passed it (когда он проходил мимо нее). His smile and manner (его улыбка и манера поведения) were amiably composed (были по-дружески сдержанными). "Don't be in a hurry (не торопитесь)," he said. "Everything can be explained (все можно объяснить: «все может быть объяснено»)."

"I bet you (я убежден, что вы /можете/; tobet— держать пари)," Dundy agreed, sneering (согласился Данди, насмешливо улыбаясь).

hurry ['hArI] everything ['evrITIN] sneering ['snI(q)rIN]

Spade left the door and advanced to the center of the room, dropping his cigarette into a tray on the table as he passed it. His smile and manner were amiably composed. "Don't be in a hurry," he said. "Everything can be explained."

"I bet you," Dundy agreed, sneering.

Spade bowed to the girl (Спейд поклонился девушке). "Miss O'Shaughnessy (мисс О’Шонесси)," he said, "may I present Lieutenant Dundy and Detective-sergeant Polhaus (могу я представить лейтенанта Данди и детектива-сержанта Полхауза)." He bowed to Dundy (он поклонился Данди). "Miss O'Shaughnessy is an operative in my employ (мисс О’Шонесси — частный детектив, работающая на меня; employ — работа по найму, служба)."

Joel Cairo said indignantly (Джоэль Кейро сказал негодующе): "That isn't so (это не так). She (она) —"

present [prI'zent] operative ['Op(q)rqtIv] employ [Im'plOI]

Spade bowed to the girl. "Miss O'Shaughnessy," he said, "may I present Lieutenant Dundy and Detective-sergeant Polhaus." He bowed to Dundy. "Miss O'Shaughnessy is an operative in my employ."

Joel Cairo said indignantly: "That isn't so. She — "

Spade interrupted him (Спейд прервал его) in a quite loud (довольно громким), but still genial, voice (но еще доброжелательным голосом): "I hired her just recently (я нанял ее совсем недавно), yesterday (вчера). This is Mr. Joel Cairo (это мистер Джоэль Кейро), a friend (друг) — an acquaintance (знакомый), at any rate (во всяком случае) — of Thursby's (/знакомый/ Терсби). He came to me this afternoon (он пришел ко мне сегодня днем) and tried to hire me (и пытался нанять меня) to find something (чтобы найти кое-что) Thursby was supposed to have on him (что, предположительно, было у Терсби с собой) when he was bumped off (когда его убили). It looked funny (это выглядело забавным), the way he put it to me (то, каким образом он предложил это мне), so I wouldn't touch it (поэтому я не стал бы заниматься этим; to touch— касаться, трогать). Then he pulled a gun (потом он вытащил пистолет) — well, never mind that (ну, никогда не придавал этому значения/это пустяки, неважно) unless it comes to a point (если только это не приводит к /моменту/) of laying charges against each other (взаимных обвинений; charge— нагрузка, забота, обязанность, цена).

genial ['dZi:nIql] recently ['ri:s(q)ntlI] bumped [bAmpt]

Spade interrupted him in a quite loud, but still genial, voice: "I hired her just recently, yesterday. This is Mr. Joel Cairo, a friend — an acquaintance, at any rate — of Thursby's. He came to me this afternoon and tried to hire me to find something Thursby was supposed to have on him when he was bumped off. It looked funny, the way he put it to me, so I wouldn't touch it. Then he pulled a gun — well, never mind that unless it comes to a point of laying charges against each other.

Anyway (во всяком случае), after talking it over with Miss O'Shaughnessy (после обсуждения этого с мисс О’Шонесси), I thought maybe (я подумал, что может быть) I could get something out of him (я смогу выудить что-нибудь из него) about Miles's and Thursby's killings (об убийствах Майлза и Терсби), so I asked him to come up here (поэтому я попросил его прийти сюда). Maybe we put the questions to him a little rough (может быть, мы задавали вопросы ему немного сурово), but he wasn't hurt any (но ему совсем не причинили вреда; to hurt — причинять боль, повредить), not enough (недостаточно) to have to cry for help (чтобы кричать о помощи). I'd already had to take his gun away (я уже раз был вынужден забрать его пистолет) from him again (у него снова)."

As Spade talked (когда Спейд говорил) anxiety came into Cairo's reddened face (беспокойство появилось на покрасневшем лице Кейро). His eyes moved jerkily up and down (его глаза двигались судорожно вверх и вниз), shifting their focus uneasily (меняя их фокус беспокойно) between the floor (между полом) and Spade's bland face (и вежливым лицом Спейда).

killing ['kIlIN] rough [rAf] anxiety [xN'zaIqtI]

Anyway, after talking it over with Miss O'Shaughnessy, I thought maybe I could get something out of him about Miles's and Thursby's killings, so I asked him to come up here. Maybe we put the questions to him a little rough, but he wasn't hurt any, not enough to have to cry for help. I'd already had to take his gun away from him again."

As Spade talked anxiety came into Cairo's reddened face. His eyes moved jerkily up and down, shifting their focus uneasily between the floor and Spade's bland face.

Dundy confronted Cairo (Данди встал перед Кейро) and briskly demanded (и оживленно/живо = быстро, энергично потребовал): "Well, what've you got to say to that (ну, что вы можете сказать на это)?"

Cairo had nothing to say (Кейро не мог ничего сказать) for nearly a minute (приблизительно минуту) while he stared at the Lieutenant's chest (пока он пристально смотрел на грудь лейтенанта). When he lifted his eyes (когда он поднял свои глаза) they were shy and wary (они были робкими и настороженными). "I don't know what I should say (я не знаю, что я должен сказать)," he murmured (пробормотал он). His embarrassment seemed genuine (его замешательство казалось неподдельным).

"Try telling the facts (попытайтесь рассказать факты)," Dundy suggested (предложил Данди).

"The facts?" Cairo's eyes fidgeted (глаза Кейро беспокойно двигались), though their gaze did not actually leave the Lieutenant's (хотя их взгляд, на самом деле, не покидал взгляда лейтенанта). "What assurance have I (какую гарантию я имею) that the facts will he believed (что фактам поверят)?"

briskly [brIsklI] shy [SaI] fact [fxkt]

Dundy confronted Cairo and briskly demanded: "Well, what've you got to say to that?"

Cairo had nothing to say for nearly a minute while he stared at the Lieutenant's chest. When he lifted his eyes they were shy and wary. "I don't know what I should say," he murmured. His embarrassment seemed genuine.

"Try telling the facts," Dundy suggested.

"The facts?" Cairo's eyes fidgeted, though their gaze did not actually leave the Lieutenant's. "What assurance have I that the facts will he believed?"

"Quit stalling (бросьте увиливать). All you've got to do (все, что вы должны сделать) is swear to a complaint (это дать показания по поводу жалобы на то; to swear — клясться, давать клятву) that they took a poke at you (что они подняли на вас руку; poke — толчок, удар кулаком) and the warrant-clerk will believe you enough (и офицер /выписывающий ордер на арест/ поверит вам достаточно) to issue a warrant (чтобы выписать ордер на арест) that'll let us throw them in the can (который позволит нам бросить их в каталажку; can — коробка, консервная банка, бидон, чехол)."

Spade spoke in an amused tone (Спейд сказал веселым тоном): "Go ahead, Cairo (вперед/давай, Кейро). Make him happy (сделайте его счастливым). Tell him you'll do it (скажите ему, что вы сделаете это), and then we'll swear to one against you (и тогда мы дадим показания против вас), and he'll have the lot of us (и он будет иметь всех нас)."

Cairo cleared his throat (Кейро прочистил свое горло) and looked nervously around the room (и нервно оглядел комнату), not into the eyes of anyone there (но не в глаза кого бы то ни было).

quit [kwIt] swear [sweq] complaint [kqm'pleInt]

"Quit stalling. All you've got to do is swear to a complaint that they took a poke at you and the warrant-clerk will believe you enough to issue a warrant that'll let us throw them in the can."

Spade spoke in an amused tone: "Go ahead, Cairo. Make him happy. Tell him you'll do it, and then we'll swear to one against you, and he'll have the lot of us."

Cairo cleared his throat and looked nervously around the room, not into the eyes of anyone there.

Dundy blew breath through his nose (Данди выдохнул через /свой/ нос) in a puff (коротким выдохом) that was not quite a snort (который был почти что фырканьем) and said (и сказал): "Get your hats (возьмите ваши шляпы)."

Cairo's eyes (глаза Кейро), holding worry and a question (сохраняя беспокойство и вопрос), met Spade's mocking gaze (встретил насмешливый взгляд Спейда). Spade winked at him (Спейд подмигнул ему) and sat on the arm (и сел на подлокотник) of the padded rocker (обитого кресла-качалки). "Well, boys amid girls (ну, мальчики с девочками)," he said, grinning at the Levantine (улыбаясь левантинцу) and at the girl (и девушке) with nothing but delight (ни с чем иным, как с восторгом) in his voice and grin (в голосе и улыбке), "we put it over nicely (мы мило все это проделали)."

Dundy's hard square face (жесткое квадратное лицо Данди) darkened the least of shades (потемнело чрезвычайно: «до малейших оттенков»). He repeated peremptorily (он повторил категорично): "Get your hats (возьмите ваши шляпы)."

blew [blu:] puff [pAf] peremptory [pq'rempt(q)rI]

Dundy blew breath through his nose in a puff that was not quite a snort and said: "Get your hats."

Cairo's eyes, holding worry and a question, met Spade's mocking gaze. Spade winked at him and sat on the arm of the padded rocker. "Well, boys amid girls," he said, grinning at the Levantine and at the girl with nothing but delight in his voice and grin, "we put it over nicely."

Dundy's hard square face darkened the least of shades. He repeated peremptorily: "Get your hats."

Spade turned his grin on the Lieutenant (Спейд повернул свою ухмылку к лейтенанту), squirmed into a more comfortable position (устроился в более удобное положение; to squirm — корчиться, увиливать, извиваться) on the chair-arm (на подлокотнике кресла) and asked lazily (и лениво спросил): "Don't you know (/разве/ вы не видите: «знаете») when you're lacing kidded (когда над вами так явно подшутили; to lace — украшать кружевом, шнуровать; бить, стегать)?"

Tom Polhaus's face became red and shiny (лицо Тома Полхауза стало красным и блестящим).

Dundy's face, still darkening (лицо Данди, все еще темнея), was immobile (было неподвижным) except for lips moving stiffly (исключая губы, натянуто двигающихся) to say (чтобы сказать): "No, but we'll let that wait (нет, но это может подождать) till we get down to the Hall (до тех пор, когда мы доберемся в управление)."

Spade rose (Спейд встал) and put his hands in his trousers-pockets (и сунул свои руки в карманы своих брюк). He stood erect (он стоял прямо) so he might look that much farther down at the Lieutenant (так что он мог смотреть настолько дальше вниз на лейтенанта = еще более свысока). His grin was a taunt (его улыбка была насмешкой) and self-certainty spoke in every line of his posture (и самоуверенность говорила в каждой линии его позы).

lacing ['leIsIN] shiny ['SaInI] immobile [I'mqVbaIl]

Spade turned his grin on the Lieutenant, squirmed into a more comfortable position on the chair-arm and asked lazily: "Don't you know when you're lacing kidded?"

Tom Polhaus's face became red and shiny.

Dundy's face, still darkening, was immobile except for lips moving stiffly to say: "No, but we'll let that wait till we get down to the Hall."

Spade rose and put his hands in his trousers-pockets. He stood erect so he might look that much farther down at the Lieutenant. His grin was a taunt and self-certainty spoke in every line of his posture.

"I dare you (только попробуйте; to dare— сметь, отважиться, рисковать; бросать вызов) to take us in, Dundy (арестовать нас, Данди)," he said (сказал он). "We'll laugh at you (мы будем смеяться над вами) in every newspaper in San Francisco (в каждой газете Сан-Франциско). You don't think (вы же не думаете) any of us (что кто-нибудь из нас) is going to swear to any complaints (собирается давать любые показания) against the others (против других), do you (не так ли)? Wake up (проснитесь). You've been kidded (над вами подшутили). When the bell rang (когда звонок зазвонил) I said to Miss O'Shaughnessy and Cairo (я сказал мисс О’Шонесси и Кейро): 'It's those damned bulls again (это снова те проклятые копы; bull — бык, буйвол; полицейский). They're getting to be nuisances (они становятся занудливы). Let's play a joke on them (давайте подшутим над ними; joke — шутка). When you hear them going (когда вы услышите, что они уходят) one of you scream (пусть один из вас закричит), and then we'll see (а потом мы посмотрим) how far we can string them along (как далеко мы можем водить их за нос; to string — натягивать, напрягать, связывать) before they tumble (пока они не догадаются; to tumble — упасть, обрушиться).' And (и) —."

rang [rxN] nuisance ['nju:s(q)ns] joke [dZqVk]

"I dare you to take us in, Dundy," he said. "We'll laugh at you in every newspaper in San Francisco. You don't think any of us is going to swear to any complaints against the others, do you? Wake up. You've been kidded. When the bell rang I said to Miss O'Shaughnessy and Cairo: 'It's those damned bulls again. They're getting to be nuisances. Let's play a joke on them. When you hear them going one of you scream, and then we'll see how far we can string them along before they tumble.' And — "

Brigid O'Shaughnessy bent forward (Бриджит О’Шонесси нагнулась вперед) in her chair (в своем кресле) and began to laugh hysterically (и начала истерически хохотать).

Cairo started and smiled (Кейро вздрогнул и улыбнулся; to start — начинать, отправляться в путь). There was no vitality in his smile (в его улыбке не было жизненности), but he held it fixed on his face (но он держал ее неподвижно на своем лице).

Tom, glowering, grumbled (Том, глядя сердито, прогрохотал): "Cut it out, Sam (перестань, Сэм)."

Spade chuckled and said (Спейд захихикал и сказал): "But that's the way it was (но это то, как все было). We (мы ) —"

"And the cut on his head and mouth (а рана на его голове и губах: «рту»)?" Dundy asked scornfully (спросил Данди презрительно). "Where'd they come from (откуда они появились)?"

hysterically [hI'sterIk(q)lI] vitality [vaI'txlItI] scornfully ['skO:nf(q)lI]

Brigid O'Shaughnessy bent forward in her chair and began to laugh hysterically.

Cairo started and smiled. There was no vitality in his smile, but he held it fixed on his face.

Tom, glowering, grumbled: "Cut it out, Sam."

Spade chuckled and said: "But that's the way it was. We — "

"And the cut on his head and mouth?" Dundy asked scornfully. "Where'd they come from?"

"Ask him (спросите его)," Spade suggested (предложил Спейд). "Maybe he cut himself shaving (может, он порезался, когда брился)."

Cairo spoke quickly (Кейро быстро заговорил), before he could be questioned (прежде чем он мог быть спрошен), and the muscles of his face quivered (и мускулы его лица дрожали) under the strain of holding his smile in place (под напряжением от удержания улыбки на месте) while he spoke (пока он говорил). "I fell (я упал). We intended to be struggling for the pistol (мы собирались бороться за пистолет) when you came in (когда вы войдете), but I fell (но я упал). I tripped on the end of the rug (я споткнулся о край ковра) and fell (и упал) while we were pretending to struggle (когда мы собирались изобразить борьбу)."

Dundy said (Данди сказал): "Horse feathers (чушь собачья; horse — лошадь, feather — перо)."

shaving ['SeIvIN] tripped [tript] rug [rAg]

"Ask him," Spade suggested. "Maybe he cut himself shaving."

Cairo spoke quickly, before he could be questioned, and the muscles of his face quivered under the strain of holding his smile in place while he spoke. "I fell. We intended to be struggling for the pistol when you came in, but I fell. I tripped on the end of the rug and fell while we were pretending to struggle."

Dundy said: "Horse feathers."

Spade said: "That's all right, Dundy (все хорошо, Данди), believe it or not (верьте в это или нет). The point is (дело в том) that that's our story (что это наша история) and we'll stick to it (и мы будем придерживаться ее; to stick — наклеивать, приклеивать). The newspapers will print it (газеты напечатают ее) whether they believe it or not (поверят они в нее или нет), and it'll be just as funny (и это будет также забавно) one way as the other (в любом случае: «одним образом, как и другим»), or more so (или даже больше). What are you going to do about it (что вы собираетесь делать с этим)? It's no crime (это же не преступление) to kid a copper (подшутить над полицейским), is it (не так ли)? You haven't got anything on anybody here (у вас ничего нет, на кого бы то ни было здесь). Everything we told you (все, что мы вам рассказали) was part of the joke (было частью шутки). What are you going to do about it (что вы собираетесь с этим делать)?"

believe [bI'li:v] stick [stIk] crime [kraIm]

Spade said: "That's all right, Dundy, believe it or not. The point is that that's our story and we'll stick to it. The newspapers will print it whether they believe it or not, and it'll be just as funny one way as the other, or more so. What are you going to do about it? It's no crime to kid a copper, is it? You haven't got anything on anybody here. Everything we told you was part of the joke. What are you going to do about it?"

Dundy put his back to Spade (Данди повернулся спиной к Спейду) and gripped Cairo by the shoulders (и схватил Кейро за плечи). "You can't get away with that (вы не увильнете таким образом)," he snarled (прорычал он), shaking the Levantine (тряся левантинца). "You belched for help (вы скулили о помощи) and you've got to take it (и вам придется ее принять)."

"No, sir (нет, сэр)," Cairo sputtered (пробормотал Кейро). "It was a joke (это была шутка). He said you were friends of his (он сказал, что вы его друзья) and would understand (и поймете)."

Spade laughed (Спейд засмеялся).

grip [grip] snarl [snQ:l] sputter ['spAtq]

Dundy put his back to Spade and gripped Cairo by the shoulders. "You can't get away with that," he snarled, shaking the Levantine. "You belched for help and you've got to take it."

"No, sir," Cairo sputtered. "It was a joke. He said you were friends of his and would understand."

Spade laughed.

Dundy pulled Cairo roughly around (Данди дернул Кейро грубо /вокруг/), holding him now (держа его теперь) by one wrist (за одно запястье) and the nape of his neck (и за заднюю часть шеи). "I'll take you along (я заберу вас с собой) for packing the gun (за ношение при себе оружия; to pack — упаковывать, укладывать), anyway (в любом случае)," he said. "And I'll take the rest of you along (и я заберу оставшихся из вас) to see who laughs at the joke (чтобы посмотреть, кто будет смеяться над шуткой)."

Cairo's alarmed eyes jerked sidewise (встревоженные глаза Кейро дернулись в сторону) to focus on Spade's face (чтобы сфокусироваться на лице Спейда).

nape [neIp] along [q'lON] sidewise ['saIdwaIz]

Dundy pulled Cairo roughly around, holding him now by one wrist and the nape of his neck. "I'll take you along for packing the gun, anyway," he said. "And I'll take the rest of you along to see who laughs at the joke."

Cairo's alarmed eyes jerked sidewise to focus on Spade's face.

Spade said: "Don't be a sap, Dundy (не будьте олухом, Данди). The gun was part of the plant (пистолет был частью розыгрыша; plant — растение, урожай; поза, позиция). It's one of mine (это один из моих)." He laughed (он засмеялся). "Too bad it's only a thirty-two (слишком плохо, он только тридцать второго калибра), or maybe (или, может быть) you could find (вы сможете обнаружить) it was the one (что это тот) Thursby and Miles were shot with (которым застрелили Терсби и Майлза)."

Dundy released Cairo (Данди отпустил Кейро), spun on his heel (повернувшись на своих пятках), and his right fist clicked on Spade's chin (и его правый кулак стукнул по подбородку Спейда).

Brigid O'Shaughnessy uttered a short cry (Бриджит О’Шонесси издала короткий крик).

sap [sxp] plant [pla:nt] heel [hi:l]

Spade said: "Don't be a sap, Dundy. The gun was part of the plant. It's one of mine." He laughed. "Too bad it's only a thirty-two, or maybe you could find it was the one Thursby and Miles were shot with."

Dundy released Cairo, spun on his heel, and his right fist clicked on Spade's chin.

Brigid O'Shaughnessy uttered a short cry.

Spade's smile flickered out (улыбка Спейда исчезла) at the instant of the impact (в момент удара), but returned immediately (но вернулась немедленно) with a dreamy quality added (с добавившимся мечтательным свойством; quality — качество, сорт, уровень). He steadied himself (он придал себе устойчивости) with a short backward step (коротким шагом в назад) and his thick sloping shoulders (и его полные покатые плечи) writhed under his coat (напряглись под его пиджаком/пальто; to writhe — скручивать, сплетать). Before his fist could come up (прежде чем его кулак смог подняться) Tom Polhaus had pushed himself (Том Полхауз втолкнул себя) between the two men (между двумя мужчинами), facing Spade (глядя на Спейда), encumbering Spade's arms (задерживая руки Спейда) with the closeness of his barrel-like belly (близостью своего бочкообразного живота) and his own arms (и своими собственными руками).

impact ['Impxkt] dreamy ['dri:mI] push [pVS]

Spade's smile flickered out at the instant of the impact, but returned immediately with a dreamy quality added. He steadied himself with a short backward step and his thick sloping shoulders writhed under his coat. Before his fist could come up Tom Polhaus had pushed himself between the two men, facing Spade, encumbering Spade's arms with the closeness of his barrel-like belly and his own arms.

"No, no, for Christ's sake (нет, нет, ради Христа)!" Tom begged (умолял Том).

After a long moment (после долгого момента) of motionlessness (неподвижности; motion — движение) Spade's muscles relaxed (мускулы Спейда расслабились). "Then get him out of here quick (тогда быстро убери его отсюда)," he said. His smile had gone away again (его улыбка снова ушла), leaving his face sullen (оставив его лицо угрюмым) and somewhat pale (и каким-то бледным).

Tom, staying close to Spade (Том, стоя близко к Спейду), keeping his arms on Spade's arms (держа свои руки на руках Спейда), turned his head (повернул свою голову) to look over his shoulder at Lieutenant Dundy (чтобы взглянуть через плечо на лейтенанта Данди). Tom's small eyes were reproachful (маленькие глаза Тома были укоризненными).

beg [beg] relaxed [rI'lxkst] reproachful [rI'prqVtSf(q)l]

"No, no, for Christ's sake!" Tom begged.

After a long moment of motionlessness Spade's muscles relaxed. "Then get him out of here quick," he said. His smile had gone away again, leaving his face sullen and somewhat pale.

Tom, staying close to Spade, keeping his arms on Spade's arms, turned his head to look over his shoulder at Lieutenant Dundy. Tom's small eyes were reproachful.

Dundy's fists were clenched (кулаки Данди были сжаты) in front of his body (перед его телом) and his feet were planted firm (и его ноги стояли крепко) and a little apart (и слегка в стороны) on the floor (на полу), but the truculence in his face (но жестокость на его лице; truculent — жестокий, свирепый) was modified (была смягчена) by thin rims of white (тонкими ободками белка глаза) showing between green irises (видимого между зелеными зрачками) and upper eyelids (и верхними веками).

"Get their names and addresses (возьми их имена и адреса)," he ordered (приказал он).

Tom looked at Cairo (Том посмотрел на Кейро), who said quickly (который быстро сказал): "Joel Cairo, Hotel Belvedere (Джоэль Кейро, отель «Бельведер»)."

clenched [klentSt] truculence ['trAkjVlqns] eyelid ['aılıd]

Dundy's fists w'ere clenched in front of his body and his feet were planted firm and a little apart on the floor, but the truculence in his face was modified by thin rims of white showing between green irises and upper eyelids.

"Get their names and addresses," he ordered.

Tom looked at Cairo, who said quickly: "Joel Cairo, Hotel Belvedere."

Spade spoke before (Спейд сказал прежде) Tom could question the girl (чем Том смог спросить девушки). "You can always get in touch with Miss O'Shaughnessy (вы всегда можете связаться с мисс О’Шонесси; touch — прикосновение, осязание, контакт) through me (через меня)."

Tom looked at Dundy (Том посмотрел на Данди). Dundy growled (Данди прорычал): "Get her address (возьми ее адрес)."

Spade said (Спейд сказал): "Her address is in care of my office (ее адрес находится под попечением моей фирмы: «офиса»)."

Dundy took a step forward (Данди шагнул перед), halting in front of the girl (останавливаясь перед девушкой). "Where do you live (где вы живете)?" he asked (спросил он).

Spade addressed Tom (Спейд обратился к Тому): "Get him out of here (забери его отсюда). I've had enough of this (мне уже достаточно этого)."

touch [tAtS] address [q'dres] forward ['fO:wqd]

Spade spoke before Tom could question the girl. "You can always get in touch with Miss O'Shaughnessy through me."

Tom looked at Dundy. Dundy growled: "Get her address."

Spade said: "Her address is in care of my office."

Dundy took a step forward, halting in front of the girl. "Where do you live?" he asked.

Spade addressed Tom: "Get him out of here. I've had enough of this."

Tom looked at Spade's eyes (Том посмотрел в глаза Спейда) — hard and glittering (жесткие и сверкающие) — and mumbled (и пробормотал): "Take it easy, Sam (не волнуйся, Сэм)." He buttoned his coat (он застегнул на пуговицы свое пальто) and turned to Dundy (и повернулся к Данди), asking (спрашивая), in a voice that aped casualness (голосом, который изображал небрежность; to ape — обезьянничать, подделывать), "Well, is that all (ну, это все)?" and taking a step towards the door (и делая шаг в направлении двери).

Dundy's scowl failed to conceal indecision (нахмуренность Данди не смогла скрыть нерешительность).

Cairo moved suddenly towards the door (вдруг Кейро двивнулся в сторону двери), saying (говоря): "I'm going too (я тоже ухожу), if Mr. Spade will be kind enough (если мистер Спейд будет достаточно добр) to give me my hat and coat (чтобы дать мне мою шляпу и пальто)."

glittering ['glIt(q)rIN] buttoned [bAtnd] indecision ["IndI'sIZ(q)n]

Tom looked at Spade's eyes — hard and glittering — and mumbled: "Take it easy, Sam." He buttoned his coat and turned to Dundy, asking, in a voice that aped casualness, "Well, is that all?" and taking a step towards the door.

Dundy's scowl failed to conceal indecision.

Cairo moved suddenly towards the door, saying: "I'm going too, if Mr. Spade will be kind enough to give me my hat and coat."

Spade asked (Спейд спросил): "What's the hurry (что за спешка)?"

Dundy said angrily (Данди сердито сказал): "It was all in fun (это все было в шутку), but just the same (но все равно) you're afraid to be left here with them (вы боитесь остаться здесь с ними)."

"Not at all (совсем нет)," the Levantine replied (ответил левантинец), fidgeting (беспокойно двигаясь), looking at neither of them (не глядя ни на кого), "but it's quite late and (но довольно поздно и) — and I'm going (и я ухожу). I'll go out with you (я выйду с вами) if you don't mind (если вы не возражаете)."

Dundy put his lips together firmly (Данди твердо сжал губы) and said nothing (и ничего не сказал). A light was glinting in his green eyes (свет блестел в его зеленых глазах).

same [seIm] fidget ['fIdZIt] neither ['naIDq]

Spade asked: "What's the hurry?"

Dundy said angrily: "It was all in fun, but just the same you're afraid to be left here with them."

"Not at all," the Levantine replied, fidgeting, looking at neither of them, "but it's quite late and — and I'm going. I'll go out with you if you don't mind."

Dundy put his lips together firmly and said nothing. A light was glinting in his green eyes.

Spade went to the closet (Спейд пошел к платяному шкафу) in the passageway (в проходе) and fetched Cairo's hat and coat (и принес шляпу и пальто Кейро). Spade's face was blank (лицо Спейда было невыразительным; blank— белый; бледный, бесцветный). His voice held the same blankness (его голос содержал ту же невыразительность) when he stepped back (когда он отступил назад) from helping the Levantine into his coat (после того, как помог левантинцу одеть пальто) and said to Tom (и сказал Тому): "Tell him to leave the gun (скажи ему оставить пистолет)."

Dundy took Cairo's pistol (Данди взял пистолет Кейро) from his overcoat-pocket (из кармана своего пальто) and put it on the table (и положил его на стол). He went out first (он вышел первым), with Cairo at his heels (с Кейро, /идущим/ по пятам: «на пятках»). Tom halted in front of Spade (Том встал перед Спейдом), muttering (бормоча), "I hope to God you know what you're doing (я надеюсь, ради Бога, что ты знаешь, что делаешь)," got no response (не получил ответа), sighed (вздохнул), and followed the others out (и вышел вслед за остальными). Spade went after them (Спейд пошел за ними) as far as the bend in the passageway (до поворота в проходе; bend— сгиб, изгиб), where he stood (где он стоял) until Tom had closed the corridor-door (пока Том /не/ закрыл дверь в коридор).

fetch [fetS] blank [blxNk] response [rI'spOns]

Spade went to the closet in the passageway and fetched Cairo's hat and coat. Spade's face was blank. His voice held the same blankness when he stepped back from helping the Levantine into his coat and said to Tom: "Tell him to leave the gun."

Dundy took Cairo's pistol from his overcoat-pocket and put it on the table. He went out first, with Cairo at his heels. Tom halted in front of Spade, muttering, "I hope to God you know what you're doing," got no response, sighed, and followed the others out. Spade went after them as far as the bend in the passageway, where he stood until Tom had closed the corridor-door.
