V.The Levantine (левантинец)

Spade did not look at the pistol (Спейд не смотрел на пистолет). He raised his arms and (он поднял свои руки и), leaning back in his chair (откидываясь в своем кресле), intertwined the fingers of his two hands (сплел пальцы своих двух рук) behind his head (за своей головой). His eyes, holding no particular expression (его глаза, не содержащие особого выражения), remained focused on Cairo's dark face (оставались сфокусированными на смуглом лице Кейро).

Cairo coughed a little apologetic cough (Кейро закашлял мелким извиняющимся кашлем) and smiled nervously with lips (и нервно улыбнулся губами) that had lost some of their redness (потерявшими несколько свою красноту). His dark eyes were humid and bashful and very earnest (его темные глаза были влажными и застенчивыми, и очень серьезными). "I intend to search your offices, Mr. Spade (я собираюсь обыскать ваши комнаты, мистер Спейд). I warn you (я предупреждаю вас) that if you attempt to prevent me (что если вы попытаетесь помешать мне; to prevent — предотвращать, предупреждать; мешать, не допускать) I shall certainly shoot you (я наверняка вас застрелю)."

"Go ahead (действуйте)." Spade's voice was as empty of expression (голос Спейда был так же лишен какого-либо выражения; empty — пустой, порожний) as his face (как и его лицо).

raised [reIzd] intertwine ["Intq'twaIn] humid ['hju:mId]

Spade did not look at the pistol. He raised his arms and, leaning back in his chair, intertwined the fingers of his two hands behind his head. His eyes, holding no particular expression, remained focused on Cairo's dark face.

Cairo coughed a little apologetic cough and smiled nervously with lips that had lost some of their redness. His dark eyes were humid and bashful and very earnest. "I intend to search your offices, Mr. Spade. I warn you that if you attempt to prevent me I shall certainly shoot you."

"Go ahead." Spade's voice was as empty of expression as his face.

"You will please stand (встаньте, пожалуйста)," the man with the pistol instructed him (приказал человек с пистолетом ему) at whose thick chest (на чью толстую грудь) the pistol was aimed (был нацелен пистолет). "I shall have to make sure (я должен убедиться) that you are not armed (что вы не вооружены)."

Spade stood up (Спейд встал) pushing his chair back with his calves (толкая назад свое кресло /своими/ икрами) as he straightened his legs (когда он выпрямил ноги).

Cairo went around behind him (Кейро обошел его сзади). He transferred the pistol from his right hand to his left (он переложил пистолет из своей правой руки в свою левую руку). He lifted Spade's coat-tail (он поднял фалду пальто Спейда) and looked under it (и посмотрел под ней). Holding the pistol close to Spade's back (держа пистолет близко к спине Спейда), he put his right hand around Spade's side (он обнял бок Спейда правой рукой: «положил правую руку вокруг бока Спейда») and patted his chest (и похлопал по его груди). The Levantine face was then (лицо левантинца было тогда) no more than six inches (не более, чем в шести дюймах) below and behind Spade's right elbow (внизу и сзади от правого локтя Спейда).

instruct [In'strAkt] calves [kQ:vz] chest [tSest]

"You will please stand," the man with the pistol instructed him at whose thick chest the pistol was aimed. "I shall have to make sure that you are not armed."

Spade stood up pushing his chair back with his calves as he straightened his legs.

Cairo went around behind him. He transferred the pistol from his right hand to his left. He lifted Spade's coat-tail and looked under it. Holding the pistol close to Spade's back, he put his right hand around Spade's side and patted his chest. The Levantine face was then no more than six inches below and behind Spade's right elbow.

Spade's elbow dropped (локоть Спейда упал) as Spade spun to the right (когда Спейд резко повернулся направо; to spin (spun) — крутить/ся/, вертеть/ся/). Cairo's face jerked back (лицо Кейро резко дернулось назад) not far enough (недостаточно далеко): Spade's right heel on the patent-leathered toes (правый каблук Спейда /стоящий/ на носке ботинка из лакированной кожи) anchored the smaller man (пригвоздил маленького человека; to anchor — ставить на якорь, скреплять, фиксировать) in the elbow's path (на пути локтя). The elbow struck him (локоть ударил его) beneath the cheek-bone (ниже скулы), staggering him so (пошатнув его так) that he must have fallen (что он должен был упасть) had he not been held by Spade's foot on his foot (если бы не был удержан ногой Спейда на его ноге). Spade's elbow went on (локоть Спейда пошел дальше) past the astonished dark face (мимо изумленного смуглого лица) and straightened (и выпрямился) when Spade's hand struck down at the pistol (когда рука Спейда ударила по пистолету). Cairo let the pistol go (Кейро выпустил пистолет из рук; to let go — освободить) the instant (в то мгновение) that Spade's fingers touched it (когда пальцы Спейда коснулись его). The pistol was small in Spade's hand (пистолет был маленьким в руке Спейда).

elbow ['elbqV] jerk [dZq:k] anchor ['xNkq]

Spade's elbow dropped as Spade spun to the right. Cairo's face jerked back not far enough: Spade's right heel on the patent-leathered toes anchored the smaller man in the elbow's path. The elbow struck him beneath the cheek-bone, staggering him so that he must have fallen had he not been held by Spade's foot on his foot. Spade's elbow went on past the astonished dark face and straightened when Spade's hand struck down at the pistol. Cairo let the pistol go the instant that Spade's fingers touched it. The pistol was small in Spade's hand.

Spade took his foot off Cairo's (Спейд убрал свою ногу с ноги Кейро) to complete his about-face (чтобы завершить свой поворот кругом). With his left hand (своей левой рукой) Spade gathered together the smaller man's coat-lapels (Спейд собрал вместе лацканы пальто маленького человека) — the ruby-set green tie (зеленый галстук с рубиновым украшением) bunching out over his knuckles (выступающий над костяшками его пальцев) — while his right hand (в то время, как его правая рука) stowed the captured weapon away (укладывала захваченное оружие) in a coat-pocket (в карман пальто). Spade's yellow-grey eyes were somber (желто-серые глаза Спейда были мрачными). His face was wooden (его лицо было деревянным), with a trace of sullenness around the mouth (со следами угрюмости вокруг рта).

Cairo's face was twisted by pain and chagrin (лицо Кейро было искажено болью и досадой). There were tears in his dark eyes (слезы были в его темных глазах). His skin was the complexion of polished lead (его кожа была цвета полированного свинца; complexion — цвет лица) except where the elbow (исключая то место, где локоть) had reddened his cheek (сделал красным его щеку).

complete [kqm'pli:t] gather ['gxDq] knuckles ['nAk(q)ls]

Spade took his foot off Cairo's to complete his about-face. With his left hand Spade gathered together the smaller man's coat-lapels — the ruby-set green tie bunching out over his knuckles — while his right hand stowed the captured weapon away in a coat-pocket. Spade's yellow-grey eyes were somber. His face was wooden, with a trace of sullenness around the mouth.

Cairo's face was twisted by pain and chagrin. There were tears in his dark eyes. His skin was the complexion of polished lead except where the elbow had reddened his cheek.

Spade by means of his grip (Спейд посредством захвата) on the Levantine's lapels (лацканов левантинца) turned him slowly (медленно повернул его) and pushed him back (и толкал его назад) until he was standing close in front of the chair (пока он не стоял близко перед стулом = перед самым стулом) he had lately occupied (который он недавно занимал). A puzzled look replaced the look of pain (озадаченный взгляд заменил взгляд боли) in the lead-colored face (на лице цвета свинца). Then Spade smiled (потом Спейд улыбнулся). His smile was gentle (его улыбка была мягкой), even dreamy (даже мечтательной). His right shoulder raised a few inches (его правое плечо поднялось на несколько дюймов). His bent right arm (его согнутая правая рука) was driven up by the shoulder's lift (пошла наверх, направляемая поднятием плеча; to drive — водить, править, ездить). Fist, wrist, forearm, crooked elbow (кулак, запястье, предплечье, согнутый локоть), and upper arm seemed all one rigid piece (и плечо казались единым жестким целым; piece — кусок, часть), with only the limber shoulder giving them motion (и /только/ проворный плечевой сустав придавал им движение). The fist struck Cairo's face (кулак ударил лицо Кейро), covering for a moment one side of his chin (накрыв на мгновение одну сторону его подбородка), a corner of his mouth (угол его рта), and most of his cheek (и большую часть его щеки) between cheek-bone and jaw-bone (между скулой и челюстью).

Cairo shut his eyes and was unconscious (Кейро закрыл глаза и потерял сознание: «был бессознательным»).

grip [grIp] occupied ['OkjVpaId] rigid ['rIdZId]

Spade by means of his grip on the Levantine's lapels turned him slowly and pushed him back until he was standing close in front of the chair he had lately occupied. A puzzled look replaced the look of pain in the lead-colored face. Then Spade smiled. His smile was gentle, even dreamy. His right shoulder raised a few inches. His bent right arm was driven up by the shoulder's lift. Fist, wrist, forearm, crooked elbow, and upper arm seemed all one rigid piece, with only the limber shoulder giving them motion. The fist struck Cairo's face, covering for a moment one side of his chin, a corner of his mouth, and most of his cheek between cheek-bone and jaw-bone.

Cairo shut his eyes and was unconscious.

Spade lowered the limp body into the chair (Спейд опустил безвольное тело в кресло; limp — мягкий, вялый), where it lay with sprawled arms and legs (где оно лежало с раскинувшимися ногами и руками), the head lolling back against the chair's back (голова откинулась назад, к спинке кресла), the mouth open (рот открыт).

Spade emptied the unconscious man's pockets one by one (Спейд опустошил карманы бессознательного мужчины один за другим), working methodically (действуя методически), moving the lax body when necessary (двигая вялое тело, когда нужно), making a pile of the pockets' contents on the desk (делая кучу из содержимого карманов на столе). When the last pocket had been turned out (когда последний карман был вывернут) he returned to his own chair (он вернулся на свое кресло), rolled and lighted a cigarette (скрутил и зажег сигарету), and began to examine his spoils (и начал обследовать свои трофеи). He examined them with grave unhurried thoroughness (он исследовал их с серьезной неторопливой основательностью; to hurry — спешить).

sprawl [sprO:l] unconscious [An'kOnSqs] unhurried [An'hArId]

Spade lowered the limp body into the chair, where it lay with sprawled arms and legs, the head lolling back against the chair's back, the mouth open.

Spade emptied the unconscious man's pockets one by one, working methodically, moving the lax body when necessary, making a pile of the pockets' contents on the desk. When the last pocket had been turned out he returned to his own chair, rolled and lighted a cigarette, and began to examine his spoils. He examined them with grave unhurried thoroughness.

There was a large wallet (там был большой бумажник) of dark soft leather (из темной мягкой кожи). The wallet contained (бумажник содержал) three hundred and sixty-five dollars (триста шестьдесят пять долларов) in United States bills of several sizes (в банкнотах США разного достоинства; size — размер, величина); three five-pound notes (три банкноты по пять фунтов); a much-visaed Greek passport (греческий паспорт со множеством виз) bearing Cairo's name and portrait (с именем Кейро и его портретом; to bear — переносить, нести); five folded sheets of pinkish onion-skin paper (пять сложенных листов розоватой папиросной бумаги; onion-skin — луковичная шелуха; тонкая прозрачная бумага) covered with what seemed to be Arabic writing (покрытой тем, что казалось арабской письменностью); a raggedly clipped newspaper-account (неровно вырезанное газетное сообщение; account — счет, расчет, отчет) of the finding of Archer's and Thursby's bodies (о нахождении тел Арчера и Терсби); a post-card-photograph of a dusky woman (фотография /размером/ с почтовую открытку некой смуглой женщины) with bold cruel eyes (с храбрыми жестокими глазами) and a tender drooping mouth (и нежным поникшим ртом); a large silk handkerchief (большой шелковый носовой платок), yellow with age (желтый от возраста) and somewhat cracked along its folds (и немного надорванный: «треснувший» на сгибах); a thin sheaf of Mr. Joel Cairo's engraved cards (тонкая пачка гравированных карточек мистера Джоэля Кейро); and a ticket for an orchestra seat (и билет на место в первых рядах партера: «у оркестра») at the Geary Theatre that evening (в Гири-театр этим вечером).

wallet ['wOlIt] bearing ['be(q)rIN] orchestra ['O:kIstrq]

There was a large wallet of dark soft leather. The wallet contained three hundred and sixty-five dollars in United States bills of several sizes; three five-pound notes; a much-visaed Greek passport bearing Cairo's name and portrait; five folded sheets of pinkish onion-skin paper covered with what seemed to be Arabic writing; a raggedly clipped newspaper-account of the finding of Archer's and Thursby's bodies; a post-card-photograph of a dusky woman with bold cruel eyes and a tender drooping mouth; a large silk handkerchief, yellow with age and somewhat cracked along its folds; a thin sheaf of Mr. Joel Cairo's engraved cards; and a ticket for an orchestra seat at the Geary Theatre that evening.

Besides the wallet and its contents (кроме бумажника и его содержимого) there were three gaily colored silk handkerchiefs (там были три ярко окрашенных носовых платка) fragrant of chypre (с ароматом «шипра»); a platinum Longines watch (платиновые часы «Лонгин») on a platinum and red gold chain (на цепи из платины и красного золота), attached at the other end (прикрепленной на другом конце) to a small pearshaped pendant (к маленькому грушевидному кулону) of some white metal (из какого-то белого металла); a handful of United States, British, French, and Chinese coins (пригоршня американских, британских, французских и китайских монет); a ring holding half a dozen keys (кольцо, содержащее с полдюжины ключей); a silver and onyx fountain-pen (серебряная и ониксовая авторучка); a metal comb in a leatherette case (металлический гребень в футляре из искусственной кожи; case — ящик, коробка, контейнер); a nail-file in a leatherette case (пилка для ногтей в футляре из искусственной кожи); a small street-guide to San Francisco (маленький путеводитель по Сан-Франциско); a Southern Pacific baggage-check (багажный чек «Саузерн Пэсифик»); a half-filled package of violet pastilles (наполовину полная упаковка душистых: «фиалковых» пастилок); a Shanghai insurance-broker's business-card (визитная карточка шанхайского страхового брокера); and four sheets of Hotel Belvedere writing paper (и четыре листа писчей бумаги отеля «Бельведер»), on one of which (на одном из которых) was written in small precise letters (было написано маленькими четкими буквами) Samuel Spade's name (имя Сэмюеля Спейда) and the addresses of his office and his apartment (и адреса его офиса и его квартиры).

fragrant ['freIgrqnt] fountain ['faVntIn] insurance [In'SV(q)rqns]

Besides the wallet and its contents there were three gaily colored silk handkerchiefs fragrant of chypre; a platinum Longines watch on a platinum and red gold chain, attached at the other end to a small pearshaped pendant of some white metal; a handful of United States, British, French, and Chinese coins; a ring holding half a dozen keys; a silver and onyx fountain-pen; a metal comb in a leatherette case; a nail-file in a leatherette case; a small street-guide to San Francisco; a Southern Pacific baggage-check; a half-filled package of violet pastilles; a Shanghai insurance-broker's business-card; and four sheets of Hotel Belvedere writing paper, on one of which was written in small precise letters Samuel Spade's name and the addresses of his office and his apartment.

Having examined these articles carefully (тщательно исследовав эти предметы) — he even opened the back of the watch-case (он даже открыл крышку футляра для часов) to see that nothing was hidden inside (чтобы увидеть, что внутри ничего не спрятано) — Spade leaned over (Спейд наклонился) and took the unconscious man's wrist (и взял запястье бессознательного мужчины) between finger and thumb (между указательным и большим пальцем), feeling his pulse (щупая его пульс). Then he dropped the wrist (потом он бросил запястье), settled back in his chair (уселся снова в свое кресло; to settle — устроиться, усесться), and rolled and lighted another cigarette (и скрутил, и зажег другую сигарету). His face while he smoked was (его лицо, пока он курил, было), except for occasional slight and aimless movements of his lower lip (за исключением легких и бесцельных движений его нижней губы), so still and reflective (таким спокойным и задумчивым) that it seemed stupid (что казалось глупым); but when Cairo presently moaned (но когда Кейро вскоре застонал) and fluttered his eyelids (и зашевелил своими векам) Spade's face became bland (и лицо Спейда стало ласковым), and he put the beginning of a friendly smile (и он вложил начало дружеской улыбки) into his eyes and mouth (в свои глаза и рот).

carefully ['keqf(q)lI] hidden [hIdn] occasional [q'keIZ(q)nql]

Having examined these articles carefully — he even opened the back of the watch-case to see that nothing was hidden inside — Spade leaned over and took the unconscious man's wrist between finger and thumb, feeling his pulse. Then he dropped the wrist, settled back in his chair, and rolled and lighted another cigarette. His face while he smoked was, except for occasional slight and aimless movements of his lower lip, so still and reflective that it seemed stupid; but when Cairo presently moaned and fluttered his eyelids Spade's face became bland, and he put the beginning of a friendly smile into his eyes and mouth.

Joel Cairo awakened slowly (Джоэль Кейро приходил в себя: «пробуждался» медленно). His eyes opened first (сначала открылись его глаза), but a full minute passed (но прошла целая минута) before they fixed their gaze (прежде чем они зафиксировали свой взгляд) on any definite part of the ceiling (на какой-либо определенной части потолка). Then he shut his mouth and swallowed (потом он закрыл свой рот и сглотнул), exhaling heavily through his nose afterward (тяжело выдыхая через нос после этого). He drew in one foot (придвинул одну ногу) and turned a hand over on his thigh (он и перенес руку на свое бедро). Then he raised his head from the chair-back (потом он поднял голову со спинки кресла), looked around the office in confusion (осмотрелся в комнате в замешательстве), saw Spade, and sat up (увидел Спейда и сел прямо). He opened his mouth to speak (он открыл рот, чтобы говорить), started (начал), clapped a hand to his face (резко поднес руку к лицу) where Spade's fist had struck (где ударил кулак Спейда) and where there was now a florid bruise (и где сейчас был красный синяк; florid — напыщенный, цветистый; покрасневший, порозовевший).

afterward(s) ['Q:ftqwqd(z)] drew [dru:] confusion [kqn'fju:Z(q)n]

Joel Cairo awakened slowly. His eyes opened first, but a full minute passed before they fixed their gaze on any definite part of the ceiling. Then he shut his mouth and swallowed, exhaling heavily through his nose afterward. He drew in one foot and turned a hand over on his thigh. Then he raised his head from the chair-back, looked around the office in confusion, saw Spade, and sat up. He opened his mouth to speak, started, clapped a hand to his face where Spade's fist had struck and where there was now a florid bruise.

Cairo said through his teeth, painfully (Кейро сказал сквозь зубы, болезненно): "I could have shot you, Mr. Spade (я мог застрелить вас, мистер Спейд)."

"You could have tried (вы могли попытаться)," Spade conceded (признал Спейд).

"I did not try (я не пытался)."

"I know (я знаю)."

"Then why did you strike me (тогда почему вы ударили меня) after I was disarmed (после того, как я был разоружен)?"

"Sorry (извините)," Spade said (сказал Спейд), and grinned wolfishly, showing his jaw-teeth (и по-волчьи оскалился, показывая коренные зубы; jaw— челюсть, подбородок), "but imagine my embarrassment (но представьте мое смущение) when I found (когда я обнаружил) that five-thousand-dollar offer (что предложение на пять тысяч долларов) was just hooey (было просто ерундой = липой)."

teeth [ti:T] concede [kqn'si:d] imagine [I'mxdZIn] hooey ['hu:I]

Cairo said through his teeth, painfully: "I could have shot you, Mr. Spade."

"You could have tried," Spade conceded.

"I did not try."

"I know."

"Then why did you strike me after I was disarmed?"

"Sorry," Spade said, and grinned wolfishly, showing his jaw-teeth, "but imagine my embarrassment when I found that five-thousand-dollar offer was just hooey."

"You are mistaken, Mr. Spade (вы ошибаетесь, мистер Спейд). That was, and is, a genuine offer (это было, и есть реальное предложение»)."

"What the hell (что за черт)?" Spade's surprise was genuine (удивление Спейда было искренним).

"I am prepared to pay five thousand dollars for the figure's return (я готов заплатить пять тысяч долларов за возвращение фигурки)." Cairo took his hand away from his bruised face (Кейро убрал свою руку от своего лица с синяками; bruise— синяк, кровоподтек; to bruise— делать синяки; ушибать) and sat up prim and business-like again (и снова сел чопорно и деловито). "You have it (она у вас)?"

"No (нет)."

"If it is not here (если она не здесь)" — Cairo was very politely skeptical (Кейро был чрезвычайно вежливо-скептичен) — "why should you have risked serious injury (почему вы отважились на серьезное телесное повреждение) to prevent my searching for it (мешая моему обыску)?"

genuine ['dZenjVIn] bruise [bru:z] injury ['IndZqrI]

"You are mistaken, Mr. Spade. That was, and is, a genuine offer."

"What the hell?" Spade's surprise was genuine.

"I am prepared to pay five thousand dollars for the figure's return." Cairo took his hand away from his bruised face and sat up prim and business-like again. "You have it?"


"If it is not here" — Cairo was very politely skeptical — "why should you have risked serious injury to prevent my searching for it?"

"I should sit around (я должен сидеть без дела) and let people come in (и позволять людям приходить) and stick me up (и грабить меня; tostickup— поставить, выставить, совершить налет)?" Spade flicked a finger (Спейд слегка стукнул пальцем) at Cairo's possessions on the desk (по вещам: «собственности» Кейро, /лежащим/ на столе). "You've got my apartment-address (у вас адрес моей квартиры). Been up there yet (были уже там)?"

"Yes, Mr. Spade (да, мистер Спейд). I am ready to pay five thousand dollars (я готов заплатить пять тысяч долларов) for the figure's return (за возвращении фигурки), but surely it is natural enough (но, конечно, это достаточно естественно) that I should try first to spare the owner (что я должен сначала попытаться сберечь владельцу) that expense if possible (эти расходы, если возможно)."

"Who is he (кто он)?"

spare [speq] owner ['qVnq] expense [Ik'spens]

"I should sit around and let people come in and stick me up?" Spade flicked a finger at Cairo's possessions on the desk. "You've got my apartment-address. Been up there yet?"

"Yes, Mr. Spade. I am ready to pay five thousand dollars for the figure's return, but surely it is natural enough that I should try first to spare the owner that expense if possible."

"Who is he?"

Cairo shook his head and smiled (Кейро покачал головой и улыбнулся). "You will have to forgive my not answering that question (вам придется простить меня за то, что я не отвечу на этот вопрос).

"Will I (мне придется)?" Spade leaned forward (Спейд наклонился вперед) smiling with tight lips (улыбаясь сжатыми губами). "I've got you by the neck, Cairo (я держу вас за шею). You've walked in (вы влезли: «вошли» /в это дело/) and tied yourself up (и связали себя), plenty strong enough (достаточно сильно) to suit the police (для того, чтобы подойти полиции), with last night's killings (с последними ночными убийствами). Well, now you'll have to play with me or else (теперь вы должны играть вместе со мной, а не то пожалеете; or else— иначе, а не то)."

answering ['Q:ns(q)rIN] tight [taIt] neck [nek]

Cairo shook his head and smiled. "You will have to forgive my not answering that question."

"Will I?" Spade leaned forward smiling with tight lips. "I've got you by the neck, Cairo. You've walked in and tied yourself up, plenty strong enough to suit the police, with last night's killings. Well, now you'll have to play with me or else."

Cairo's smile was demure (улыбка Кейро было сдержанной/серьезной) and not in any way alarmed (и никак не тревожной). "I made somewhat extensive inquiries about you (я навел довольно обширные справки о вас) before taking any action (прежде чем предпринять какое-нибудь действие)," he said, "and was assured (и был убежден) that you were far too reasonable (что вы слишком уж разумны) to allow other considerations (чтобы позволить другим соображениям) to interfere with profitable business relations (вмешаться в выгодные деловые отношения; profitable — полезный, прибыльный)."

Spade shrugged (Спейд пожал плечами). "Where are they (где они)?" he asked (спросил он).

"I have offered you five thousand dollars for (я предложил вам пять тысяч долларов за) —."

demure [dI'mjVq] extensive [Ik'stensIv] relation [rI'leIS(q)n]

Cairo's smile was demure and not in any way alarmed. "I made somewhat extensive inquiries about you before taking any action," he said, "and was assured that you were far too reasonable to allow other considerations to interfere with profitable business relations."

Spade shrugged. "Where are they?" he asked.

"I have offered you five thousand dollars for — "

Spade thumped Cairo's wallet (Спейд тяжело ударил по бумажнику Кейро) with the backs of his fingers and said (тыльной частью своих пальцев и сказал): "There's nothing like five thousand dollars here (здесь нет ничего похожего на пять тысяч долларов). You're betting your eyes (вы держите пари на свои глаза). You could come in (вы могли бы войти) and say you'd pay me a million for a purple elephant (и сказать, вы заплатите мне миллион за фиолетового слона), but what in hell would that mean (но что, черт побери, это бы значило)?"

"I see, I see (я понимаю, я понимаю)," Cairo said thoughtfully (задумчиво сказал Кейро), screwing up his eyes (прищурившись; to screw up— завинчивать, сжимать, морщить). "You wish some assurance of my sincerity (вы хотите гарантии моей искренности)." He brushed his red lower lip with a fingertip (он погладил свою красную нижнюю губу кончиком пальца). "A retainer, would that serve (аванс, может это помочь: «послужить»)?"

"It might (может)."

thump [TAmp] purple ['pq:p(q)l] screw [skru:]

Spade thumped Cairo's wallet with the backs of his fingers and said: "There's nothing like five thousand dollars here. You're betting your eyes. You could come in and say you'd pay me a million for a purple elephant, but what in hell would that mean?"

"I see, I see," Cairo said thoughtfully, screwing up his eyes. "You wish some assurance of my sincerity." He brushed his red lower lip with a fingertip. "A retainer, would that serve?"

"It might."

Cairo put his hand out towards his wallet (Кейро протянул свою руку к своему бумажнику), hesitated (поколебался), withdrew the hand, and said (отдернул руку и сказал): "You will take, say, a hundred dollars (вы возьмете, скажем, сто долларов)?"

Spade picked up the wallet (Спейд поднял бумажник) and took out a hundred dollars (и взял сто долларов). Then he frowned, said (потом он нахмурился, сказал), "Better make it two hundred (лучше скажем: «сделаем» двести)," and did (и взял).

Cairo said nothing (Кейро ничего не сказал).

put [pVt] hundred ['hAndrqd] took [tVk]

Cairo put his hand out towards his wallet, hesitated, withdrew the hand, and said: "You will take, say, a hundred dollars?"

Spade picked up the wallet and took out a hundred dollars. Then he frowned, said, "Better make it two hundred," and did.

Cairo said nothing.

"Your first guess was (вашим первым предположением было) that I had the bird (что птица у меня)," Spade said in a crisp voice (сказал он бодрым голосом) when he had put the two hundred dollars into his pocket (когда он положил двести долларов в свой карман) and had dropped the wallet on the desk again (и снова бросил бумажник на стол). "There's nothing in that (это оказалось не так: «в этом ничего не оказалось»). What's your second (какое ваше второе /предположение/)?"

"That you know where it is (что вы знаете, где она /фигурка птицы/), or, if not exactly that (или, если не именно это), that you know it is where you can get it (то вы знаете, где вы можете достать ее)."

Spade neither denied nor affirmed that (Спейд не опроверг и не подтвердил это): he seemed hardly to have heard it (казалось, он едва ли слышал это). He asked (он спросил): "What sort of proof can you give me (какого рода доказательства вы мне можете дать) that your man is the owner (что ваш человек — владелец)?"

guess [ges] crisp [krIsp] affirm [q'fq:m]

"Your first guess was that I had the bird," Spade said in a crisp voice when he had put the two hundred dollars into his pocket and had dropped the wallet on the desk again. "There's nothing in that. What's your second?"

"That you know where it is, or, if not exactly that, that you know it is where you can get it."

Spade neither denied nor affirmed that: he seemed hardly to have heard it. He asked: "What sort of proof can you give me that your man is the owner?"

"Very little, unfortunately (очень немного /доказательств/, к сожалению). There is this (есть одно: «это»), though (хотя): nobody else (никто еще) can give you any authentic evidence (не сможет дать какие-либо подлинные доказательства) of ownership at all (прав собственности вовсе). And if you know as much about the affair (и если вы знаете так много об этом деле) as I suppose (как я предполагаю) — or I should not be here (или я бы не был здесь) — you know that the means (вы знаете, что способы) by which it was taken from him (которыми она была отнята у него) shows that his right to it (показывают, что его право на нее) was more valid than anyone else's (было более обоснованным, чем чье-либо еще; valid — действительный, имеющий силу; правомерный) — certainly more valid than Thursby's (конечно, более обоснованным, чем /право/ Терсби)."

"What about his daughter (что по поводу его дочери)?" Spade asked (спросил Спейд).

Excitement opened Cairo's eyes and mouth (волнение открыло глаза и рот Кейро), turned his face red (сделало его лицо красным), made his voice shrill (его голос пронзительным). "He is not the owner (он — не владелец)!"

unfortunately [An'fO:tSVnItlI] authentic [O:'TentIk] daughter ['dO:tq]

"Very little, unfortunately. There is this, though: nobody else can give you any authentic evidence of ownership at all. And if you know as much about the affair as I suppose — or I should not be here — you know that the means by which it was taken from him shows that his right to it was more valid than anyone else's — certainly more valid than Thursby's."

"What about his daughter?" Spade asked.

Excitement opened Cairo's eyes and mouth, turned his face red, made his voice shrill. "He is not the owner!"

Spade said, "Oh," mildly and ambiguously (мягко и двусмысленно).

"Is he here, in San Francisco, now (он сейчас здесь, в Сан-Франциско)?" Cairo asked in a less shrill, but still excited, voice (спросил Кейро мене пронзительным, но еще взволнованным голосом).

Spade blinked his eyes sleepily and suggested (Спейд моргнул сонно своими глазами и предположил): "It might be better all around (будет лучше со всех сторон) if we put our cards on the table (если выложим наши карты на стол)."

Cairo recovered composure with a little jerk (Кейро вернул самообладание, слегка вздрогнув; jerk — резкоедвижение, толчок). "I do not think it would be better (я не думаю, что так будет лучше)." His voice was suave now (его голос был теперь учтивым). "If you know more than I (если вы знаете больше, чем я), I shall profit by your knowledge (я извлеку пользу: «прибыль» от ваших знаний), and so will you to the extent of five thousand dollars (и вы тоже — в размере пяти тысяч долларов; extent — протяжение, объем, степень). If you do not (если нет: «если вы не знаете больше, чем я») then I have made a mistake in coming to you (то я совершил ошибку, придя к вам), and to do as you suggest (и сделать, как вы предлагаете) would be simply to make that mistake worse (было бы просто усугублением ошибки: «сделать ошибку худшей»)."

ambiguously [xm'bIgjVqslI] composure [kqm'pqVZq] suave [swQ:v]

Spade said, "Oh," mildly and ambiguously.

"Is he here, in San Francisco, now?" Cairo asked in a less shrill, but still excited, voice.

Spade blinked his eyes sleepily and suggested: "It might be better all around if we put our cards on the table."

Cairo recovered composure with a little jerk. "I do not think it would be better." His voice was suave now. "If you know more than I, I shall profit by your knowledge, and so will you to the extent of five thousand dollars. If you do not then I have made a mistake in coming to you, and to do as you suggest would be simply to make that mistake worse."

Spade nodded indifferently (Спейд безразлично кивнул) and waved his hand at the articles on the desk (и махнул рукой на вещи на столе), saying (говоря): "There's your stuff" (вот ваши вещи); and then, when Cairo was returning them to his pockets (а потом, когда Кейро вернул их в свои карманы): "It's understood (понятно) that you're to pay my expenses (что вы должны оплатить мои расходы) while I'm getting this black bird for you (пока я буду добывать для вас эту черную птицу), and five thousand dollars when it's done (и пять тысяч долларов, когда это будет сделано)?"

"Yes, Mr. Spade (да, мистер Спейд); that is (это так), five thousand dollars less whatever moneys have been advanced to you (пять тысяч долларов минус какие-либо деньги, выданные вам в качестве аванса) — five thousand in all (всего пять тысяч)."

indifferently [In'dIf(q)rqntlI] article ['Q:tIk(q)l] understood ["Andq'stVd]

Spade nodded indifferently and waved his hand at the articles on the desk, saying: "There's your stuff"; and then, when Cairo was returning them to his pockets: "It's understood that you're to pay my expenses while I'm getting this black bird for you, and five thousand dollars when it's done?"

"Yes, Mr. Spade; that is, five thousand dollars less whatever moneys have been advanced to you — five thousand in all."

"Right (хорошо). And it's a legitimate proposition (это справедливое: «законное» предложение)." Spade's face was solemn (лицо Спейда было серьезным; solemn — торжественный, важный; серьезный) except for wrinkles at the corners of his eyes (за исключением морщинок в уголках глаз). "You're not hiring me to do any murders (вы не нанимаете меня для совершения каких-либо убийств) or burglaries for you (или краж для вас), but simply to get it back (а просто, чтобы вернуть ее) if possible in an honest and lawful way (если возможно, честным и законным образом)."

"If possible (если возможно)," Cairo agreed (согласился Кейро). His face also was solemn except for the eyes (его лицо тоже было серьезным, за исключением глаз). "And in any event with discretion (и в любом случае, с осмотрительностью)." He rose and picked up his hat (он встал и взял шляпу). "I am at the Hotel Belvedere (я в отеле «Бельведер») when you wish to communicate with me (если вы захотите со мной связаться) — room six-thirty-five (комната шесть-тридцать-пять). I confidently expect (я с уверенностью ожидаю) the greatest mutual benefit (самой большой взаимной выгоды) from our association, Mr. Spade (от нашего сотрудничества, мистер Спейд)." He hesitated (он поколебался). "May I have my pistol (могу я взять свой пистолет)?"

legitimate [lI'dZItImIt] solemn ['sOlqm] mutual ['mju:tSVql]

"Right. And it's a legitimate proposition." Spade's face was solemn except for wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. "You're not hiring me to do any murders or burglaries for you, but simply to get it back if possible in an honest and lawful way."

"If possible," Cairo agreed. His face also was solemn except for the eyes. "And in any event with discretion." He rose and picked up his hat. "I am at the Hotel Belvedere when you wish to communicate with me — room six-thirty-five. I confidently expect the greatest mutual benefit from our association, Mr. Spade." He hesitated. "May I have my pistol?"

"Sure (конечно). I'd forgotten it (я забыл об этом)."

Spade took the pistol out of his coat-pocket (Спейд вынул пистолет из кармана своего пальто) and handed it to Cairo (и вручил его Кейро).

Cairo pointed the pistol at Spade's chest (Кейро направил пистолет на грудь Спейда).

"You will please keep your hands (пожалуйста, держите руки) on the top of the desk (на поверхности стола)," Cairo said earnestly (серьезно сказал Кейро). "I intend to search your offices (я собираюсь обыскать ваши офисы)."

Spade said: "I'll be damned (будь я проклят)." Then he laughed in his throat and said (потом он засмеялся в своем горле и сказал): "All right (хорошо). Go ahead (действуйте). I won't stop you (я не буду останавливать вас)."

pointed ['pOIntId] earnest ['q:nIstlI] search [sq:tS]

"Sure. I'd forgotten it."

Spade took the pistol out of his coat-pocket and handed it to Cairo.

Cairo pointed the pistol at Spade's chest.

"You will please keep your hands on the top of the desk," Cairo said earnestly. "I intend to search your offices."

Spade said: "I'll be damned." Then he laughed in his throat and said: "All right. Go ahead. I won't stop you."
