XII. Merry-Go-Round (карусель; merry — восхитительный, веселый)

Spade rode down (Спейд спустился вниз; to ride (rode, ridden) — ехать, ездитьверхом) from Gutman's floor in an elevator (с этажа Гутмана в лифте). His lips were dry and rough (его губы были сухими и шершавыми) in a face (на лице) otherwise (в остальном; otherwise — иначе, иным способом; иным образом; по-другому) pale and damp (бледном и влажном). When he took out his handkerchief (когда он взял свой носовой платок) to wipe his face (чтобы вытереть свое лицо) he saw his hand trembling (он увидел, что его рука трясется). He grinned at it and said (он усмехнулся на это и сказал), "Whew (фюйть)!" so loudly (так громко) that the elevator-operator (что лифтер) turned his head over his shoulder (повернул свою голову через свое плечо) and asked (и спросил): "Sir (сэр)?"

otherwise ['ADqwaIz] wipe [waIp] operator ['OpqreItq]

Spade rode down from Gutman's floor in an elevator. His lips were dry and rough in a face otherwise pale and damp. When he took out his handkerchief to wipe his face he saw his hand trembling. He grinned at it and said, "Whew!" so loudly that the elevator-operator turned his head over his shoulder and asked: "Sir?"

Spade walked down Geary Street (Спейд пошел вниз по Гири-стрит) to the Palace Hotel (к «Палас-отелю»), where he ate luncheon (где он съел обед). His face had lost its pallor (его лицо потеряло свою бледность), his lips their dryness (его губы свою сухость; dry — сухой), and his hand its trembling (и его рука свое дрожание; to tremble — дрожать) by the time (к тому времени) he had sat down (когда он сел). He ate hungrily (он ел жадно; hungry — голодный) without haste (без спешки), and then went to Sid Wise's office (а потом пошел в офис Сида Уайза).

When Spade entered (когда Спейд вошел), Wise was biting a fingernail (Уайз кусал ноготь) and staring at the window (и смотрел в окно). He took his hand from his mouth (он вынул свою руку из своего рта/отвел руку ото рта), screwed his chair around (повернул свое кресло; screw — винт, болт; to screw — завинчивать; вертеть) to face Spade (чтобы смотреть на Спейда), and said: "Hello. Push a chair up (подтолкни = пододвинь стул)."

pallor ['pxlq] office ['OfIs] fingernail ['fINgqneIl]

Spade walked down Geary Street to the Palace Hotel, where he ate luncheon. His face had lost its pallor, his lips their dryness, and his hand its trembling by the time he had sat down. He ate hungrily without haste, and then went to Sid Wise's office.

When Spade entered, Wise was biting a fingernail and staring at the window. He took his hand from his mouth, screwed his chair around to face Spade, and said: "Hello. Push a chair up."

Spade moved a chair (Спейд подвинул стул) to the side (в сторону) of the big paper-laden desk (большого, заваленного бумагами стола) and sat down (и сел). "Mrs. Archer come in (миссис Арчер приходила)?" he asked (спросил он).

"Yes." The faintest of lights (едва заметные: «слабейшие» огоньки; faint — слабый, вялый; тусклый, нечеткий) flickered in Wise's eyes (блеснули в глазах Уайза). "Going to marry the lady, Sammy (хочешь жениться на леди, Сэмми)?"

Spade sighed irritably (Спейд раздраженно вздохнул) through his nose (через нос). "Christ, now you start that (о Боже, теперь ты начал это)!" he grumbled (проворчал он).

A brief tired smile (короткая усталая улыбка) lifted the corners (подняла уголки) of the lawyer's mouth (рта адвоката). "If you don't (если не хочешь)," he said, "you're going to have a job on your hands (тебе придется основательно потрудиться: «будешь иметь работу на твоих руках)."

nose [nqVz] start [stQ:t] brief [bri:f]

Spade moved a chair to the side of the big paper-laden desk and sat down. "Mrs. Archer come in?" he asked.

"Yes." The faintest of lights flickered in Wise's eyes. "Going to marry the lady, Sammy?"

Spade sighed irritably through his nose. "Christ, now you start that!" he grumbled.

A brief tired smile lifted the corners of the lawyer's mouth. "If you don't," he said, "you're going to have a job on your hands."

Spade looked up from the cigarette (Спейд поднял взгляд от сигареты) he was making (которую он делал) and spoke sourly (и кисло сказал): "You mean you are (ты имеешь в виду, что тебе /придется потрудиться/)? Well, that's what you're for (ну, именно для этого ты и существуешь). What did she tell you (что она тебе сказала)?"

"About you (о тебе)?"

"About anything (обо всем) I ought to know (что я должен знать)."

Wise ran fingers through his hair (Уайз пробежал пальцами по своим волосам), sprinkling dandruff down on his shoulders (разбрасывая перхоть вниз по своим плечам; to sprinkle — брызгать, кропить, опрыскивать). "She told me (она сказала мне) she had tried to get a divorce from Miles (что она пыталась получить развод от Майлза) so she could (чтобы она могла) — "

sourly ['saVqlI] hair [heq] dandruff ['dxndrqf]

Spade looked up from the cigarette he was making and spoke sourly: "You mean you are? Well, that's what you're for. What did she tell you?"

"About you?"

"About anything I ought to know."

Wise ran fingers through his hair, sprinkling dandruff down on his shoulders. "She told me she had tried to get a divorce from Miles so she could — "

"I know all that (я знаю все это)," Spade interrupted him (прервал его Спейд). "You can skip it (ты можешь опустить это). Get to the part (перейди к той части) I don't know (которую я не знаю)."

"How do I know (откуда я знаю) how much she (сколько она) —?"

"Quit stalling, Sid (перестань вилять, Сид)." Spade held the flame of his lighter (Спейд поднес: «держал» пламя своей зажигалки) to the end of his cigarette (к концу своей сигареты). "What did she tell you (что она сказала тебе) that she wanted kept from me (что она хотела скрыть от меня)?"

Wise looked reprovingly at Spade (Уайз с упреком взглянул на Спейда). "Now, Sammy (ну, Сэмми)," he began (начал он), "that's not (это не) — "

skip [skIp] stalling ['stO:lIN] reprovingly [rI'pru:vIŋlI]

"I know all that," Spade interrupted him. "You can skip it. Get to the part I don't know."

"How do I know how much she — ?"

"Quit stalling. Sid." Spade held the flame of his lighter to the end of his cigarette. "What did she tell you that she wanted kept from me?"

Wise looked reprovingly at Spade. "Now, Sammy," he began, "that's not — "

Spade looked heavenward (Спейд посмотрел ввысь;heaven — небо) at the ceiling (на потолок) and groaned (и застонал): "Dear God (Боже милостивый), he's my own lawyer (он мой собственный адвокат) that's got rich off me (который разбогател на мне) and I have to get down on my knees (и я должен становиться на мои колени) and beg him (и просить его) to tell me things (рассказать мне «вещи» = что-либо)!" He lowered at Wise (он наклонился к Уайзу). "What in hell (какого черта) do you think (ты думаешь) I sent her to you for (я послал ее к тебе)?"

Wise made a weary grimace (Уайз сделал утомленную гримасу). "Just one more client (только еще один клиент) like you (как ты)," he complained (пожаловался он), "and I'd be in a sanitarium (и я окажусь в санатории = в сумасшедшем доме) — or San Quentin (или Сан Квентине /тюрьма/) —."

heavenward ['hev(q)nwqd] weary ['wI(q)rI] sanitarium ["sxnI'te(q)rIqm]

Spade looked heavenward at the ceiling and groaned: "Dear God, he's my own lawyer that's got rich off me and I have to get down on my knees and beg him to tell me things!" He lowered at Wise. "What in hell do you think I sent her to you for?"

Wise made a weary grimace. "Just one more client like you," he complained, "and I'd be in a sanitarium — or San Quentin."

"You'd be (ты окажешься там) with most of your clients (с большинством своих клиентов). Did she tell you (она сказала тебе) where she was (где она была) the night he was killed (в ту ночь, когда, он был убит)?"


"Where (где)?"

"Following him (следила за ним)."

Spade sat up straight and blinked (Спейд сел прямо и прищурился). He exclaimed incredulously (он недоверчиво воскликнул): "Jesus (Боже), these women (эти женщины»)!" Then he laughed (потом он засмеялся), relaxed (расслабился), and asked (и спросил): "Well, what did she see (ну, что она видела)?"

incredulously [In'kredjVlqslI] relaxed [rI'lxkst] what [wOt]

"You'd be with most of your clients. Did she tell you where she was the night he was killed?"



"Following him."

Spade sat up straight and blinked. He exclaimed incredulously: "Jesus, these women!" Then he laughed, relaxed, and asked: "Well, what did she see?"

Wise shook his head (Уайз покачал своей головой). "Nothing much (немного). When he came home (когда он вернулся домой) for dinner that evening (на обед тем вечером) he told her (он сказал ей) he had a date with a girl at the St. Mark (что у него свидание с девушкой в /гостинице/ «Св.Марка»), ragging her (дразня ее), telling her (говоря ей) that was her chance (что это был ее шанс) to get the divorce (получить развод) she wanted (которого она хочет). She thought at first (она думала сначала) he was just trying to get under her skin (что он пытается вывести ее из себя: «забраться ей под кожу»; skin— кожа, шкура). He knew (он знал) — "

"I know the family history (я знаю семейную историю)," Spade said. "Skip it (опусти ее). Tell me what she did (скажи мне, что она сделала)."

"I will (я скажу) if you'll give me a chance (если та дашь мне шанс). After he had gone out (после того, как он ушел) she began to think (она начала думать) that maybe (что, может быть) he might have had that date (у него могло бы быть это свидание). You know Miles (ты знаешь Майлза). It would have been like him to (это было бы похоже на него) — "

date [deIt] ragging ['rxgIN] history ['hIst(q)rI]

Wise shook his head. "Nothing much. When he came home for dinner that evening he told her he had a date with a girl at the St. Mark, ragging her, telling her that was her chance to get the divorce she wanted. She thought at first he was just trying to get under her skin. He knew — "

"I know the family history," Spade said. "Skip it. Tell me what she did."

"I will if you'll give me a chance. After he had gone out she began to think that maybe he might have had that date. You know Miles. It would have been like him to — "

"You can skip Miles's character too (ты можешь опустить характер Майлза тоже)."

"I oughtn't to tell you (я не должен рассказывать тебе) a damned thing (ни одной проклятой вещи)," the lawyer said (сказал юрист). "So she got their car (так она взяла их машину) from the garage (из гаража) and drove down to the St. Mark (и приехала к отелю «Св. Марка»), sitting in the car across the street (и сидела в машине на другой стороне улицы: «через улицу»). She saw him come out of the hotel (она видела, как он выходит из отеля) and she saw (и она видела) that he was shadowing a man and a girl (что он следил за мужчиной и девушкой) — she says (она говорит) she saw the same girl (что она видела эту же девушку) with you last night (с тобой прошлой ночью) — who had come out just ahead of him (которая вышла прямо перед ним). She knew then (она тогда поняла) that he was working (что он работал), had been kidding her (и до этого разыгрывал ее). I suppose she was disappointed (я думаю, она была разочарована), and mad (и взбешена) — she sounded that way (это звучало: «она звучала» именно таким образом) when she told me about it (когда она рассказывала мне об этом). She followed Miles long enough (она следовала за Майлзом достаточно долго) to make sure (чтобы удостовериться) he was shadowing the pair (что он следит за парой), and then she went up to your apartment (и потом она поехала к тебе на квартиру). You weren't home (тебя дома не было)."

just [dZAst] mad [mxd] sound [saVnd]

"You can skip Miles's character too."

"I oughtn't to tell you a damned thing," the lawyer said. "So she got their car from the garage and drove down to the St. Mark, sitting in the car across the street. She saw him come out of the hotel and she saw that he was shadowing a man and a girl — she says she saw the same girl with you last night — who had come out just ahead of him. She knew then that he was working, had been kidding her. I suppose she was disappointed, and mad — she sounded that way when she told me about it. She followed Miles long enough to make sure he was shadowing the pair, and then she went up to your apartment. You weren't home."

"What time was that (в какое время это было)?" Spade asked (спросил Спейд).

"When she got to your place (когда она пришла к тебе домой)? Between half-past nine (между половиной десятого) and ten (и десятью) the first time (в первый раз)."

"The first time (первый раз)?"

"Yes. She drove around (она поездила по округе) for half an hour or so (полчаса или приблизительно столько) and then tried again (а потом попыталась еще). That would make it (тогда было), say, ten-thirty (скажем, десять тридцать). You were still out (тебя все еще не было), so she drove back downtown (поэтому она поехала назад, в центр города) and went to a movie (и пошла в кино) to kill time until after midnight (чтобы убить время до после полуночи), when she thought (когда, как она думала) she'd be more likely to find you in (она более вероятно = скорее всего, застанет тебя)."

place [pleIs] between [bI'twi:n] downtown ['daVntaVn]

"What time was that?" Spade asked.

"When she got to your place? Between half-past nine and ten the first time."

"The first time?"

"Yes. She drove around for half an hour or so and then tried again. That would make it, say, ten-thirty. You were still out, so she drove back downtown and went to a movie to kill time until after midnight, when she thought she'd be more likely to find you in."

Spade frowned (Спейд нахмурился). "She went to a movie at ten-thirty («она пошла в кино в десять тридцать)?"

"So she says (так она говорит) — the one on Powell Street (в кинотеатр на Пауэлл-стрит) that stays open (который открыт) till one in the morning (до часа утра). She didn't want to go home (она не хотела идти домой), she said, because she didn't want to be there (потому что не хотела быть там) when Miles came (когда Майлз придет). That always made him mad (это всегда приводило его в бешенство), it seems (кажется), especially (особенно) if it was around midnight (если это было около полуночи). She stayed in the movie (она оставалась в кинотеатре) till it closed (пока он не закрылся)." Wise's words came out slower now (слова Уайза выходили теперь медленнее) and there was a sardonic glint in his eye (и в его глазах был сардонический блеск).

movie ['mu:vI] especially [I'speS(q)lI] sardonic [sQ:'dOnIk]

Spade frowned. "She went to a movie at ten-thirty?"

"So she says — the one on Powell Street that stays open till one in the morning. She didn't want to go home, she said, because she didn't want to be there when Miles came. That always made him mad, it seems, especially if it was around midnight. She stayed in the movie till it closed." Wise's words came out slower now and there was a sardonic glint in his eye.

"She says (она говорит) she had decided by then (что она решила к этому времени) not to go back to your place again (не ехать обратно к твоему дому снова). She says she didn't know (что она не знала) whether you'd like (понравится ли тебе) having her drop in (ее приезд; to drop in — заходить, заглядывать) that late (столь поздно). So she went to Tait's (поэтому она поехала в Тейт) — the one on Ellis Street (тот, который на Эллис-стрит) — had something to eat (взяла что-то поесть) and then went home (и потом поехала домой) — alone (одна)." Wise rocked back (Уайз откинулся: «качнулся назад») in his chair (в своем кресле) and waited for Spade to speak (и ждал, пока заговорит Спейд).

Spade's face was expressionless (лицо Спейда было невыразительно; expression — выражение). He asked (он спросил): "You believe her (ты веришь ей)?"

alone [q'lqVn] expressionless [Ik'spreS(q)nlIs] believe [bI'li:v]

"She says she had decided by then not to go back to your place again. She says she didn't know whether you'd like having her drop in that late. So she went to Tait's — the one on Ellis Street — had something to eat and then went home — alone." Wise rocked back in his chair and waited for Spade to speak.

Spade's face was expressionless. He asked: "You believe her?"

"Don't you (а ты нет)?" Wise replied (ответил Уайз).

"How do I know (откуда я знаю)? How do I know (откуда я знаю) it isn't something (что это не история) you fixed up between you (о которой вы договорились между собой; tofix— устанавливать; прикреплять; чинить; подготовить) to tell me (рассказать мне)?"

Wise smiled (Уайз улыбнулся). "You don't cash many checks for strangers (ты же не платишь кучи денег незнакомым людям: «ты не обналичиваешь много чеков для незнакомцев»), do your Sammy (не так ли, Сэмми)?"

"Not basketfuls (не корзинами). Well, what then (ну, что потом)? Miles wasn't home (Майлза не было дома). It was at least two o'clock by then (было, по меньшей мере, два часа, к тому времени) — must've been (должно было быть) — and he was dead (и он был мертв)."

fixed [fIkst] stranger ['streIndZq] dead [ded]

"Don't you?" Wise replied.

"How do I know? How do I know it isn't something you fixed up between you to tell me?"

Wise smiled. "You don't cash many checks for strangers, do your Sammy?"

"Not basketfuls. Well, what then? Miles wasn't home. It was at least two o'clock by then — must've been — and he was dead."

"Miles wasn't home (Майлза не было дома)," Wise said. "That seems to have made her mad again (это, кажется, снова привело ее в бешенство) — his not being home first (то, что его не было дома первым) to be made mad (чтобы он сошел с ума) by her not being home (от того, что ее нет дома). So she took the car out of the garage again (она взяла машину из гаража снова) and went back to your place (и отправилась обратно к твоему дому)."

"And I wasn't home (и меня не было дома). I was down (я был внизу) looking at Miles's corpse (глядя на труп Майлза). Jesus (Боже), what a swell lot of merry-go-round riding (какие прекрасные скачки на карусели). Then what (что потом)?"

being ['bi:IN] corpse [kO:ps] merry ['merI]

"Miles wasn't home," Wise said. "That seems to have made her mad again — his not being home first to be made mad by her not being home. So she took the car out of the garage again and went back to your place."

"And I wasn't home. I was down looking at Miles's corpse. Jesus, what a swell lot of merry-go-round riding. Then what?"

"She went home (она отправилась домой), and her husband still wasn't there (и ее мужа все еще не было), and while she was undressing (и пока она раздевалась) your messenger came (твоя посланница пришла) with the news of his death (с новостью о его смерти)."

Spade didn't speak (Спейд не говорил) until he had with great care rolled (пока он не свернул с большой осторожностью) and lighted another cigarette (и не закурил другую сигарету). Then he said: "I think that's an all right spread (я думаю, это хорошо разложено; to spread — развертывать(ся); раскидывать(ся); простирать(ся); расстилать(ся)). It seems to click (кажется, согласуется) with most of the known facts (с большинством известных фактов). It ought to hold (должно пройти: «держать»)."

home [hqVm] messenger ['mes(q)ndZq] spread [spred]

"She went home, and her husband still wasn't there, and while she was undressing your messenger came with the news of his death."

Spade didn't speak until he had with great care rolled and lighted another cigarette. Then he said: "I think that's an all right spread. It seems to click with most of the known facts. It ought to hold."

Wise's fingers (пальцы Уайза), running through his hair again (пробегающие снова по его волосам), combed more dandruff (вычесали больше перхоти) down on his shoulders (на его плечи). He studied Spade's face (он изучал лицо Спейда) with curious eyes and asked (любопытными глазами и спросил): "But you don't believe it (но ты не веришь в это)?"

Spade plucked his cigarette (Спейд выдернул сигарету) from between his lips (из /между/ своих губ). "I don't believe it (я не верю в это) or disbelieve it, Sid (и не /то чтобы/ не верю, Сид). I don't know a damned thing about it (я не знаю, черт возьми, ничего об этом)."

A wry smile twisted the lawyer's mouth (кривая улыбка исказила рот Сида). He moved his shoulders wearily and said (он устало двинул своими плечами и сказал): "That's right (это верно) — I'm selling you out (я предаю тебя). Why don't you get an honest lawyer (почему бы тебе не найти честного адвоката) — one you can trust (которому ты сможешь доверять)?"

cigarette ["sIgq'ret] disbelieve ["dIsbI'li:v] out [aVt]

Wise's fingers, running through his hair again, combed more dandruff down on his shoulders. He studied Spade's face with curious eyes and asked: "But you don't believe it?"

Spade plucked his cigarette from between his lips. "I don't believe it or disbelieve it, Sid. I don't know a damned thing about it."

A wry smile twisted the lawyer's mouth. He moved his shoulders wearily and said: "That's right — I'm selling you out. Why don't you get an honest lawyer — one you can trust?"

"That fellow's dead (этот парень мертв)." Spade stood up (Спейд встал). He sneered at Wise (он насмешливо улыбнулся Уайзу). "Getting touchy, huh (становишься обидчивым, а)? I haven't got enough to think about (у меня не достаточно /вещей/, о которых думать): now I've got to remember (теперь я должен помнить) to be polite to you (/что нужно/ быть вежливым с тобой). What did I do (что я сделал)? Forget to genuflect when I came in (забыл преклонить колена, когда я вошел)?"

Sid Wise smiled sheepishly (Сид Уайз застенчиво улыбнулся; sheep — овца). "You're a son of a gun, Sammy (ты паршивец, Сэмми)," he said.

sneer [snIq] genuflect ['dZenjVflekt] sheepishly ['Si:pISlI]

"That fellow's dead." Spade stood up. He sneered at Wise. "Getting touchy, huh? I haven't got enough to think about: now I've got to remember to be polite to you. What did I do? Forget to genuflect when I came in?"

Sid Wise smiled sheepishly. "You're a son of a gun, Sammy," he said.

Effie Perine was standing in the center of Spade's outer office (Эффи Пирайн стояла в центре приемной Спейда) when he entered (когда он вошел). She looked at him (она посмотрела на него) with worried brown eyes (обеспокоенными карими глазами) and asked (и спросила): "What happened (что случилось)?"

Spade's face grew stiff (лицо Спейда стало жестким). "What happened where (что случилось где)?" he demanded (потребовал он).

"Why didn't she come (почему она не пришла)?"

Spade took two long steps (Спейд сделал два широких: «длинных» шага) and caught Effie Perine by the shoulders (и схватил Эффи Пирайн за плечи). "She didn't get there (она не пришла к тебе: «туда»)?" he bawled into her frightened face (завопил он в ее испуганное лицо; to bawl — /уст./ лаять, рычать; орать во всю глотку).

where [weq] bawl [bO:l] frightened ['fraItnd]

Effie Perine was standing in the center of Spade's outer office when he entered. She looked at him with worried brown eyes and asked: "What happened?"

Spade's face grew stiff. "What happened where?" he demanded.

"Why didn't she come?"

Spade took two long steps and caught Effie Perine by the shoulders. "She didn't get there?" he bawled into her frightened face.

She shook her head violently (она покачала своей головой яростно = очень сильно) from side to side (из одной стороны в сторону). "I waited and waited (я ждала и ждала) and she didn't come (и она не пришла), and I couldn't get you on the phone (я не могла связаться с тобой по телефону), so I came down (поэтому я вернулась)."

Spade jerked his hands away from her shoulders (Спейд отдернул свои руки от ее плеч), thrust them far down (засунул из глубоко: «далеко» вниз) in his trousers-pockets, said (в карманы своих брюк и сказал), "Another merry-go-round (еще одна карусель)," in a loud enraged voice (громким взбешенным голосом), and strode into his private office (и быстро прошел в свой личный офис; to stride— идти большими шагами). He came out again (он снова вышел). "Phone your mother (позвони своей матери)," he commanded (скомандовал он). "See if she's come yet (узнай, не пришла ли она уже)."

strode [strqVd] mother ['mADq] command [kq'mQ:nd]

She shook her head violently from side to side. "I waited and waited and she didn't come, and I couldn't get you on the phone, so I came down."

Spade jerked his hands away from her shoulders, thrust them far down in his trousers-pockets, said, "Another merry-go-round," in a loud enraged voice, and strode into his private office. He came out again. "Phone your mother," he commanded. "See if she's come yet."

He walked up and down the office (он ходил туда-сюда по офису) while the girl used the telephone (пока девушка говорила по телефону: «использовала телефон»). "No (нет)," she said when she had finished (сказала она, когда она закончила). "Did — did you send her out in a taxi (ты– ты отправил ее на такси)?"

His grunt probably meant yes (его ворчание, возможно, означало «да»).

"Are you sure she (ты уверен, что она) — Somebody must have followed her (должно быть, кто-то следил за ней) —!"

Spade stopped pacing the floor (Спейд перестал расхаживать по полу; to pace— шагать, расхаживать, прохаживаться; pace — шаг). He put his hands on his hips (он положил свои руки на свои бедра) and glared at the girl (и уставился на девушку).

finished ['fInISt] meant [ment] pacifiable ['pxsIfaIqb(q)l]

He walked up and down the office while the girl used the telephone. "No," she said when she had finished. "Did — did you send her out in a taxi?"

His grunt probably meant yes.

"Are you sure she — Somebody must have followed her!"

Spade stopped pacing the floor. He put his hands on his hips and glared at the girl.

He addressed her in a loud savage voice (он обратился к ней громким свирепым голосом): "Nobody followed her (никто не следил за ней). Do you think I'm a God-damned schoolboy (ты думаешь, я чертов: «проклятый Богом» школьник)? I made sure of it (я убедился в этом) before I put her in the cab (прежде чем посадил ее в такси), I rode a dozen blocks with her (я проехал дюжину кварталов с ней) to be more sure (чтобы быть более уверенным), and I checked her (и я проверял ее) another half-dozen blocks (еще полдюжины кварталов) after I got out (после того, как вышел)."

"Well, but (да, но) — "

"But she didn't get there (но она не приехала туда). You've told me that (ты мне это сказала). I believe it (я верю этому). Do you think I think she did get there (ты думаешь, что я думаю, что она туда приехала)?"

savage ['sxvIdZ] schoolboy ['sku:lbOI] half [hQ:f]

He addressed her in a loud savage voice: "Nobody followed her. Do you think I'm a God-damned schoolboy? I made sure of it before I put her in the cab, I rode a dozen blocks with her to be more sure, and I checked her another half-dozen blocks after I got out."

"Well, but — "

"But she didn't get there. You've told me that. I believe it. Do you think I think she did get there?"

Effie Perine sniffed (Эффи Пирайн фыркнула). "You certainly act (ты определенно ведешь себя) like a God-damned schoolboy (как чертов школьник)," she said.

Spade made a harsh noise (Спейд издал резкий звук) in his throat (горлом: «в своем горле») and went to the corridor-door (и пошел к двери в коридор). "I'm going out (я ухожу) and find her (и найду ее) if I have to dig up sewers (если мне придется раскопать канализацию)," he said. "Stay here (оставайся здесь) till I'm back (пока я не вернусь) or you hear from me (или я дам тебе знать: «или ты услышишь от меня»). For Christ's sake (ради Христа) let's do something right (давай сделаем что-нибудь правильно)."

He went out (он вышел), walked half the distance to the elevators (прошел половину расстояния к лифтам), and retraced his steps (и вернулся назад: «по своим шагам»). Effie Perine was sitting at her desk (Эффи Пирайн сидела за своим столом) when he opened the door (когда он открыл дверь). He said: "You ought to know better (ты должна /меня/ знать лучше) than to pay any attention to me (чем обращать внимание на меня) when I talk like that (когда я говорю так)."

sniff [snIf] dig [dIg] retrace [rI'treIs]

Effie Perine sniffed. "You certainly act like a God-damned schoolboy," she said.

Spade made a harsh noise in his throat and went to the corridor-door. "I'm going out and find her if I have to dig up sewers," he said. "Stay here till I'm back or you hear from me. For Christ's sake let's do something right."

He went out, walked half the distance to the elevators, and retraced his steps. Effie Perine was sitting at her desk when he opened the door. He said: "You ought to know better than to pay any attention to me when I talk like that."

"If you think (если ты думаешь) I pay any attention to you (я обращаю какое-то внимание на тебя) you're crazy (ты — сумасшедший)," she replied (ответила она), "only (только)" — she crossed her arms (она перекрестила руки) and felt her shoulders (и ощупала плечи), and her mouth twitched uncertainly (и ее рот дернулся неуверенно) — "I won't be able to wear an evening gown (я не смогу носить вечернее платье) for two weeks (две недели), you big brute (ты, огромный грубиян; brute — животное, тварь)."

He grinned humbly, said (он скромно усмехнулся, сказал), "I'm no damned good, darling (я вовсе не хорош = да, я плохой, дорогая)," made an exaggerated bow (сделал преувеличенный поклон), and went out again (и снова вышел).

twitch [twItS] gown [gaVn] exaggerated [Ig'zxdZqreItId]

"If you think I pay any attention to you you're crazy," she replied, "only" — she crossed her arms and felt her shoulders, and her mouth twitched uncertainly — "I won't be able to wear an evening gown for two weeks, you big brute."

He grinned humbly, said, "I'm no damned good, darling," made an exaggerated bow, and went out again.

Two yellow taxicabs (два желтых такси) were at the corner-stand (были на угловой стоянке) to which Spade went (к которой пошел Спейд). Their chauffeurs were standing together talking (их шоферы стояли вместе, разговаривая). Spade asked (Спейд спросил): "Where's the red-faced blond driver (где краснолицый, светловолосый водитель) that was here at noon (который был здесь в полдень)?"

"Got a load (взял пассажира: «груз»)," one of the chauffeurs said (сказал один из шоферов).

"Will he be back here (он вернется сюда)?"

"I guess so (я так думаю)."

noon [nu:n] load [lqVd] will [wIl]

Two yellow taxicabs were at the corner-stand to which Spade went. Their chauffeurs were standing together talking. Spade asked: "Where's the red-faced blond driver that was here at noon?"

"Got a load," one of the chauffeurs said.

"Will he be back here?"

"I guess so."

The other chauffeur (другой шофер) ducked his head (быстро наклонил свою голову) to the east (на восток). "Here he comes now (вон он теперь едет)."

Spade walked down to the corner (Спейд пошел к углу) and stood by the curb (и встал у края тротуара) until the red-faced blond chauffeur (пока краснолицый, белокурый шофер) had parked his cab (не припарковал свое такси) and got out (и вышел). Then Spade went up to him and said (потом Спейд подошел к нему и сказал): "I got into your cab with a lady at noontime (я сел в ваше такси с леди в полдень). We went out Stockton Street (мы вышли из Стоктон-стрит) and up Sacramento to Jones (и вверх по Сакраменто к Джонс), where I got out (где я вышел)."

"Sure (конечно)," the red-faced man said (сказал краснолицый мужчина), "I remember that (я помню это)."

east [i:st] now [naV] noontime ['nu:ntaIm]

The other chauffeur ducked his head to the east. "Here he comes now."

Spade walked down to the corner and stood by the curb until the red-faced blond chauffeur had parked his cab and got out. Then Spade went up to him and said: "I got into your cab with a lady at noontime. We went out Stockton Street and up Sacramento to Jones, where I got out."

"Sure," the red-faced man said, "I remember that."

"I told you to take her (я сказал вам отвезти ее) to a Ninth-Avenue-number (к Девятой авеню). You didn't take her there (вы не доставили ее туда). Where did you take her (куда вы ее отвезли)?"

The chauffeur rubbed his cheek (шофер почесал свою щеку) with a grimy hand (грязной рукой) and looked doubtfully at Spade (и с сомнением посмотрел на Спейда; doubt— сомнение). "I don't know about this (я не знаю об этом)."

"It's all right (это хорошо)," Spade assured him (уверил его Спейд), giving him one of his cards (давая ему одну из своих визитных карточек). "If you want to play safe, though (хотя, если вы хотите действовать: «играть» наверняка; safe— безопасный), we can ride up to your office (мы можем поехать в ваш офис) and get your superintendent's OK (и получить согласие вашего начальника)."

card [kQ:d] safe [seIf] superintendent ["s(j)u:p(q)rIn'tendqnt]

"I told you to take her to a Ninth-Avenue-number. You didn't take her there. Where did you take her?"

The chauffeur rubbed his cheek with a grimy hand and looked doubtfully at Spade. "I don't know about this."

"It's all right," Spade assured him, giving him one of his cards. "If you want to play safe, though, we can ride up to your office and get your superintendent's OK."

"I guess it's all right (я думаю, все в порядке). I took her to the Ferry Building (я отвез ее к паромной переправе)."

"By herself (одну)?"

"Yeah. Sure (да, конечно)."

"Didn't take her anywhere else first (сначала никуда не заезжали)?"

"No (нет). It was like this ( это было так): after we dropped you (после того, как мы высадили вас) I went on out Sacramento (я поехал дальше, с улицы Сакраменто), and when we got to Polk (и когда мы добрались до Полк) she rapped on the glass (она постучала по стеклу) and said she wanted to get a newspaper (и сказала, что она хочет купить газету), so I stopped at the corner (поэтому я остановился на углу) and whistled for a kid (и свистнул мальчику), and she got her paper (и она купила свою газету)."

ferry ['ferI] herself [(h)q'self] whistle ['wIs(q)l]

"I guess it's all right. I took her to the Ferry Building."

"By herself?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Didn't take her anywhere else first?"

"No. It was like this: after we dropped you I went on out Sacramento, and when we got to Polk she rapped on the glass and said she wanted to get a newspaper, so I stopped at the corner and whistled for a kid, and she got her paper."

"Which paper (какую газету)?"

"The Call («Колл»). Then I went on out Sacramento some more (потом я поехал дальше, с улицы Сакраменто еще немного), and just after we'd crossed Van Ness (и сразу, как только мы пересекли Ван Несс) she knocked on the glass again (она постучала по стеклу еще раз) and said take her to the Ferry Building (и сказала отвезти ее к парому)."

"Was she excited or anything (она была взволнована или еще что-то)?"

"Not so's I noticed (нет, насколько я заметил)."

"And when you got to the Ferry Building (а когда вы доехали до паромной переправы)?"

just [dZAst] excited [Ik'saItId] when [wen]

"Which paper?"

"The Call. Then I went on out Sacramento some more, and just after we'd crossed Van Ness she knocked on the glass again and said take her to the Ferry Building."

"Was she excited or anything?"

"Not so's I noticed."

"And when you got to the Ferry Building?"

"She paid me off (она расплатилась со мной), and that was all (и это было все)."

"Anybody waiting for her there (кто-нибудь ждал ее там)?"

"I didn't see them (я не видел их) if they was (если они были)."

"Which way did she go (в какую сторону она пошла)?"

"At the Ferry (у парома)? I don't know (я не знаю). Maybe upstairs (может быть, наверх), or towards the stairs (или к лестнице)."

"Take the newspaper with her (взяла газету с собой)?"

if [If] upstairs ["Ap'steqz] her [hq:, hq]

"She paid me off, and that was all."

"Anybody waiting for her there?"

"I didn't see them if they was."

"Which way did she go?"

"At the Ferry? I don't know. Maybe upstairs, or towards the stairs."

"Take the newspaper with her?"

"Yeah, she had it tucked under her arm (да, она сложила ее подмышкой; tuck— складка /на платье, драпировке/; сборка; totuck— подгибать, подворачивать; подбирать под себя, подсовывать) when she paid me (когда она платила мне)."

"With the pink sheet outside (с розовым листом снаружи), or one of the white (или с белым)?"

"Hell, Cap (черт, парень: «капитан»), I don't remember that (я не помню этого)."

Spade thanked the chauffeur (Спейд поблагодарил шофера), said, "Get yourself a smoke (возьмите себе покурить; smoke — дым, курение, курево)," and gave him a silver dollar (и дал ему серебряный доллар).

tucked ["tAkt] sheet [Si:t] dollar ['dOlq]

"Yeah, she had it tucked under her arm when she paid me."

"With the pink sheet outside, or one of the white?"

"Hell, Cap, I don't remember that."

Spade thanked the chauffeur, said, "Get yourself a smoke," and gave him a silver dollar.

Spade bought a copy of the Call (Спейд купил экземпляр «Колл») and carried it into an office-building vestibule (и отнес его в вестибюль офисного здания) to examine it (чтобы изучить его) out of the wind (не стоя на ветру).

His eyes ran swiftly (его глаза быстро) over the front-page-headlines (пробежали по заголовкам на первой странице) and over those on the second (и по тем /заголовкам/ на второй) and third pages (и третьей страницах). They paused for a moment under (они остановились на мгновение под) SUSPECT ARRESTED AS COUNTERFEITER (АРЕСТОВАН ПОДОЗРЕВАЕМЫЙ ФАЛЬШИВОМОНЕТЧИК) on the fourth page (на четвертой странице), and again on page five under (и снова, на пятой странице, на /заголовке/) BAY YOUTH (ЗАГНАННЫЙ МОЛОДОЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК; bay — залив, бухта; положение загнанного в угол, безвыходное положение) SEEKS DEATH WITH BULLET (ИЩЕТ СМЕРТЬ ПОД ПУЛЕЙ).

examine [Ig'zxmIn] counterfeiter ['kaVntqfItq] bullet ['bVlIt]

Spade bought a copy of the Call and carried it into an office-building vestibule to examine it out of the wind.

His eyes ran swiftly over the front-page-headlines and over those on the second and third pages. They paused for a moment under SUSPECT ARRESTED AS COUNTERFEITER on the fourth page, and again on page five under BAY YOUTH SEEKS DEATH WITH BULLET.

Pages six and seven (страницы шесть и семь) held nothing (не содержали ничего) to interest him (чтобы заинтересовать его). On eight (на восьмой странице заголовок) 3 Boys ARRESTED (3 парня АРЕСТОВАНЫ) AS S. F. BURGLARS (КАК НОЧНЫЕ ГРАБИТЕЛИ ИЗ САН-ФРАНЦИСКО) AFTER SHOOTING (ПОСЛЕ СТРЕЛЬБЫ) held his attention for a moment (задержал его внимание на мгновение), and after that nothing (и после этого ничего) until he reached the thirty-fifth page (пока он не достиг тридцать пятой страницы) , which held news of the weather (которая содержала новости погоды), shipping (судоходства), produce (производства), finance (финансов), divorce (разводы), births (рождения), marriages (свадьбы), and deaths (и смерти). He read the list of dead (он прочитал список умерших), passed over pages thirty-six and thirty-seven (пропустил страницы тридцать шесть и тридцать семь) — financial news (финансовые новости) — found nothing (не нашел ничего) to stop his eyes on the thirty-eighth (чтобы остановить его глаза на тридцать восьмой) and last page (и последней странице), sighed (вздохнул), folded the newspaper (сложил газету), put it in his coat-pocket (положил ее в карман пальто), and rolled a cigarette (и свернул сигарету).

weather ['weDq] shipping ['SIpIN] produce ['prOdju:s]

Pages six and seven held nothing to interest him. On eight 3 Boys ARRESTED AS S. F. BURGLARS AFTER SHOOTING held his attention for a moment, and after that nothing until he reached the thirty-fifth page, which held new-s of the weather, shipping, produce, finance, divorce, births, marriages, and deaths. He read the list of dead, passed over pages thirty-six and thirty-seven — financial news — found nothing to stop his eyes on the thirty-eighth and last page, sighed, folded the newspaper, put it in his coat-pocket, and rolled a cigarette.

For five minutes (пять минут) he stood there (он стоял там) in the office-building-vestibule (в вестибюле офисного здания) smoking (куря) and staring sulkily at nothing (и глядя угрюмо ни на что). Then he walked up to Stockton Street (потом он пошел вверх к Стоктон-стрит), hailed a taxicab (окликнул такси), and had himself driven to the Coronet (и поехал к «Коронету»).

He let himself into the building (он вошел в здание) and into Brigid O'Shaughnessy's apartment (и в квартиру Бриджит О’Шонесси) with the key (с помощью ключа) she had given him (который она дала ему). The blue gown (голубое платье) she had worn the previous night (которое было на ней предыдущей ночью) was hanging across the foot of her bed (висело в ногах ее кровати). Her blue stockings (ее голубые чулки) and slippers (и туфли) were on the bedroom floor (были на полу спальни).

sulkily ['sAlkIlI] hanging ['hxNIN] stocking ['stOkIN]

For five minutes he stood there in the office-building-vestibule smoking and staring sulkily at nothing. Then he walked up to Stockton Street, hailed a taxicab, and had himself driven to the Coronet.

He let himself into the building and into Brigid O'Shaughnessy's apartment with the key she had given him. The blue gown she had worn the previous night was hanging across the foot of her bed. Her blue stockings and slippers were on the bedroom floor.

The polychrome box (разноцветная коробочка) that had held jewelry (которая содержала украшения) in her dressing-table-drawer (в ящике ее туалетного стола) now stood empty (стояла теперь пустой) on the dressing table-top (на поверхности туалетного стола). Spade frowned at it (Спейд хмуро посмотрел на нее), ran his tongue across his lips (пробежал языком по своим губам), strolled through the rooms (прошелся по комнатам), looking around (оглядываясь вокруг) but not touching anything (но не касаясь ничего), then left the Coronet (потом покинул «Коронет») and went downtown again (и пошел снова в центр города).

In the doorway of Spade's office-building (в дверном проеме офисного здания Спейда) he came face to face (он лицом к лицу столкнулся) with the boy he had left at Gutman's (с юношей, которого он оставил у Гутмана). The boy put himself in Spade's path (юноша встал на пути Спейда), blocking the entrance (закрывая вход), and said: "Come on (пойдем). He wants to see you (он хочет видеть вас)."

polychrome ['pOlIkrqVm] path [pQ:T] said [sed]

The polychrome box that had held jewelry in her dressing-table-draw-er now stood empty on the dressing-table-top. Spade frowned at it, ran his tongue across his lips, strolled through the rooms, looking around but not touching anything, then left the Coronet and went downtown again.

In the doorway of Spade's office-building he came face to face with the boy he had left at Gutman's. The boy put himself in Spade's path, blocking the entrance, and said: "Come on. He wants to see you."

The boy's hands (руки парня) were in his overcoat-pockets (были в карманах его пальто). His pockets bulged more (его карманы оттопыривались больше) than his hands need have made them bulge (чем его руки должны были их оттопыривать).

Spade grinned (Спейд усмехнулся) and said mockingly (и сказал насмешливо): "I didn't expect you till five twenty-five (я не ждал вас до пяти двадцати пяти). I hope I haven't kept you waiting (я надеюсь, я не заставил вас ждать)."

The boy raised his eyes (парень поднял свои глаза) to Spade's mouth (на рот Спейда) and spoke in the strained voice (и сказал напряженным голосом) of one in physical pain (человека с физической болью): "Keep on riding me (продолжайте подшучивать надо мной; to ride— ехать верхом, скакать) and you're going to be picking iron (и вы будете выковыривать пулю: «железо») out of your navel (из вашего пупка)."

expect [Ik'spekt] iron ['aIqn] navel ['neIv(q)l]

The boy's hands were in his overcoat-pockets. His pockets bulged more than his hands need have made them bulge.

Spade grinned and said mockingly: "I didn't expect you till five twenty-five. I hope I haven't kept you waiting."

The boy raised his eyes to Spade's mouth and spoke in the strained voice of one in physical pain: "Keep on riding me and you're going to be picking iron out of your navel."

Spade chuckled (Спейд хмыкнул; chuckle — тихий смех; хихиканье; смех про себя). "The cheaper the crook (чем дешевле проходимец; crook — крючок), the gaudier the patter (тем крикливее базар; gaudy — большое празднество; безвкусный, кричащий, яркий; patter — воровской жаргон)," he said cheerfully (сказал он бодро). "Well, let's go (ну, пойдем)."

They walked up Sutter Street (они пошли вверх по Саттер-стрит) side by side (рядом друг с другом). The boy kept his hands (парень держал свои руки) in his overcoat-pockets (в карманах своего пальто). They walked a little more (они прошли чуть больше) than a block (квартала) in silence (в молчании). Then Spade asked pleasantly (потом Спейд весело спросил): "How long have you been off the gooseberry lay, son (как давно ты оставил колючую проволоку, сынок; gooseberry — крыжовник, проволочные ежи, lay — месторасположение)?"

crook [krVk] gaudy ['gO:dI] patter ['pxtq]

Spade chuckled. "The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter," he said cheerfully. "Well, let's go."

They walked up Sutter Street side by side. The boy kept his hands in his overcoat-pockets. They walked a little more than a block in silence. Then Spade asked pleasantly: "How long have you been off the gooseberry lay, son?"

The boy did not show (парень не показал) that he had heard the question (что он слышал вопрос).

"Did you ever (ты когда-нибудь) — ?" Spade began, and stopped (начал Спейд и остановился). A soft light began to glow (мягкий свет начал светиться) in his yellowish eyes (в его желтоватых глазах). He did not address the boy again (он не обратился снова к парню).

They went into the Alexandria (они вошли в «Александрию»), rode up to the twelfth floor (поднялись на двенадцатый этаж), and walked down the corridor (и пошли вдоль по коридору) towards Gutman's suite (в сторону номера-люкс Гутмана). Nobody else was in the corridor (никого больше в коридоре не было).

began [bI'gxn] twelfth [twelfT] was [wOz]

The boy did not show that he had heard the question.

"Did you ever — ?" Spade began, and stopped. A soft light began to glow in his yellowish eyes. He did not address the boy again.

They went into the Alexandria, rode up to the twelfth floor, and walked down the corridor towards Gutman's suite. Nobody else was in the corridor.

Spade lagged a little (Спейд немного отстал), so that (так), when they were (что когда они были) within fifteen feet of Gutman's door (в пятнадцати футах от двери Гутмана), he was perhaps a foot and a half behind the boy (он был, наверное, в полутора футах за юношей; half — половина). He leaned sidewise suddenly (он неожиданно наклонился в сторону) and grasped the boy from behind (и схватил парня сзади) by both arms (обеими руками), just beneath the boy's elbows (как раз под локтями юноши). He forced the boy's arms forward (он с силой толкнул руки парня вперед) so that the boy's hands (так что ладони парня), in his overcoat-pockets (в кармане его пальто), lifted the overcoat up before him (подняли пальто перед ним). The boy struggled and squirmed (парень боролся и изгибался), but he was impotent (но он был беспомощен) in the big man's grip (в хватке большого человека). The boy kicked back (парень пнул ногой назад), but his feet went between (но его ноги прошли между) Spade's spread legs (расставленными ногами Спейда).

lag [lxg] impotent ['Impqt(q)nt] kick [kIk]

Spade lagged a little, so that, when they were within fifteen feet of Gutman's door, he was perhaps a foot and a half behind the boy. He leaned sidewise suddenly and grasped the boy from behind by both arms, just beneath the boy's elbows. He forced the boy's arms forward so that the boy's hands, in his overcoat-pockets, lifted the overcoat up before him. The boy struggled and squirmed, but he was impotent in the big man's grip. The boy kicked back, but his feet went between Spade's spread legs.

Spade lifted the boy straight up from the floor (Спейд поднял парня прямо с пола) and brought him down hard (и с силой опустил его вниз) on his feet again (снова на его ноги). The impact made little noise (удар вызвал небольшой шум) on the thick carpet (на толстом ковре). At the руки Спейда скользнули вниз) and got a fresh grip (и снова схватили; fresh — свежий, новый) on the boy's wrists (запястья парня). The boy, teeth set hard together (парень, зубы крепко сжаты), did not stop straining (не перестал напрягаться) against the man's big hands (сопротивляясь большим рукам мужчины), but he could not tear himself loose (но он не мог освободиться; to tear — разрывать, loose — свободный), could not keep the man's hands (не мог держать руки мужчины) from crawling down (от медленного продвижения вниз; to crawl — ползти) over his own hands (по его собственным рукам). The boy's teeth ground together audibly (зубы парня скрежетали друг о друга слышно), making a noise (делая шум) that mingled with the noise of Spade's breathing as Spade (который смешивался с шумом дыхания Спейда) crushed the boy's hands (сдавившего руки парня).

carpet ['kQ:pIt] crawling ['krO:lIN] breathing ['bri:DIN]

Spade lifted the boy straight up from the floor and brought him down hard on his feet again. The impact made little noise on the thick carpet. At the moment of impact Spade's hands slid down and got a fresh grip on the boy's wrists. The boy, teeth set hard together, did not stop straining against the man's big hands, but he could not tear himself loose, could not keep the man's hands from crawling down over his own hands. The boy's teeth ground together audibly, making a noise that mingled with the noise of Spade's breathing as Spade crushed the boy's hands.

They were tense and motionless (они были напряжены и неподвижны) for a long moment (долгое время). Then the boy's arms (потом руки парня) became limp (стали мягкими). Spade released the boy (Спейд отпустил парня) and stepped back (и шагнул в сторону). In each of Spade's hands (в каждой руке Спейда), when they came out of the boy's overcoat-pockets (когда они вышли из карманов пальто парня), there was a heavy automatic pistol (был тяжелый автоматический пистолет).

The boy turned (парень повернулся) and faced Spade (и посмотрел на Спейда). The boy's face was a ghastly white blank (лицо парня было жутко белым; ghastly— наводящий ужас, жуткий, страшный). He kept his hands (он держал свои руки) in his overcoat-pockets (в карманах своего пальто). He looked at Spade's chest (он посмотрел на грудь Спейда) and did not say anything (и ничего не сказал).

motionless ['mqVS(q)nlIs] limp [lImp] automatic ["O:tq'mxtIk]

They were tense and motionless for a long moment. Then the boy's arms became limp. Spade released the boy and stepped back. In each of Spade's hands, when they came out of the boy's overcoat-pockets, there was a heavy automatic pistol.

The boy turned and faced Spade. The boy's face was a ghastly white blank. He kept his hands in his overcoat-pockets. He looked at Spade's chest and did not say anything.

Spade put the pistols (Спейд положил пистолеты) in his own pockets (в свои карманы) and grinned derisively (и иронично усмехнулся). "Come on (пойдем)." he said. "This will put you in solid (это прибавит тебе солидности; solid — твердый; сплошной; цельный) with your boss (с твоим боссом)."

They went to Gutman's door (они подошли к двери Гутмана) and Spade knocked (и Спейд постучал).

derisive [dI'raIsIv] boss [bOs] knock [nPk]

Spade put the pistols in his own pockets and grinned derisively. "Come on." he said. "This will put you in solid with your boss."

They went to Gutman's door and Spade knocked.
