XVII. Saturday Night (субботний вечер)

Carrying the parcel lightly under his arm (неся сверток легко подмышкой), walking briskly (шагая бодро), with only the ceaseless shifting of his eyes (только с беспрерывно бегающими глазами; to shift — перемещать, передвигать; to cease — прекращать) to denote wariness (/которые/ указывали на осторожность), Spade went (Спейд шел), partly by way of an alley and a narrow court (частично по аллее и узкому двору), from his office-building (от своего офисного здания) to Kearny and Post Streets (к Керни-стрит и Пост-стрит), where he hailed a passing taxicab (где он окликнул проезжающее такси).

denote [dI'nqVt] hail [heIl] wariness ['we(q)rInIs]

Carrying the parcel lightly under his arm, walking briskly, with only the ceaseless shifting of his eyes to denote wariness, Spade went, partly by way of an alley and a narrow court, from his office-building to Kearny and Post Streets, where he hailed a passing taxicab.

The taxicab carried him (такси привезло его) to the Pickwick Stage terminal (к вокзалу Пиквик Стейдж) in Fifth Street (на Пятой улице). He checked the bird at the Parcel Room there (он сдал там птицу в камеру хранения; parcel — пакет, сверток, бандероль), put the check into a stamped envelope (положил чек в конверт с маркой; check — зд. номерок, багажнаяквитанция), wrote M. F. Holland (написал М. Ф. Холланд) and a San Francisco Post Office box-number (и Сан-Франциский номер почтового ящика) on the envelope (на конверте), sealed it (запечатал его), and dropped it into a mail-box (и бросил его в почтовый ящик). From the stage-terminal (от вокзала; stage — сцена, театр, платформа) another taxicab carried him to the Alexandria Hotel (другое такси доставило его в отель «Александрия»).

terminal ['tq:mIn(q)l] stamp [stxmp] envelope ['envqlqVp]

The taxicab carried him to the Pickwick Stage terminal in Fifth Street. He checked the bird at the Parcel Room there, put the check into a stamped envelope, wrote M. F. Holland and a San Francisco Post Office box-number on the envelope, sealed it, and dropped it into a mail-box. From the stage-terminal another taxicab carried him to the Alexandria Hotel.

Spade went up to suite 12-C (Спейд поднялся в номер-люкс 12-С) and knocked on the door (и постучал в дверь). The door was opened (дверь была открыта), when he had knocked a second time (когда он постучал во второй раз), by a small fair-haired girl (маленькой белокурой девушкой) in a shimmering yellow dressing-gown (в блестящем желтом пеньюаре) — a small girl (маленькой девушкой) whose face was white and dim (чье лицо было белым и тусклым) and who clung desperately (и которая отчаянно держалась; to cling — епляться; прилипать; крепко держаться) to the inner doorknob with both hands (за внутреннюю дверную ручку обеими руками) and gasped (и с трудом дыша, сказала): "Mr. Spade?"

Spade said, "Yes," and caught her as she swayed (и поймал ее, когда она покачнулась).

knock [nOk] shimmer ['SImq] dim [dIm]

Spade went up to suite 12-C and knocked on the door. The door was opened, when he had knocked a second time, by a small fair-haired girl in a shimmering yellow dressing-gown — a small girl whose face was white and dim and who clung desperately to the inner doorknob with both hands and gasped: "Mr. Spade?"

Spade said, "Yes," and caught her as she swayed.

Her body arched back (ее тело выгнулось назад) over his arm (на его руке) and her head dropped straight back (и ее голова упала прямо назад) so that her short fair hair (так что ее короткие светлые волосы) hung down her scalp (свисавшие вниз с ее головы) and her slender throat (и ее узкого горла) was a firm curve (были твердой дугой) from chin to chest (от подбородка до груди).

Spade slid his supporting arm higher up her back (Спейд переместил свою поддерживающую руку: «скользнул своей поддерживающей рукой» выше по ее спине; to slide — скользить; двигаться плавно) and bent (и он наклонился) to get his other arm (чтобы положить свою другую руку) under her knees (под ее колени), but she stirred then (но она тогда пошевелилась), resisting (сопротивляясь), and between parted lips (и между разделенных губ) that barely moved (которые едва двигались) blurred words came (послышались неясные слова): "No! Ma' me wa' (я пойду сама; ma' me wa' = make me walk)!"

arched [Q:tSt] supporting [sq'pO:tIN] barely ['beqlI]

Her body arched back over his arm and her head dropped straight back so that her short fair hair hung down her scalp and her slender throat was a firm curve from chin to chest.

Spade slid his supporting arm higher up her back and bent to get his other arm under her knees, but she stirred then, resisting, and between parted lips that barely moved blurred words came: "No! Ma' me wa'!"

Spade made her walk (Спейд помог ей идти). He kicked the door shut (он пинком закрыл дверь) and he walked her up and down (и он повел ее взад и вперед) the green-carpeted room (по комнате с зеленым ковром) from wall to wall (от стены к стене). One of his arms (одна из его рук) around her small body (вокруг ее хрупкого тела), that hand under her armpit (эта рука у нее под мышкой), his other hand (его другая рука) gripping her other arm (сжимающая ее другую руку), held her erect (держали ее прямо) when she stumbled (когда она спотыкалась), checked her swaying (удерживали ее от покачиваний), kept urging her forward (продолжали продвигать ее вперед; to urge — понуждать, заставлять, подстрекать), but made her tottering legs (но заставляли ее шатающиеся ноги) bear all her weight they could bear (нести весь ее вес, который они /только/ могли вынести). They walked across and across the floor (они ходили и ходили по полу; across — поперек, откраядокрая), the girl falteringly (девушка нетвердо), with uncoordinated steps (нескоординированными шагами), Spade surely (Спейд уверенно) on the balls of his feet (на подушечках /пальцев/ своих ног) with balance (с равновесием) unaffected by her staggering (на которое не повлияли ее пошатывания). Her face was chalk-white (ее лицо было белым, как мел) and eyeless (и незрячим), his sullen (его сердитым), with eyes hardened (с глазами жесткими) to watch everywhere at once (чтобы смотреть всюду сразу).

carpet ['kQ:pIt] armpit ['Q:m"pIt] urge [q:dZ]

Spade made her walk. He kicked the door shut and he walked her up and down the green-carpeted room from wall to wall. One of his arms around her small body, that hand under her armpit, his other hand gripping her other arm, held her erect when she stumbled, checked her swaying, kept urging her forward, but made her tottering legs bear all her weight they could bear. They walked across and across the floor, the girl falteringly, with uncoordinated steps, Spade surely on the balls of his feet with balance unaffected by her staggering. Her face was chalk-white and eyeless, his sullen, with eyes hardened to watch everywhere at once.

He talked to her monotonously (он говорил с ней монотонно): "That's the stuff (вот это то, что надо). Left, right, left, right (левой, правой, левой, правой). That's the stuff (вот это то, что надо). One, two, three, four (раз, два, три, четыре), one, two, three (раз, два, три), now we turn (теперь мы поворачиваем)." He shook her (он встряхнул ее) as they turned from the wall (когда они повернули от стены). "Now back again (теперь снова назад). One, two, three, four (раз, два, три, четыре). Hold your head up (держите вашу голову высоко). That's the stuff (вот это то, что надо). Good girl (хорошая девочка). Left, right, left, right (левой, правой, левой, правой). Now we turn again (теперь мы поворачиваем снова)." He shook her again (он встряхнул ее снова). "That's the girl (вот это девочка). Walk, walk, walk, walk (идите, идите, идите, идите). One, two, three, four (раз, два, три, четыре). Now we go around (теперь мы пойдем вокруг)." He shook her (он встряхнул ее), more roughly (более грубо), and increased their pace (и увеличил /их/ скорость; pace— шаг, длина шага). "That's the trick (в этом весь фокус). Left, right, left, right (левой, правой, левой, правой). We're in a hurry (мы торопимся: «мы в спешке»). One, two, three (раз, два, три»)…

monotonously [mq'nOt(q)nqslI] walk [wO:k] roughly ['rAflI]

He talked to her monotonously: "That's the stuff. Left, right, left, right. That's the stuff. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, now we turn." He shook her as they turned from the wall. "Now back again. One, two, three, four. Hold your head up. That's the stuff. Good girl. Left, right, left, right. Now we turn again." He shook her again. "That's the girl. Walk, walk, walk, walk. One, two, three, four. Now we go around." He shook her, more roughly, and increased their pace. "That's the trick. Left, right, left, right. We're in a hurry. One, two, three…

She shuddered and swallowed audibly (она вздрогнула и слышно сглотнула). Spade began to chafe her arm (Спейд начал растирать ее руку) and side (и бок) and he put his mouth (и приложил свой рот) nearer her ear (ближе к ее уху). "That's fine (это прекрасно). You're doing fine (у вас очень хорошо получается). One, two, three, four (раз, два, три, четыре). Faster, faster, faster, faster (быстрее, быстрее, быстрее, быстрее). That's it (вот так). Step, step, step, step (шаг, шаг, шаг, шаг). Pick them up and lay them down (поднимайте их и опускайте их). That's the stuff (вот это то, что надо). Now we turn (теперь мы поворачиваем). Left, right, left, right (левой, правой, левой, правой). What'd they do (что они сделали) — dope you (дали вам наркотик)? The same stuff (ту же гадость) they gave me (которую они дали мне)?"

Her eyelids twitched up then (ее веки тогда дернулись) for an instant (на мгновение) over dulled golden-brown eyes (над тусклыми золотисто-карими глазами) and she managed to say all of "Yes" (и она сумела сказать целиком /слово/ «да») except the final consonant (за исключением последнего гласного звука; consonant— согласный).

fast [fQ:st] step [step] consonant ['kOnsqnqnt]

She shuddered and swallowed audibly. Spade began to chafe her arm and side and he put his mouth nearer her ear. "That's fine. You're doing fine. One, two, three, four. Faster, faster, faster, faster. That's it. Step, step, step, step. Pick them up and lay them down. That's the stuff. Now we turn. Left, right, left, right. What'd they do — dope you? The same stuff' they gave me?"

Her eyelids twitched up then for an instant over dulled golden-brown eyes and she managed to say all of "Yes" except the final consonant.

They walked the floor (они ходили по полу), the girl almost trotting now (девушка теперь почти рысью) to keep up with Spade (чтобы поспевать за Спейдом; to keep up — держатьсянапрежнемуровне, продолжать, поддерживать), Spade slapping and kneading her flesh (Спейд, шлепая и растирая ее тело) through yellow silk (через желтый шелк) with both hands (обеими руками), talking and talking (говоря и говоря) while his eyes remained hard and aloof (в то же время как его глаза оставались твердыми и безучастными) and watchful (и осторожными; watchful — внимательный, наблюдательный). "Left, right, left, right, left, right, turn (левой, правой, левой, правой, левой, правой, поворот). That's the girl (вот это девочка). One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four (раз, два, три, четыре, раз, два, три, четыре). Keep the chin up (держи подбородок выше). That's the stuff (вот это то, что надо). One, two (раз, два).

Her lids lifted again (ее веки поднялись снова) a bare fraction of an inch (на малейшую долю дюйма; fraction— часть, частица, отрезок) and under them (и под ними) her eyes moved weakly (ее глаза двигались слабо) from side to side (из стороны в сторону).

trotting ['trOtIN] kneading ['ni:dIN] fraction ['frxkS(q)n]

They walked the floor, the girl almost trotting now to keep up with Spade, Spade slapping and kneading her flesh through yellow silk with both hands, talking and talking while his eyes remained hard and aloof and watchful. "Left, right, left, right, left, right, turn. That's the girl. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. Keep the chin up. That's the stuff. One, two . .

Her lids lifted again a bare fraction of an inch and under them her eyes moved weakly from side to side.

"That's fine (это прекрасно)," he said in a crisp voice (сказал он резким голосом; crisp — завитой, кудрявый; жесткий), dropping his monotone (отбрасывая свою монотонность). "Keep them open (держите их открытыми). Open them wide (откройте их широко) — wide (широко)!" He shook her (он встряхнул ее).

She moaned in protest (она застонала, протестуя), but her lids went farther up (но ее веки поднялись дальше наверх), though her eyes (хотя ее глаза) were without inner light (были без внутреннего света). He raised his hand (он поднял свою руку) and slapped her cheek (и шлепнул ее щеку) half a dozen times (с полдюжины раз) in quick succession (быстрой очередью; succession— преемственность, последовательность). She moaned again (она застонала снова) and tried to break away from him (и попыталась вырваться от него). His arm held her (его рука удержала ее) and swept her along beside him (и увлекла ее рядом с ним; tosweep(swept) — мести, сгребать, сносить) from wall to wall (от стены к стене).

crisp [krIsp] moan [mqVn] succession [sqk'seS(q)n]

"That's fine," he said in a crisp voice, dropping his monotone. "Keep them open. Open them wide — wide!" He shook her.

She moaned in protest, but her lids went farther up, though her eyes were without inner light. He raised his hand and slapped her cheek half a dozen times in quick succession. She moaned again and tried to break away from him. His arm held her and swept her along beside him from wall to wall.

"Keep walking (продолжайте ходить)," he ordered in a harsh voice (приказал он грубым голосом), and then (а потом): "Who are you (кто вы)?"

Her "Rhea Gutman" was thick but intelligible (ее «Рея Гутман» было хриплым, но вразумительным; thick — толстый, дородный; густой).

"The daughter (дочь)?"

"Yes." Now she was no farther (теперь она была не дальше) from the final consonant (от конечного согласного) than sh (чем ш).

"Where's Brigid (где Бриджит)?"

harsh [hQ:S] intelligible [In'telIdZqb(q)l] daughter ['dO:tq]

"Keep walking," he ordered in a harsh voice, and then: "Who are you?"

Her "Rhea Gutman" was thick but intelligible.

"The daughter?"

"Yes." Now she was no farther from the final consonant than sh.

"Where's Brigid?"

She twisted convulsively around (она судорожно изогнулась /вокруг/) in his arms (в его руках) and caught at one of his hands (и схватила одну из его рук) with both of hers (обеими своими /руками/). He pulled his hand away quickly (он быстро отнял свою руку) and looked at it (и посмотрел на нее /руку/). Across its back (через ее тыльную часть) was a thin red scratch (была тонкая красная царапина) an inch and a half or more in length (в полтора дюйма или больше в длину).

"What the hell (какого черта)?" he growled (зарычал он) and examined her hands (и проверил ее руки). Her left hand was empty (ее левая рука была пустой). In her right hand (в ее правой руке), when he forced it open (когда он принудил ее открыть), lay a three-inch (лежала трехдюймовая) jade-headed (с нефритовой головкой) steel bouquet-pin (стальная булавка; bouquet — букет). "What the hell (какого черта)?" he growled again (зарычал он снова) and held the pin up (и поднял булавку /из ее руки/) in front of her eyes (перед ее глазами).

convulsively [kqn'vAlsIvlI] growl [graVl] bouquet [bqV'keI, bu:-]

She twisted convulsively around in his arms and caught at one of his hands with both of hers. He pulled his hand away quickly and looked at it. Across its back was a thin red scratch an inch and a half or more in length.

"What the hell?" he growled and examined her hands. Her left hand was empty. In her right hand, when he forced it open, lay a three-inch jade-headed steel bouquet-pin. "What the hell?" he growled again and held the pin up in front of her eyes.

When she saw the pin (когда она увидела булавку) she whimpered (она захныкала) and opened her dressing-gown (и распахнула свой пеньюар). She pushed aside (она отодвинула в сторону) the cream-colored pajama-coat (кремового цвета куртку пижаму) under it (под ним /пеньюаром/) and showed him her body (и показала ему свое тело) below her left breast (под ее левой грудью) — white flesh (белое тело) crisscrossed with thin red lines (испещренное красными линиями), dotted with tiny red dots (усыпанное крошечными красными точками), where the pin had scratched and punctured it (где булавка царапала и колола его). "To stay awake (чтобы оставаться бодрствующей) ... walk (ходить) ... till you came (пока вы придете)... She said you'd come ere so long (вы придете сюда вскоре; ere— рано, прежде чем, скорее чем)." She swayed (она покачнулась).

cream [kri:m] crisscross ['krIskrOs] punctured ['pANktSqd]

When she saw the pin she whimpered and opened her dressing-gown. She pushed aside the cream-colored pajama-coat under it and showed him her body below her left breast — white flesh crisscrossed with thin red lines, dotted with tiny red dots, where the pin had scratched and punctured it. "To stay awake ... walk ... till you came... She said you'd come ere so long." She swayed.

Spade tightened his arm around her (Спейд плотнее прижал свою руку вокруг нее) and said: "Walk (ходите)."

She fought against his arm (она боролась против его руки; to fight — сражаться, бороться), squirming around (изгибаясь) to face him again (чтобы посмотреть на него снова). "No, tell you (нет, говорю вам) ... sleep (спать) ... save her (спасите ее)..."

"Brigid (Бриджит)?" he demanded (спросил он требовательно).

"Yes ... took her (забрали ее) ... Bur-Burlingame (Бэр-Бэрлингем) ... twenty-six Ancho (двадцать шесть Анчо). Hurry (торопитесь) ... too late (слишком поздно) ..." Her head fell over on her shoulder (ее голова упала на ее плечо).

fought [fO:t] squirm [skwq:m] save [seIv]

Spade tightened his arm around her and said: "Walk."

She fought against his arm, squirming around to face him again. "No tell you ... sleep ... save her ..."

"Brigid?" he demanded.

"Yes ... took her ... Bur-Burlingame ... twenty-six Ancho . hurry ... too late ..." Her head fell over on her shoulder.

Spade pushed her head up roughly (Спейд грубо поднял ее голову). "Who took her there (кто забрал ее туда)? Your father (ваш отец)?"

"Yes ... Wilmer ... Cairo." She writhed (она скорчилась) and her eyelids twitched (и ее веки дернулись) but did not open (но не открылись). "... kill her (убить ее)." Her head fell over again (ее голова снова упала), and again he pushed it up (и снова он толкнул ее кверху).

"Who shot Jacobi (кто застрелил Якоби)?"

She did not seem to hear the question (казалось, она не слышала вопроса). She tried pitifully (она пыталась жалко) to hold her head up (держать голову высоко), to open her eyes (открыть свои глаза). She mumbled (она пробормотала): "Go (идите) ... she (она) ...

writhe [raID] pitiful ['pItIf(q)l] mumble ['mAmb(q)l]

Spade pushed her head up roughly. "Who took her there? Your father?"

"Yes ... Wilmer ... Cairo." She writhed and her eyelids twitched but did not open. "... kill her." Her head fell over again, and again he pushed it up.

"Who shot Jacobi?"

She did not seem to hear the question. She tried pitifully to hold her head up, to open her eyes. She mumbled: "Go ... she ...

He shook her brutally (он грубо встряхнул ее). "Stay awake (не засыпай) till the doctor comes (пока не приедет врач)."

Fear opened her eyes (страх открыл ее глаза) and pushed for a moment the cloudiness (и вытолкнул на мгновение туманность; cloud — облако) from her face (с ее лица). "No, no," she cried thickly (хрипло закричала она), "father (отец) ... kill me (убьет меня) ... swear you won't (поклянитесь, что вы не) ... he'd know (он узнает) ... I did (я сделала) ... for her (ради нее) ... promise (обещайте) ... won't sleep (не усну) ... all right (хорошо) ... morning (утром)….

He shook her again (он встряхнул ее снова). "You're sure (вы уверены) you can sleep the stuff off all right (что вы проспитесь от этой гадости)?"

brutal ['bru:tl] cloudiness ['klaVdInIs] promise ['prOmIs]

He shook her brutally. "Stay awake till the doctor comes."

Fear opened her eyes and pushed for a moment the cloudiness from her face. "No, no," she cried thickly, "father ... kill me ... swear you won't ... he'd know ... I did ... for her ... promise ... won't sleep ... all right ... morning …

He shook her again. "You're sure you can sleep the stuff off all right?"

"Yes." Her head fell down again (ее голова снова упала).

"Where's your bed (где ваша кровать)?"

She tried to raise a hand (она попыталась поднять руку), hut the effort had become too much for her (но усилие было слишком большим для нее) before the hand pointed at anything (прежде, чем рука показала на что-нибудь) except the carpet (кроме ковра). With the sigh (со вздохом) of a tired child (уставшего ребенка) she let her whole body relax (она позволила всему своему телу расслабиться) and crumple (и рухнуть; to crumple — мять; свалиться, согнуться).

bed [bed] pointed ['pOIntId] again [q'ge(I)n]

"Yes." Her head fell down again.

"Where's your bed?"

She tried to raise a hand, hut the effort had become too much for her before the hand pointed at anything except the carpet. With the sigh of a tired child she let her whole body relax and crumple.

Spade caught her up in his arms (Спейд подхватил ее на свои руки) — scooped her up (подхватил ее; to scoop — копать, черпать, сгребать) as she sank (когда она упала/падала) — and, holding her easily against his chest (и, держа ее легко у своей груди), went to the nearest of the three doors (пошел к ближайшей из трех дверей). He turned the knob (он повернул /шарообразную/ ручку) far enough (достаточно далеко) to release the catch (чтобы освободить задвижку), pushed the door open (толчком открыл дверь) with his foot (своей ногой), and went into a passageway (и вошел в коридор) that ran past an open bathroom-door (который проходил мимо открытой двери ванной) to a bedroom (к спальне). He looked into the bathroom (он заглянул в ванную), saw it was empty (увидел, что она пуста), and carried the girl (и понес девушку) into the bedroom (в спальню). Nobody was there (там никого не было). The clothing that was in sight (одежда, которая была видна) and things on the chiffonier (и вещи в шифоньере) said it was a man's room (говорили, что это был номер мужчины).

chest [tSest] bathroom ['bQ:Tru(:)m] chiffonier ["SIfq'nIq]

Spade caught her up in his arms — scooped her up as she sank — and, holding her easily against his chest, went to the nearest of the three doors. He turned the knob far enough to release the catch, pushed the door open with his foot, and went into a passageway that ran past an open bathroom-door to a bedroom. He looked into the bathroom, saw it was empty, and carried the girl into the bedroom. Nobody was there. The clothing that was in sight and things on the chiffonier said it was a man's room.

Spade carried the girl back (Спейд отнес девушку назад) to the green-carpeted room (в комнату с зеленым ковром) and tried the opposite door (и попробовал противоположную дверь). Through it (через нее) he passed into another passageway (он прошел в другой коридор), past another empty bathroom (мимо другой пустой ванной), and into a bedroom (и в спальню) that was feminine (которая была женской) in its accessories (по своим принадлежностям). He turned back the bedclothes (он откинул постельное белье) and laid the girl on the bed (и уложил девушку на кровать), removed her slippers (снял ее туфли), raised her a little (поднял ее немного) to slide the yellow dressing-gown off (чтобы снять желтый пеньюар), fixed a pillow under her head (закрепил подушку под ее головой), and put the covers up over her (и накрыл ее одеялами).

another [q'nADq] bed-clothes ['bed|klqVDz, -klqVz] cover ['kAvq]

Spade carried the girl back to the green-carpeted room and tried the opposite door. Through it he passed into another passageway, past another empty bathroom, and into a bedroom that was feminine in its accessories. He turned back the bedclothes and laid the girl on the bed, removed her slippers, raised her a little to slide the yellow dressing-gown off, fixed a pillow under her head, and put the covers up over her.

Then he opened the room's two windows (потом он открыл два окна в комнате) and stood with his back to them (и стоял спиной к ним) staring at the sleeping girl (глядя на спящую девушку). Her breathing was heavy (ее дыхание было тяжелым) but not troubled (но не тревожным). He frowned (он нахмурился) and looked around (и осмотрелся), working his lips together (двигая своими /сжатыми/ губами). Twilight was dimming the room (сумрак затемнял комнату). He stood there (он стоял там) in the weakening light (в слабеющем свете) for perhaps five minutes (около пяти минут). Finally (наконец) he shook his thick sloping shoulders (он встряхнул своими полными покатыми плечами; to slope — клониться; иметь наклон) impatiently (нетерпеливо) and went out (и вышел), leaving the suite's outer door unlocked (оставив внешнюю дверь номера незапертой; lock— замок; tolock— запирать на замок).

staring ['ste(q)rIN] breathing ['bri:DIN] twilight ['twaIlaIt]

Then he opened the room's two windows and stood with his back to them staring at the sleeping girl. Her breathing was heavy but not troubled. He frowned and looked around, working his lips together. Twilight was dimming the room. He stood there in the weakening light for perhaps five minutes. Finally he shook his thick sloping shoulders impatiently and went out, leaving the suite's outer door unlocked.

Spade went (Спейд пошел) to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company's station (в отделение телефонной и телеграфной компании «Пэсифик»; station — место, станция, Pacific — Тихоокеанский) in Powell Street (на Пауэлл-стрит) and called Davenport 2020 (и позвонил /по номеру/ Дэвенпорт 2020). "Emergency Hospital, please (госпиталь скорой помощи, пожалуйста)…. Hello, there's a girl in suite twelve C (там девушка в номере-люксе двенадцать С) at the Alexandria Hotel (в отеле «Александрия») who has been drugged (которой подмешали наркотиков)… Yes, you'd better send somebody (да, лучше бы вы послали кого-нибудь) to take a look at her (чтобы взглянуть на нее)... This is Mr. Hooper of the Alexandria (это мистер Хупер из «Александрии»)…."

station ['steIS(q)n] emergency [I'mq:dZ(q)nsI] somebody ['sAmbqdI]

Spade went to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company's station in Powell Street and called Davenport 2020. "Emergency Hospital, please... Hello, there's a girl in suite twelve C at the Alexandria Hotel who has been drugged... Yes, you'd better send somebody to take a look at her... This is Mr. Hooper of the Alexandria."

He put the receiver on its prong (он положил трубку на рычажок; prong — зубец, вилка) and laughed (и засмеялся). He called another number (он позвонил по другому номеру) and said: "Hello, Frank. This is Sam Spade. Can you let me have a car (ты можешь дать мне машину) with a driver (с водителем) who'll keep his mouth shut (который будет держать свой рот закрытым)? ... To go down the peninsula (чтобы поехать на полуостров) right away (прямо сейчас)... Just a couple of hours (только на пару часов)... Right (правильно). Have him pick me up at John's (скажи ему забрать меня у /гриль-бара/ «Джона»), Ellis Street (Эллис-стрит), as soon as he can make it (как можно скорее)."

He called another number (он набрал другой номер) — his office's (своего офиса) — held the receiver to his ear (подержал трубку у своего уха; to receive — принимать, получать) for a little while (недолгое время) without saying anything (не говоря ничего), and replaced it on its hook (и вернул ее на свой крючок).

receiver [rI'si:vq] peninsula [pI'nInsjVlq] replace [rI'pleIs]

He put the receiver on its prong and laughed. He called another number and said: "Hello, Frank. This is Sam Spade Can you let me have a car with a driver who'll keep his mouth shut? ... To go down the peninsula right away... Just a couple of hours... Right. Have him pick me up at John's, Ellis Street, as soon as he can make it."

He called another number — his office's — held the receiver to his ear for a little while without saying anything, and replaced it on its hook.

He went to John's Grill (он пошел а гриль «Джона»), asked the waiter to hurry his order (попросил официанта поторопить его заказ) of chops (на отбивные), baked potato (запеченный картофель), and sliced tomatoes (и нарезанные помидоры), ate hurriedly (торопливо съел), and was smoking a cigarette (и курил сигарету) with his coffee (со своим кофе) when a thick-set youngish man (когда коренастый моложавый мужчина) with a plaid cap (в клетчатой кепке) set askew (сидящей набекрень) above pale eyes (над светлыми: «бледными» глазами) and a tough cheery face (и жестким радостным лицом) came into the Grill (вошел в гриль /бар/) and to his table (к его столу).

"All set, Mr. Spade (все готово, мистер Спейд). She's full of gas (она полна бензина; gas = gasoline) and rearing to go (и встает на дыбы, готовая ехать; to rear — поднимать, воздвигать)."

"Swell (прекрасно)." Spade emptied his cup (Спейд опустошил свою чашку) and went out with the thick-set man (и вышел с коренастым мужчиной). "Know where Ancho Avenue (знаете где-нибудь Анчо авеню), or Road (или магистральную улицу), or Boulevard (или бульвар), is in Burlingame (это в Берлингеме)?"

baked [beIkt] potato [pq'teItqV] youngish ['jANgIS]

He went to John's Grill, asked the waiter to hurry his order of chops, baked potato, and sliced tomatoes, ate hurriedly, and was smoking a cigarette with his coffee when a thick-set youngish man with a plaid cap set askew above pale eyes and a tough cheery face came into the Grill and to his table.

"All set, Mr. Spade. She's full of gas and rearing to go."

"Swell." Spade emptied his cup and went out with the thick-set man. "Know' where Ancho Avenue, or Road, or Boulevard, is in Burlingame?"

"Nope, hut if she's there we can find her (нет, но если она там, мы сможем найти ее)."

"Let's do that (давайте сделаем это)," Spade said as he sat beside the chauffeur (когда он сел рядом с водителем) in the dark Cadillac sedan (в темный седан «кадиллак»). "Twenty-six is the number (двадцать шесть это номер) we want (который нам нужен), and the sooner the better (и чем скорее, тем лучше), but we don't want to pull up (но нам не надо останавливаться) at the front door (у входной двери)."

"Correct (правильно)."

They rode half a dozen blocks in silence (они проехали полудюжину кварталов в тишине). The chauffeur said (водитель сказал): "Your partner got knocked off (вашего партнера прикончили: «был прикончен»), didn't he, Mr. Spade (не так ли, мистер Спейд)?"

nope [nqVp] number ['nAmbq] correct [kq'rekt]

"Nope, hut if she's there we can find her."

"Let's do that," Spade said as he sat beside the chauffeur in the dark Cadillac sedan. "Twenty-six is the number we want, and the sooner the better, but we don't want to pull up at the front door."


They rode half a dozen blocks in silence. The chauffeur said: "Your partner got knocked off, didn't he, Mr. Spade?"

"Uh-huh (угу)."

The chauffeur clucked (водитель закудахтал). "She's a tough racket (это тяжелая работенка; tough— жесткий, крепкий, надежный). You can have it for mine (можете поверить мне на слово)."

"Well, hack-drivers don't live forever (ну, наемные водители не живут вечно; hack— наемная лошадь; аемный экипаж; коляска)."

"Maybe that's right (может, это верно)," the thick-set man conceded (признал крепкий мужчина), "but, just the same (но, тем не менее), it'll always be a surprise to me (это будет для меня сюрпризом) if I don't (если я не проживу)."

Spade stared ahead at nothing (Спейд смотрел вперед, ни на что /в частности/) and thereafter (и после этого), until the chauffeur tired of making conversation (пока водитель пытался поддерживать разговор), replied with uninterested yeses and noes (отвечал незаинтересованными «да» и «нет»).

racket ['rxkIt] concede [kqn'si:d] conversation ["kOnvq'seIS(q)n]


The chauffeur clucked. "She's a tough racket. You can have it for mine."

"Well, hack-drivers don't live forever."

"Maybe that's right," the thick-set man conceded, "but, just the same, it'll always be a surprise to me if I don't."

Spade stared ahead at nothing and thereafter, until the chauffeur tired of making conversation, replied with uninterested yeses and noes.

At a drug-store in Burlingame (в аптеке в Бэрлингеме) the chauffeur learned (водитель узнал) how to reach Ancho Avenue (как достичь Анчо-авеню). Ten minutes later (спустя десять минут) he stopped the sedan (он остановил седан) near a dark corner (недалеко от темного угла), turned off the lights (выключил огни), and waved his hand (и махнул рукой) at the block ahead (на квартал впереди). "There she is (она там)," he said. "She ought to be on the other side (она должна быть на другой стороне), maybe the third or fourth house (может быть, третий или четвертый дом)."

Spade said, "Right (хорошо)," and got out of the car (и вышел из машины). "Keep the engine going (держите двигатель работающим). We may have to leave in a hurry (нам может понадобиться убраться в спешке)."

drugstore ['drAgstO:] engine ['endZIn] leave [li:v]

At a drug-store in Burlingame the chauffeur learned how to reach Ancho Avenue. Ten minutes later he stopped the sedan near a dark corner, turned off the lights, and waved his hand at the block ahead. "There she is," he said. "She ought to be on the other side, maybe the third or fourth house."

Spade said, "Right," and got out of the car. "Keep the engine going. We may have to leave in a hurry."

He crossed the street (он пересек улицу) and went up the other side (и пошел по другой стороне). Far ahead (далеко впереди) a lone street-light burned (горел одинокий уличный фонарь). Warmer lights (более теплые огни) dotted the night (усеивали ночь точками) on either side (с обеих сторон) where houses were spaced (где располагались дома /через промежутки/) half a dozen to a block (с полдюжины на квартал). A high thin moon (высокая тонкая луна) was cold and feeble (была холодной и слабой) as the distant street-light (как далекий уличный свет). A radio droned (радио бубнило) through the open window's of a house (через открытое окно дома) on the other side of the street (на другой стороне улицы).

burned [bq:nd, bq:nt] block [blOk] radio ['reIdIqV]

He crossed the street and went up the other side. Far ahead a lone street-light burned. Warmer lights dotted the night on either side where houses were spaced half a dozen to a block. A high thin moon was cold and feeble as the distant street-light. A radio droned through the open window's of a house on the other side of the street.

In front of the second house (перед вторым домом) from the corner (от угла) Spade halted (Спейд остановился). On one of the gateposts (на одном из воротных столбов) that were massive out of all proportion (которые были намного значительнее; proportion — пропорция, правильноесоотношение, размеры) to the fence flanking them (ограды, расположенной по бокам от них /столбов/) a 2 and a 6 of pale metal (/цифры/ 2 и 6 из бледного металла) caught what light there was (ловили /и отражали/ весь свет, который там был). A square white card (квадратная белая карточка) was nailed over them (была прибита над ними). Putting his face close to the card (приложив свое лицо близко к карточке), Spade could see (Спейд смог видеть) that it was a For Sale (что это был знак «продается»; sale — продажа, торговля) or Rent sign (или «сдается»; rent — квартирнаяилиаренднаяплата). There was no gate between the posts (между столбами не было ворот). Spade went up the cement walk (Спейд пошел вверх по цементной тропинке) to the house (к дому). He stood still (он стоял неподвижно) on the walk (на тропинке) at the foot of the porch-steps (у подножия ступенек крыльца) for a long moment (достаточно долго; moment — момент, миг, минута). No sound came from the house (никакого звука не доносилось из дома). The house was dark (дом был темным) except for another pale square card (за исключением другой бледной квадратной карточки) nailed on its door (прибитой на его двери).

gate-post ['grItpqVst] massive ['mxsIv] porch [pO:tS]

In front of the second house from the corner Spade halted. On one of the gateposts that were massive out of all proportion to the fence flanking them a 2 and a 6 of pale metal caught what light there was. A square white card was nailed over them. Putting his face close to the card, Spade could see that it was a For Sale or Rent sign. There was no gate between the posts. Spade went up the cement walk to the house. He stood still on the walk at the foot of the porch-steps for a long moment. No sound came from the house. The house was dark except for another pale square card nailed on its door.

Spade went up to the door and listened (Спейд поднялся к двери и прислушался). He could hear nothing (он не слышал ничего). He tried to look through the glass of the door (он пытался посмотреть сквозь стекло двери). There was no curtain (там не было занавески) to keep his gaze out (/которая могла бы/ помешать его взгляду; to keep out — держатьвне), but inner darkness (но внутренняя темнота /в помещении/). He tiptoed to a window (он подошел на цыпочках к окну) and then to another (а потом к другому). They, like the door (они, как и дверь), were uncurtained (были без занавесок; curtain — занавеска) except by inner darkness (за исключением внутренней темноты). He tried both windows (он попробовал оба окна). They were locked (они были закрыты). He tried the door (он попробовал дверь). It was locked (она была закрыта).

tiptoe ['tIptqV] uncurtained ["An'kq:tnd] tried [traId]

Spade went up to the door and listened. He could hear nothing. He tried to look through the glass of the door. There was no curtain to keep his gaze out, but inner darkness. He tiptoed to a window and then to another. They, like the door, were uncurtained except by inner darkness. He tried both windows. They were locked. He tried the door. It was locked.

He left the porch (он покинул крыльцо) and, stepping carefully (и, осторожно ступая) over dark unfamiliar ground (по темной, незнакомой земле), walked through weeds (прошел через сорняки) around the house (вокруг дома). The side-windows (боковые окна) were too high (были слишком высокими) to be reached from the ground (чтобы /их/ можно было достать с земли). The back door (задняя дверь) and the one back window (и одно заднее окно) he could reach (которых он мог достичь) were locked (были заперты).

Spade went back (Спейд снова вернулся назад) to the gatepost (к стойкам ворот) and, cupping the flame between his hands (и, прикрывая огонь между своими ладонями; to cup — придаватьформучашки, складыватьпригоршней), held his lighter up (поднял свою зажигалку) to the For Sale or Rent sign (к знаку «продается» или «сдается»). It bore the printed name and address (на нем было напечатанное имя и адрес; to bear (bore, born) — переносить, перевозить, нестинасебе) of a San Mateo real-estate-dealer (агента недвижимости Сан-Матео) and a line penciled in blue (и строчка, написанная голубым карандашом): Key at 31 (ключ в 31).

unfamiliar ["Anfq'mIlIq] could [kVd] penciled ['pens(q)ld]

He left the porch and, stepping carefully over dark unfamiliar ground, walked through weeds around the house. The side-windows were too high to be reached from the ground. The back door and the one back window he could reach were locked.

Spade went back to the gatepost and, cupping the flame between his hands, held his lighter up to the For Sale or Rent sign. It bore the printed name and address of a San Mateo real-estate-dealer and a line penciled in blue: Key at 31.

Spade returned to the sedan (Спейд вернулся к седану) and asked the chauffeur (и спросил шофера): "Got a flashlight (есть фонарь)?"

"Sure (конечно)." He gave it to Spade (он дал его Спейду). "Can I give you a hand at anything (могу я вам чем-то помочь)?"

"Maybe (может быть)." Spade got into the sedan (Спейд сел в седан). "We'll ride up to number thirty one (мы поедем к /дому/ номер тридцать один; to ride — ехать/вт. ч. верхом/). You can use your lights (вы можете использовать ваши фары)."

flashlight ['flxSlaIt] maybe ['meIbI] sedan [sI'dxn]

Spade returned to the sedan and asked the chauffeur: "Got a flashlight?"

"Sure." He gave it to Spade. "Can I give you a hand at anything?"

"Maybe." Spade got into the sedan. "We'll ride up to number thirty one. You can use your lights."

Number 31 was a square grey house (/дом/ номер 31 был квадратным серым домом) across the street from (через улицу /от/), but a little farther up than, 26 (но немного дальше, чем дом номер 26). Lights glowed in its downstairs-windows (огни горели в его нижних окнах). Spade went up on the porch (Спейд подошел к крыльцу) and rang the bell (и позвонил в звонок). A dark-haired girl (темноволосая девушка) of fourteen or fifteen (четырнадцати или пятнадцати лет) opened the door (открыла дверь). Spade, bowing and smiling, said (Спейд, кланяясь и улыбаясь, сказал): "I'd like to get the key to number twenty-six (я хотел бы получить ключ от /дома/ номер двадцать шесть)."

"I'll call Papa (я позову папу)," she said and went back into the house (сказала она и ушла назад в дом) calling (крича): "Papa!"

farther ['fQ:Dq] papa [pq'pQ:, 'pxpq] calling ['kO:lIN]

Number 31 was a square grey house across the street from, but a little farther up than, 26. Lights glowed in its downstairs-windows. Spade went up on the porch and rang the bell. A dark-haired girl of fourteen or fifteen opened the door. Spade, bowing and smiling, said: "I'd like to get the key to number twenty-six."

"I'll call Papa," she said and went back into the house calling: "Papa!"

A plump red-faced man (пухлый краснолицый мужчина), bald-headed (с лысой головой) and heavily mustached (и густыми усами), appeared (появился), carrying a newspaper (неся газету).

Spade said: "I'd like to get the key to twenty-six (я хотел бы получить ключ от двадцать шестого /дома/)."

The plump man looked doubtful (пухлый мужчина смотрел с сомнением). He said: "The juice is not on (там нет света; juice— сок, /зд. амер. разг./ электрический ток). You couldn't see anything (вы не сможете ничего увидеть)."

Spade patted his pocket (Спейд похлопал по карману). "I've a flashlight (у меня есть фонарь)."

The plump man looked more doubtful (толстяк посмотрел с еще большим сомнением). He cleared his throat uneasily (он прочистил горло тревожно) and crumpled the newspaper in his hand (и смял газету в своей руке).

mustache [mq'stQ:S] key [ki:] juice [dZu:s]

A plump red-faced man, bald-headed and heavily mustached, appeared, carrying a newspaper.

Spade said: "I'd like to get the key to twenty-six."

The plump man looked doubtful. He said: "The juice is not on. You couldn't see anything."

Spade patted his pocket. "I've a flashlight."

The plump man looked more doubtful. He cleared his throat uneasily and crumpled the newspaper in his hand.

Spade showed him one of his business-cards (Спейд показал ему одну из своих визиток), put it back in his pocket (положил ее обратно в свой карман), and said in a low voice (и сказал тихим голосом): "We got a tip (нам намекнули; tip — совет, подсказка) that there might be something hidden there (что там может быть что-то скрыто; to hide — прятать, скрывать)."

The plump man's face and voice were eager (лицо и голос человека стали любопытными). "Wait a minute (подождите минуту)," he said. "I'll go over with you (я пойду вместе с вами)."

A moment later (секунду спустя) he came back (он вернулся) carrying a brass key (неся медный ключ) attached to a black and red tag (прикрепленный к черному и красному ярлыку). Spade beckoned to the chauffeur (Спейд сделал знак водителю) as they passed the car (когда они проходили мимо машины) and the chauffeur joined them (и водитель присоединился к ним).

card [kQ:d] hidden [hIdn] attached [q'txtSt]

Spade showed him one of his business-cards, put it back in his pocket, and said in a low voice: "We got a tip that there might be something hidden there."

The plump man's face and voice were eager. "Wait a minute," he said. "I'll go over with you."

A moment later he came back carrying a brass key attached to a black and red tag. Spade beckoned to the chauffeur as they passed the car and the chauffeur joined them.

"Anybody been looking at the house lately (кто-нибудь смотрел дом на днях)?" Spade asked.

"Not that I know of (я о таком не знаю)," the plump man replied (ответил пухлый человек). "Nobody's been to me (никого не было у меня) for the key (за ключом) in a couple of months (уж пару месяцев)."

The plump man marched ahead (пухлый человек шел впереди) with the key (с ключом) until they had gone up on the porch (пока они не взобрались на крыльцо). Then he thrust the key (потом он сунул ключ) into Spade's hand (в руку Спейда), mumbled (бормоча), "Here you are (ну, вот)," and stepped aside (и шагнул в сторону).

lately ['leItlI] couple ['kAp(q)l] plump [plAmp]

"Anybody been looking at the house lately?" Spade asked.

"Not that I know of," the plump man replied. "Nobody's been to me for the key in a couple of months."

The plump man marched ahead with the key until they had gone up on the porch. Then he thrust the key into Spade's hand, mumbled, "Here you are," and stepped aside.

Spade unlocked the door (Спейд отпер дверь) and pushed it open (и открыл ее толчком). There was silence and darkness (там была тишина и темнота). Holding the flashlight (держа фонарик) — dark (темно) — in his left hand (в своей левой руке), Spade entered (вошел Спейд). The chauffeur came close behind him (водитель шел близко позади него) and then (а затем), at a little distance (на некотором расстоянии), the plump man followed them (пухлый человек следовал за ними). They searched the house (они обыскали дом) from bottom to top (со дна до верхушки), cautiously at first (сначала осторожно), then, finding nothing (потом, не найдя ничего), boldly (смело). The house was empty (дом был пуст) — unmistakably (безошибочно = совершенно точно; mistake — ошибка) — and there was nothing (и там не было ничего) to indicate (чтобы указать /на то/) that it had been visited in weeks (что он был посещаем в /последние/ недели = за последние несколько недель).

distance ['dIst(q)ns] bottom ['bOtqm] unmistakably ["AnmI'steIkqb(q)lI]

Spade unlocked the door and pushed it open. There was silence and darkness. Holding the flashlight — dark — in his left hand, Spade entered. The chauffeur came close behind him and then, at a little distance, the plump man followed them. They searched the house from bottom to top, cautiously at first, then, finding nothing, boldly. The house was empty — unmistakably — and there was nothing to indicate that it had been visited in weeks.

Saying (говоря), "Thanks, that's all (спасибо, это все)," Spade left the sedan (Спейд покинул седан) in front of the Alexandria (перед гостиницей «Александрия»). He went into the hotel (он вошел в отель), to the desk (к стойке регистрации), where a tall young man (где высокий молодой человек) with a dark grave face said (со смуглым важным лицом сказал): "Good evening, Mr. Spade (добрый вечер, мистер Спейд)."

"Good evening (добрый вечер)." Spade drew the young man to one end of the desk (Спейд привлек молодого человека к краю стола; to draw (drew, drawn) — тащить, подвигать, перемещать). "These Gutmans (эти Гутманы) — up in twelve C (наверху в /люксе/ двенадцать С) — are they in (они на месте)?"

grave [greIv] evening ['i:vnIN] desk [desk]

Saying, "Thanks, that's all," Spade left the sedan in front of the Alexandria. He went into the hotel, to the desk, where a tall young man with a dark grave face said: "Good evening, Mr. Spade."

"Good evening." Spade drew the young man to one end of the desk. "These Gutmans — up in twelve C — are they in?"

The young man replied (молодой человек ответил), "No," darting a quick glance at Spade (метнув быстрый взгляд на Спейда; dart — стрела, легкое копье, дротик; to dart — бросать, метать /стрелы и т. п./). Then he looked away (он отвел взгляд), hesitated (поколебался), looked at Spade again (посмотрел на Спейда снова), and murmured (и прошептал): "A funny thing happened (забавная вещь случилась) in connection with them (в связи с ними) this evening (этим вечером), Mr. Spade. Somebody called the Emergency Hospital (кто-то позвонил в госпиталь скорой помощи) and told them (и сказал им) there was a sick girl up there (что там наверху больная девушка)."

"And there wasn't (а там не было)?"

"Oh, no, there was nobody up there (о, нет, там наверху никого не было). They went out earlier in the evening (они ушли раньше вечером)."

hesitate ['hezIteIt] hospital ['hOspItl] earlier ['q:lIq]

The young man replied, "No," darting a quick glance at Spade. Then he looked away, hesitated, looked at Spade again, and murmured: "A funny thing happened in connection with them this evening, Mr. Spade. Somebody called the Emergency Hospital and told them there was a sick girl up there."

"And there wasn't?"

"Oh, no, there was nobody up there. They went out earlier in the evening."

Spade said: "Well, these practical-jokers (ну, эти шутники) have to have their fun (должны развлекаться). Thanks (спасибо)."

He went to a telephone-booth (он подошел к телефону-автомату), called a number (набрал номер), and said: "Hello. Mrs. Perine (миссис Пирайн)? ... Is Effie there (Эффи там)? ... Yes, please... Thanks.

"Hello, angel (привет, ангел)! What's the good word (чего хорошего)? Fine (отлично), fine! Hold it (не торопись). I'll be out in twenty minutes (я буду через двадцать минут)... Right (хорошо)."

practical ['prxktIk(q)l] joker ['dZqVkq] booth [bu:D]

Spade said: "Well, these practical-jokers have to have their fun. Thanks."

He went to a telephone-booth, called a number, and said: "Hello.

Mrs. Perine? ... Is Effie there? ... Yes, please... Thanks.

"Hello, angel! What's the good word? Fine, fine! Hold it. I'll be out in twenty minutes... Right."

Half an hour later (спустя полчаса) Spade rang the doorbell (Спейд позвонил в дверной звонок) of a two-story brick building (двухэтажного кирпичного здания) in Ninth Avenue (на Девятой авеню). Effie Perine opened the door (Эффи Пирайн открыла дверь). Her boyish face was tired and smiling (ее мальчишеское лицо было усталым и улыбающимся). "Hello, boss (привет, босс)," she said. "Enter (входи)." She said in a low voice (она сказала тихим голосом): "If Ma says anything to you, Sam (если мама скажет тебе что-нибудь, Сэм), be nice to her (будь с ней милым). She's all up in the air (она вне себя; to be up in the air — «висетьввоздухе»)." Spade grinned reassuringly (Спейд обнадеживающе улыбнулся; to grin — скалить зубы; осклабиться; ухмыляться) and patted her shoulder (и похлопал ее по плечу).

She put her hands on his arm (она положила свои ладони на его руку). "Miss O'Shaughnessy?"

door-bell ['dO:bel] voice [vOIs] reassuring ["ri:q'SV(q)rIN]

Half an hour later Spade rang the doorbell of a two-story brick building in Ninth Avenue. Effie Perine opened the door. Her boyish face was tired and smiling. "Hello, boss," she said. "Enter." She said in a low voice: "If Ma says anything to you, Sam, be nice to her. She's all up in the air." Spade grinned reassuringly and patted her shoulder.

She put her hands on his arm. "Miss O'Shaughnessy?"

"No," he growled (проворчал он). "I ran into a plant (меня обвели вокруг пальца; plant— зд. обман, надувательство, мошенничество). Are you sure it was her voice (ты уверена, что это был ее голос)?"


He made an unpleasant face (он сделал недовольное лицо). "Well, it was hooey (это была ерунда)."

She took him into a bright living-room (она ввела его в светлую гостиную), sighed (вздохнула), and slumped down on one end of a Chesterfield (и тяжело опустилась на край большого мягкого дивана /«честерфилд»/), smiling cheerfully up at him (радостно улыбаясь ему) through her weariness (сквозь свою усталость).

He sat beside her and asked (он сел рядом с ней и спросил): "Everything went OK (все прошло хорошо)? Nothing said about the bundle (ничего не сказано о свертке)?"

unpleasant [An'plez(q)nt] weariness ['wI(q)rInIs] bundle [bAndl]

"No," he growled. "I ran into a plant. Are you sure it was her voice?"


He made an unpleasant face. "Well, it was hooey."

She took him into a bright living-room, sighed, and slumped down on one end of a Chesterfield, smiling cheerfully up at him through her weariness.

He sat beside her and asked: "Everything went OK? Nothing said about the bundle?"

"Nothing (ничего). I told them (я сказала им то) what you told me to tell them (что ты мне велел сказать им), and they seemed to take it for granted (и они, казалось, приняли как само собой разумеющееся то) that the phone-call had something to do with it (что телефонный звонок как-то связан с этим), and that you were out (и что ты ушел) running it down (на розыски)."

"Dundy there (Данди там /был/)?"

"No. Hoff and O'Gar and some others (Хофф и О’Гэр и некоторые другие) I didn't know (которых я не знаю). I talked to the Captain too (я разговаривала с капитаном тоже)."

"They took you down to the Hall (они возили тебя в управление)?"

"Oh, yes, and they asked me loads of questions (и они задали мне кучу вопросов; load — груз, бремя, нагрузка), but it was all (но все это было) — you know (ты знаешь) — routine (формальностью: «рутиной»)."

load [lqVd] question ['kwestS(q)n] routine [ru:'ti:n]

"Nothing. I told them what you told me to tell them, and they seemed to take it for granted that the phone-call had something to do with it, and that you were out running it down."

"Dundy there?"

"No. Hoff and O'Gar and some others I didn't know. I talked to the Captain too."

"They took you down to the Hall?"

"Oh, yes, and they asked me loads of questions, but it was all — you know — routine."

Spade rubbed his palms together (Спейд потер свои ладони друг об друга). "Swell (прекрасно)," he said and then frowned (сказал он, а потом нахмурился), "though I guess (хотя, я думаю) they'll think up plenty (они придумают много чего) to put to me (чтобы задать мне) when we meet (когда мы встретимся). That damned Dundy will (этот проклятый Данди будет), anyway (во всяком случае), and Bryan (и Брайан)." He moved his shoulders (он двинул своими плечами). "Anybody you know (кто-нибудь, кого ты знаешь), outside of the police (не из полиции), come around (заходил)?"

"Yes." She sat up straight (она села прямо). "That boy (тот парень) — the one who brought the message from Gutman (тот, который принес сообщение от Гутмана) — was there (был там). He didn't come in (он не вошел), but the police left the corridor-door open (но полиция оставила коридорную дверь открытой) while they were there (пока они были там) and I saw him standing there (и я видела его стоящим там)."

move [mu:v] saw [sO:] standing ['stxndIN]

Spade rubbed his palms together. "Swell," he said and then frowned, "though I guess they'll think up plenty to put to me when we meet. That damned Dundy will, anyway, and Bryan." He moved his shoulders. "Anybody you know, outside of the police, come around?"

"Yes." She sat up straight. "That boy — the one who brought the message from Gutman — was there. He didn't come in, but the police left the corridor-door open while they were there and I saw him standing there."

"You didn't say anything (ты ничего не сказала)?"

"Oh, no. You had said not to (ты сказал, не говорить). So I didn't pay any attention to him (поэтому я не обратила внимания на него) and the next time I looked (и в следующий раз, когда я посмотрела) he was gone (он ушел)."

Spade grinned at her (он улыбнулся ей). "Damned lucky for you, sister (тебе чертовски повезло, сестра), that the coppers got there first (что копы приехали туда первыми)."

"Why (почему)?"

"He's a bad egg (он плохой; egg — яйцо; /разг./ тип, парень), that lad (этот парень) — poison (опасный; poison — яд, отрава). Was the dead man Jacobi (мертвец был Якоби)?"


attention [q'tenS(q)n] copper ['kOpq] lad [lxd]

"You didn't say anything?"

"Oh, no. You had said not to. So I didn't pay any attention to him and the next time I looked he was gone."

Spade grinned at her. "Damned lucky for you, sister, that the coppers got there first."


"He's a bad egg, that lad — poison. Was the dead man Jacobi?"


He pressed her hands (он сжал ее руки) and stood up (и встал). "I'm going to run along (я собираюсь уйти). You'd better hit the hay (ты лучше завались спать; hay — сено; to hit — ударить; попасть). You're all in (ты устала)."

She rose (она встала). "Sam, what is (Сэм, что) — ?"

He stopped her words (он остановил ее слова) with his hand (своей рукой) on her mouth (на ее губах). "Save it till Monday (оставь это до понедельника)," he said. "I want to sneak out (я хочу ускользнуть) before your mother catches me (прежде чем твоя мама не схватит меня) and gives me hell (и задаст мне перцу; hell — ад, преисподняя) for dragging her lamb (за то, что я тягаю ее овечку) through gutters (через сточные канавы)."

rose [rqVz] lamb [lxm] gutter ['gAtq]

He pressed her hands and stood up. "I'm going to run along. You'd better hit the hay. You're all in."

She rose. "Sam, what is — ?"

He stopped her words with his hand on her mouth. "Save it till Monday," he said. "I want to sneak out before your mother catches me and gives me hell for dragging her lamb through gutters."

Midnight was a few minutes away (полночь наступила несколько минут назад) when Spade reached his home (когда Спейд достиг своего дома). He put his key (он вставил свой ключ) into the street-door's lock (в замок парадной двери). Heels clicked rapidly (каблуки быстро защелкали) on the sidewalk (по тротуару) behind him (позади него). He let go the key and wheeled (он засунул ключ и повернул; to wheel — катить, описатькруг). Brigid O’Shaughnessy ran up the steps to him (Бриджит О’Шонесси бежала вверх по ступенькам к нему). She put her arms around him (она обвила свои руки вокруг него) and hung on him, panting (и повисла на нем, задыхаясь): "Oh, I thought you'd never come (о, я думала, ты никогда не придешь)!" Her face was haggard (ее лицо было изможденным), distraught (ошалелым; distraught — потерявший рассудок, обезумевший /от горя ит.п./), shaken by the tremors (сотрясаемое дрожью) that shook her (которая била ее; to shake (shook, shaken) — трясти, встряхивать) from head to foot (с ног до головы).

click [klIk] distraught [dIs'trO:t] haggard ['hxgqd]

Midnight was a few minutes away when Spade reached his home. He put his key into the street-door's lock. Heels clicked rapidly on the sidewalk behind him. He let go the key and wheeled. Brigid O’Shaughnessy ran up the steps to him. She put her arms around him and hung on him, panting: "Oh, I thought you'd never come!" Her face was haggard, distraught, shaken by the tremors that shook her from head to foot.

With the hand not supporting her (рукой, не поддерживавшей ее) he felt for the key again (он снова нащупал ключ), opened the door (открыл дверь), and half lifted her inside (и наполовину поднял ее внутрь). "You've been waiting (ты ждала)?" he asked.

"Yes." Panting spaced her words (тяжелое дыхание разделяло ее слова). "In a (в) — doorway (проходе) — up the (выше) — street (по улице)."

"Can you make it all right (ты сможешь это сделать сама)?" he asked. "Or shall I carry you (или мне понести тебя)?"

She shook her head against his shoulder (она покачала головой у его плеча). "I'll be (я буду) — all right (в порядке) — when I (когда я) — get where (попаду туда, где) — I can (я смогу) — sit down (сесть)"

spaced [speIst] head [hed] shoulder ['SqVldq]

With the hand not supporting her he felt for the key again, opened the door, and half lifted her inside. "You've been waiting?" he asked.

"Yes." Panting spaced her words. "In a — doorway — up the — street."

"Can you make it all right?" he asked. "Or shall I carry you?"

She shook her head against his shoulder. "I'll be — all right — when I — get where — I can — sit down."

They rode up to Spade's floor (они поднялись на этаж Спейда) in the elevator (на лифте) and went around to his apartment (и пошли к его квартире). She left his arm (она оставила его руку) and stood beside him (и встала рядом с ним) — panting (задыхаясь), both hands to her breast (обе руки на ее груди) — while he unlocked his door (пока он отпирал свою дверь). He switched on the passageway light (он включил свет в коридоре). They went in (они вошли). He shut the door (он закрыл дверь) and, with his arm around her again (и со своей рукой снова вокруг нее), took her back (провел ее назад) towards the living-room (в сторону гостиной). When they were within a step of the living-room-door (когда они были в шаге от двери в гостиную) the light in the living-room went on (свет в гостиной зажегся).

breast [brest] switched [swItSt] within [wI'DIn]

They rode up to Spade's floor in the elevator and went around to his apartment. She left his arm and stood beside him — panting, both hands to her breast — while he unlocked his door. He switched on the passageway light. They went in. He shut the door and, with his arm around her again, took her back towards the living-room. When they were within a step of the living-room-door the light in the living-room went on.

The girl cried out (девушка вскрикнула) and clung to Spade (и прижалась к Спейду; to cling — цепляться; прилипать; крепко держаться).

Just inside the living-room-door (как раз в дверном проеме гостиной) fat Gutman stood (стоял толстяк Гутман) smiling benevolently at them (благожелательно улыбаясь им). The boy Wilmer came out of the kitchen behind them (юнец Вилмер вышел из кухни за ними). Black pistols (черные пистолеты) were gigantic (казались огромными) in his small hands (в его маленьких руках). Cairo came from the bathroom (Кейро вышел из ванной). He too had a pistol (у него тоже был пистолет).

Gutman said: "Well, sir, we're all here (ну, сэр, теперь мы все здесь), as you can see for yourself (как вы можете видеть сами). Now let's come in and sit down (теперь, давайте войдем и сядем) and be comfortable (и успокоимся) and talk (и поговорим)."

cry [kraI] benevolent [bI'nev(q)lqnt] gigantic [dZaI'gxntIk]

The girl cried out and clung to Spade.

Just inside the living-room-door fat Gutman stood smiling benevolently at them. The boy Wilmer came out of the kitchen behind them. Black pistols were gigantic in his small hands. Cairo came from the bathroom. He too had a pistol.

Gutman said: "Well, sir, we're all here, as you can see for yourself. Now let's come in and sit down and be comfortable and talk."
