IX. Brigid (Бриджит)

Spade returned to the living-room (Спейд вернулся в гостиную) and sat on an end of the sofa (и сел на конец дивана), elbows on knees (локти на коленях), cheeks in hands (щеки в руках), looking at the floor (глядя на пол) and not at Brigid O'Shaughnessy smiling weakly at him (а не на Бриджит О’Шонесси, слабо улыбавшуюся ему) from the armchair (из кресла). His eyes were sultry (его глаза были разъяренными: «жаркими»). The creases between brows (складки между бровями) over his nose (над его носом) were deep (были глубокими). His nostrils moved in and out (его ноздри двигались внутрь и наружу) with his breathing (вместе с его дыханием).

weakly ['wi:klI] sultry ['sAltrI] nostril ['nOstrIl]

Spade returned to the living-room and sat on an end of the sofa, elbows on knees, cheeks in hands, looking at the floor and not at Brigid O'Shaughnessy smiling weakly at him from the armchair. His eyes were sultry. The creases between brows over his nose were deep. His nostrils moved in and out with his breathing.

Brigid O'Shaughnessy (Бриджит О’Шонесси), when it became apparent (когда стало очевидно) that he was not going to look up at her (что он не собирался взглянуть на нее), stopped smiling (перестала улыбаться) and regarded him with (и рассматривала его) growing uneasiness (с растущим беспокойством).

Red rage came suddenly into his face (раздраженное бешенство вдруг проявилась на его лице; red — красный) and he began to talk (и он начал говорить) in a harsh guttural voice (грубым/резким, гортанным голосом). Holding his maddened face in his hands (держа свое яростное лицо в своих руках), glaring at the floor (глядя на пол), he cursed Dundy (он ругал: «проклинал» Данди) for five minutes without break (пять минут без остановки), cursed him obscenely (ругал его грязно), blasphemously (оскорбительно: «богохульно»; blasphemy — богохульство), repetitiously (многословно: «повторяясь»), in a harsh guttural voice (грубым, гортанным голосом).

regard [rI'gQ:d] uneasiness [An'i:zInIs] repetitiously ["repI'tISqslI]

Brigid O'Shaughnessy, when it became apparent that he was not going to look up at her, stopped smiling and regarded him with growing uneasiness.

Red rage came suddenly into his face and he began to talk in a harsh guttural voice. Holding his maddened face in his hands, glaring at the floor, he cursed Dundy for five minutes without break, cursed him obscenely, blasphemously, repetitiously, in a harsh guttural voice.

Then he took his face out of his hands (потом он отнял свое лицо от своих рук), looked at the girl (посмотрел на девушку), grinned sheepishly, and said (застенчиво улыбнулся и сказал): "Childish, huh (ребячество: «ребячески», да)? I know (я знаю), but, by God (но, ради Бога), I do hate being hit (я не люблю/ненавижу быть битым) without hitting back (без того, чтобы не дать сдачи: «бить в ответ»)." He touched his chin (он потрогал свой подбородок) with careful fingers (осторожными пальцами). "Not that it was so much of a sock at that (не то, чтобы удар был сильным, к тому же; sock— удар)." He laughed (он засмеялся) and lounged back on the sofa (и откинулся на диване), crossing his legs (скрестив ноги). "A cheap enough price (достаточно дешевая цена) to pay for winning (чтобы заплатить за победу)." His brows came together (его брови сошлись вместе) in a fleeting scowl (в мимолетном сердитом взгляде). "Though I'll remember it (хотя я запомню это)."

sheepishly ['Si:pISlI] sock [sOk] lounge [laVndZ]

Then he took his face out of his hands, looked at the girl, grinned sheepishly, and said: "Childish, huh? I know, but, by God, I do hate being hit without hitting back." He touched his chin with careful fingers. "Not that it was so much of a sock at that." He laughed and lounged back on the sofa, crossing his legs. "A cheap enough price to pay for winning." His brows came together in a fleeting scowl. "Though I'll remember it."

The girl, smiling again (девушка, снова улыбаясь), left her chair (покинула свое кресло) and sat on the sofa beside him (и села на диван рядом с ним). "You're absolutely the wildest person (вы совершенно самый дикий человек) I've ever known (которого я когда-нибудь знала)," she said. "Do you always carry on so high-handed (вы всегда ведете себя так своевольно/своенравно/высокомерно; to carry on— продолжать заниматься чем-либо, беситься)?"

"I let him hit me, didn't I (я позволил ему ударить себя, не так ли)?"

"Oh, yes, but a police official (о, да, но полицейский чиновник)."

"It wasn't that (это было не из-за этого)," Spade explained (объяснил Спейд). "It was that in losing his head (это было из-за того, что, потеряв голову) and slugging me (и ударив меня кулаком) he overplayed his hand (он перестарался; to over play one's hand— картежн. не взять установленного числа взяток). If I'd mixed it with him then (если бы я связался с ним тогда; to mix— смешивать, сочетать) he couldn't've backed down (он не мог бы отступить; couldn't've= could not have). He'd've had to go through with it (он должен бы был пойти до конца), and we'd've had to tell that goofy story (а мы должны были бы рассказать эту глупую историю) at headquarters (в главном управлении; headquarters— штаб, штаб-квартира)." He stared thoughtfully at the girl (он задумчиво посмотрел на девушку), and asked (и спросил): "What did you do to Cairo (что вы сделали с Кейро)?"

absolutely ["xbsq'lu:tlI] explain [Ik'spleIn] headquarters ['hed"kwO:tqz]

The girl, smiling again, left her chair and sat on the sofa beside him. "You're absolutely the wildest person I've ever known," she said. "Do you always carry on so high-handed?"

"I let him hit me, didn't I?"

"Oh, yes, but a police official."

"It wasn't that," Spade explained. "It was that in losing his head and slugging me he overplayed his hand. If I'd mixed it with him then he couldn't've backed down. He'd've had to go through with it, and we'd've had to tell that goofy story at headquarters." He stared thoughtfully at the girl, and asked: "What did you do to Cairo?"

"Nothing (ничего)." Her face became flushed (ее лицо стало красным; flush— прилив, приток крови; краска, румянец /на лице/). "I tried to frighten him (я попыталась запугать его) into keeping still (чтобы сидел тихо) until they had gone (пока они не уйдут) and he either got too frightened (и он или слишком испугался) or stubborn (или заупрямился) and yelled (и закричал)."

"And then you smacked him with the gun (а потом вы ударили его пистолетом)?"

"I had to (я должна была). He attacked me (он напал на меня)."

"You don't know what you're doing (вы не знаете, что вы делаете)." Spade's smile (улыбка Спейда) did not hide (не скрыла) his annoyance (его досады). "It's just what I told you (это как раз то, что я вам сказал): you're fumbling along (вы безуспешно шарите) by guess and by God (как Бог на душу положит)."

stubborn ['stAbqn] smack [smxk] hide [haId]

"Nothing." Her face became flushed. "I tried to frighten him into keeping still until they had gone and he either got too frightened or stubborn and yelled."

"And then you smacked him with the gun?"

"I had to. He attacked me."

"You don't know what you're doing." Spade's smile did not hide his annoyance. "It's just what I told you: you're fumbling along by guess and by God."

"I'm sorry (мне жаль)," she said, face and voice soft with contrition (лицо и голос мягкие от раскаяния), "Sam."

"Sure you are (конечно, вам жаль)." He took tobacco and papers (он достал табак и бумаги) from his pockets (из своих карманов) and began to make a cigarette (и начал делать сигарету). "Now you've had your talk with Cairo (теперь вы поговорили с Кейро). Now you can talk to me (теперь вы можете поговорить со мной)."

She put a fingertip to her mouth (она приложила кончик пальца к своему рту), staring across the room at nothing (уставившись в комнате ни на что конкретное) with widened eyes (с широкими глазами), and then, with narrower eyes (а потом, с суженными глазами), glanced quickly at Spade (быстро взглянула на Спейда). He was engrossed (он был поглощен) in the making of his cigarette (изготовлением /своей/ сигареты). "Oh, yes (о, да)," she began (начала она), "of course (конечно) —" She took the finger away from her mouth (она убрала палец от своего рта) and smoothed her blue dress (и разгладила /свое/ синее платье) over her knees (над коленями). She frowned at her knees (она хмуро смотрела на свои колени; to frown— смотреть неодобрительно; хмурить брови).

sorry ['sOrI] contrition [kqn'trIS(q)n] tobacco [tq'bxkqV]

"I'm sorry," she said, face and voice soft with contrition, "Sam."

"Sure you are." He took tobacco and papers from his pockets and began to make a cigarette. "Now you've had your talk with Cairo. Now you can talk to me."

She put a fingertip to her mouth, staring across the room at nothing with widened eyes, and then, with narrower eyes, glanced quickly at Spade. He was engrossed in the making of his cigarette. "Oh, yes," she began, "of course — " She took the finger away from her mouth and smoothed her blue dress over her knees. She frowned at her knees.

Spade licked his cigarette (Спейд облизнул свою сигарету), sealed it (заклеил ее), and asked (и спросил), "Well (ну)?" while he felt for his lighter (пока он нащупывал свою зажигалку; to feel (felt) — трогать, осязать, шарить).

"But I didn't (но у меня)," she said, pausing between words (делая паузы между словами) as if she were selecting them (словно она выбирала их) with great care (с большой осторожностью), "have time (не было времени) to finish talking to him (закончить разговор с ним)." She stopped frowning (она перестала хмуро смотреть) at her knees (на свои колени) and looked at Spade (и посмотрела на Спейда) with clear candid eyes (ясными, искренними глазами). "We were interrupted (нас прервали: «мы были прерваны») almost before we had begun (почти прежде, чем мы начали)."

Spade lighted his cigarette (Спейд зажег свою сигарету) and laughed his mouth empty of smoke (и засмеявшись, выпустил весь дым изо рта; empty— пустой, порожний). "Want me to phone him (хотите, чтобы я позвонил ему) and ask him to come back (и попросил его вернуться)?"

lick [lIk] sealed [si:ld] select [sI'lekt]

Spade licked his cigarette, sealed it, and asked, "Well?" while he felt for his lighter.

"But I didn't," she said, pausing between words as if she were selecting them with great care, "have time to finish talking to him." She stopped frowning at her knees and looked at Spade with clear candid eyes. "We were interrupted almost before we had begun."

Spade lighted his cigarette and laughed his mouth empty of smoke. "Want me to phone him and ask him to come back?"

She shook her head (она покачала головой), not smiling (не улыбаясь). Her eyes moved back and forth (ее глаза двигались назад и вперед) between her lids (между ее веками) as she shook her head (когда/в о время как она качала головой), maintaining their focus on Spade's eyes (поддерживая фокус на глазах Спейда). Her eyes were inquisitive (ее глаза были пытливыми).

Spade put an arm across her back (Спейд положил руку на ее спину), cupping his hand (складывая руку пригоршней: «чашкой») over the smooth bare white shoulder (на гладком, обнаженном белом плече) farthest from him (что было подальше от него: «самом дальнем от него»). She leaned back (она откинулась назад) into the bend of his arm (к изгибу его руки). He said: "Well, I'm listening (ну, я слушаю)."

She twisted her head around (она повернула свою голову) to smile up at him (чтобы улыбнуться ему) with playful insolence (и с игривой дерзостью), asking (спрашивая): "Do you need your arm there for that (для этого вам нужна ваша рука там)?"

cupping ['kApIN] farthest ['fQ:DIst] insolence ['Insqlqns]

She shook her head, not smiling. Her eyes moved back and forth between her lids as she shook her head, maintaining their focus on Spade's eyes. Her eyes were inquisitive.

Spade put an arm across her back, cupping his hand over the smooth bare white shoulder farthest from him. She leaned back into the bend of his arm. He said: "Well, I'm listening."

She twisted her head around to smile up at him with playful insolence, asking: "Do you need your arm there for that?"

"No (нет)." He removed his hand (он убрал свою руку) from her shoulder (с ее плеча) and let his arm drop down behind her (и позволил /своей/ руке упасть вниз за ней).

"You're altogether unpredictable (вы совершенно непредсказуемы; to predict — предсказывать)," she murmured (прошептала она).

He nodded and said amiably (он кивнул и сказал дружески): "I'm still listening (я все еще слушаю)."

"Look at the time (посмотрите на время)!" she exclaimed (воскликнула она), wriggling a finger (изгибая палец) at the alarm-clock (на будильник) perched atop the book (высоко поставленный на книгу; perch — веха, жердь, шест; насест; to perch — усесться, взгромоздиться; perched — помещенный высоко) saying two-fifty (показывающий два пятьдесят) with its clumsily shaped hands (своими громоздкой формы стрелками; clumsily — неуклюже, топорно).

"Uh-huh (угу), it's been a busy evening (это был напряженный вечер)."

altogether ["O:ltq'geDq] unpredictable ["AnprI'dIktqb(q)l] perched [pq:tSt]

"No." He removed his hand from her shoulder and let his arm drop down behind her.

"You're altogether unpredictable," she murmured.

He nodded and said amiably: "I'm still listening."

"Look at the time!" she exclaimed, wriggling a finger at the alarm-clock perched atop the book saying two-fifty with its clumsily shaped hands.

"Uh-huh, it's been a busy evening."

"I must go (я должна идти)." She rose from the sofa (она поднялась с дивана). "This is terrible (это ужасно)."

Spade did not rise (Спейд не поднялся). He shook his head and said (он покачал головой и сказал): "Not until you've told me about it (нет, пока вы не расскажете мне об этом)."

"But look at the time (но посмотрите на время)," she protested (запротестовала она), "and it would take hours (и это займет часы,) to tell you (чтобы рассказать вам)."

"It'll have to take them then (тогда, вы должны их занять)."

"Am I a prisoner (я что, пленница)?" she asked gaily (спросила она весело).

terrible ['terqb(q)l] until [An|'tIl, qn-] prisoner ['prIz(q)nq]

"I must go." She rose from the sofa. "This is terrible."

Spade did not rise. He shook his head and said: "Not until you've told me about it."

"But look at the time," she protested, "and it would take hours to tell you."

"It'll have to take them then."

"Am I a prisoner?" she asked gaily.

Spade studied her anxious face for a moment (Спейд какой-то момент изучал ее обеспокоенное лицо) and then got up from the sofa (и потом поднялся с дивана) saying (говоря): "Sure (конечно)." He got a hat and overcoat from the closet (он взял шляпу и пальто из платяного шкафа). "I'll be gone about ten minutes (я выйду на десять минут)."

"Do be careful (пожалуйста, будьте осторожны)," she begged (попросила она) as she followed him (пока пошла за ним) to the corridor-door (к двери в коридор).

He said (он сказал), "I will (я буду)," and went out (и вышел).

studied ['stAdId] about [q'baVt] follow ['fOlqV]

Spade studied her anxious face for a moment and then got up from the sofa saying: "Sure." He got a hat and overcoat from the closet. "I'll be gone about ten minutes."

"Do be careful," she begged as she followed him to the corridor-door.

He said, "I will," and went out.

Post Street was empty (Пост-стрит была пустой) when Spade issued into it (когда Спейд вышел на нее). He walked east a block (он прошел один квартала на восток), crossed the street (пересек улицу), walked west two blocks (прошел на запад два квартала) on the other side (по другой стороне), recrossed it (снова пересек ее), and returned to his building (и вернулся к своему зданию) without having seen anyone (не увидев никого) except two mechanics (за исключением двух механиков) working on a car (работающих с машиной) in a garage (в гараже).

When he opened his apartment-door (когда он открыл дверь своей квартиры) Brigid O'Shaughnessy was standing at the bend in the passageway (Бриджит О’Шонесси стояла на повороте в проходе), holding Cairo's pistol (держа пистолет Кейро) straight down at her side (/прямо/ вниз вдоль тела: «со своей стороны»).

empty ['emptI] issue ['ISu:, 'Isju:] mechanic [mI'kxnIk]

Post Street was empty when Spade issued into it. He walked east a block, crossed the street, walked west two blocks on the other side, recrossed it, and returned to his building without having seen anyone except two mechanics working on a car in a garage.

When he opened his apartment-door Brigid O'Shaughnessy was standing at the bend in the passageway, holding Cairo's pistol straight down at her side.

"He's still there (он все еще там)," Spade said.

She bit the inside of her lip (она прикусила внутреннюю сторону своей губы) and turned slowly (и медленно повернулась), going back into the living-room (идя назад в гостиную). Spade followed her in (Спейд последовал за ней), put his hat and overcoat on a chair (положил свою шляпу и пальто на стул), said, "So we'll have time to talk (итак, у нас есть время, чтобы поговорить)," and went into the kitchen (и пошел на кухню).

inside [In'saId] slowly ['slqVlI] kitchen ['kItSIn]

"He's still there," Spade said.

She bit the inside of her lip and turned slowly, going back into the living-room. Spade followed her in, put his hat and overcoat on a chair, said, "So we'll have time to talk," and went into the kitchen.

He had put the coffee-pot on the stove (он поставил кофейник на плиту) when she came to the door (когда она пришла к двери), and was slicing (и резал на куски) a slender loaf of French bread (узкую булку французского хлеба). She stood in the doorway (она стояла в дверном проеме) and watched him with preoccupied eyes (и смотрела на него озабоченными глазами). The fingers of her left hand (пальцы ее левой руки) idly caressed the body (бесцельно гладили ствол) and barrel of the pistol (и барабан пистолета) her right hand still held (который ее правая рука все еще держала).

"The table-cloth's in there (скатерть здесь)," he said, pointing the bread-knife (указывая ножом для хлеба) at a cupboard (на буфет) that was one breakfast-nook partition (который был отделением для завтрака; nook — уголок).

coffee ['kOfI] slender ['slendq] preoccupied [prI'OkjVpaId]

He had put the coffee-pot on the stove when she came to the door, and was slicing a slender loaf of French bread. She stood in the doorway and watched him with preoccupied eyes. The fingers of her left hand idly caressed the body and barrel of the pistol her right hand still held.

"The table-cloth's in there," he said, pointing the bread-knife at a cupboard that was one breakfast-nook partition.

She set the table (она накрывала на стол) while he spread liverwurst on (пока он намазывал ливерную колбасу), or put cold corned beef (или накладывал солонину: «холодную соленую говядину») between the small ovals of bread (между маленькими овалами хлеба) he had sliced (которые он отрезал). Then he poured the coffee (потом он налил кофе), added brandy to it (добавил к нему бренди) from a squat bottle (из низкой бутылки), and they sat at the table (и они сели за стол). They sat side by side (они сели рядом) on one of the benches (на одной из скамеек). She put the pistol down (она положила пистолет /вниз/) on the end of the bench (на конец скамейки) nearer her (ближе к себе: «к ней»).

"You can start now (вы можете начать сейчас), between bites (в процессе еды: «между кусаниями»)," he said.

liverwurst ['lIvqwq:st] oval ['qVv(q)l] bite [baIt]

She set the table while he spread liverwurst on, or put cold corned beef between, the small ovals of bread he had sliced. Then he poured the coffee, added brandy to it from a squat bottle, and they sat at the table. They sat side by side on one of the benches. She put the pistol down on the end of the bench nearer her.

"You can start now, between bites," he said.

She made a face at him (она сделал ему гримасу), complained (жалуясь), "You're the most insistent person (вы — самый настойчивый человек)," and bit a sandwich (и укусила сэндвич).

"Yes (да), and wild and unpredictable (дикий и непредсказуемый). What's this bird (что это за птица), this falcon (этот сокол), that everybody's all steamed up about (из-за которого все лезут в бутылку; to steam up — выходить из себя; steam — пар)?"

She chewed the beef and bread (она жевала говядину и хлеб) in her mouth (в своем рту), swallowed it (проглотила их), looked attentively at the small crescent (внимательно посмотрела на маленький полумесяц) its removal had made (который образовался от укуса; removal — перемещение) in the sandwich's rim (на краю сэндвича), and asked (и спросила): "Suppose I wouldn't tell you (предположим, что я не скажу вам)? Suppose I wouldn't tell you anything at all about it (предположим, что я не скажу вам ничегошеньки вообще об этом)? What would you do (что вы будете делать)?"

sandwich ['sxnwIdZ] bird [bq:d] chewed [tSu:d]

She made a face at him, complained, "You're the most insistent person," and bit a sandwich.

"Yes, and wild and unpredictable. What's this bird, this falcon, that everybody's all steamed up about?"

She chewed the beef and bread in her mouth, swallowed it, looked attentively at the small crescent its removal had made in the sandwich's rim, and asked: "Suppose I wouldn't tell you? Suppose I wouldn't tell you anything at all about it? What would you do?"

"You mean about the bird (вы имеете в виду /не скажете/ о птице)?"

"I mean about the whole thing (я имею в виду обо всем этом)."

"I wouldn't be too surprised (я бы не был слишком удивлен)," he told her (сказал он ей), grinning so (улыбаясь так) that the edges of his jaw-teeth were visible (что были видны края его коренных зубов), "to know what to do next (чтобы понять, что делать потом)."

"And that would be (и что это будет)?" She transferred her attention (она перевела свое внимание) from the sandwich to his face (от сэндвича к его лицу). "That's what I wanted to know (это то, что я хотела знать): what would you do next (что бы вы сделали затем)?"

surprise [sq'praIz] edge [edZ] transfer [trxns'fq:]

"You mean about the bird?"

"I mean about the whole thing."

"I wouldn't be too surprised," he told her, grinning so that the edges of his jaw-teeth were visible, "to know what to do next."

"And that would be?" She transferred her attention from the sandwich to his face. "That's what I wanted to know: what would you do next?"

He shook his head (он покачал головой).

Mockery rippled in a smile on her face (насмешка заиграла: «зарябилась» улыбкой на ее лице; ripple — зыбь, рябь; to ripple — покрывать/ся/ рябью). "Something wild and unpredictable (что-нибудь дикое и непредсказуемое)?"

"Maybe (может быть). But I don't see (но я не понимаю) what you've got to gain (что вы можете получить/выиграть) by covering up now (скрывая это сейчас; to cover— покрывать, закрывать). It's coming out (это выясняется) bit by bit anyhow (мало-помалу, в любом случае; bit — кусочек; частица, небольшое количество). There's a lot of it (есть много чего из этого) I don't know (что я не знаю), but there's some of it I do (но есть некоторое количество того, что я знаю), and some more that I can guess at (и немного больше, что я могу предположить), and (и), give me another day like this (дайте мне еще день, как этот), I'll soon be knowing things about it (и скоро я узнаю такие вещи об этом) that you don't know (которые вы не знаете)."

ripple1 ['rIp(q)l] unpredictable ["AnprI'dIktqb(q)l] wild [waIld]

He sook his head.

Mockery rippled in a smile on her face. "Something wild and unpredictable?"

"Maybe. But I don't see what you've got to gain by covering up now. It's coming out bit by bit anyhow. There's a lot of it I don't know, but there's some of it I do, and some more that I can guess at, and, give me another day like this, I'll soon be knowing things about it that you don't know."

"I suppose you do now (я думаю, вы знаете сейчас)," she said, looking at her sandwich again (глядя снова на свой сэндвич), her face serious (с серьезным лицом: «ее лицо серьезно»). "But (но) — oh! — I'm so tired of it (я так устала от этого), and I do so hate (и мне так ненавистно) having to talk about it (что я вынуждена говорить об этом). Wouldn't it (не было бы) — wouldn't it be just as well to wait (не было бы лучше подождать) and let you learn about it (и позволить вам узнать об этом так) as you say you will (как вы говорите, вы узнаете)?"

Spade laughed (Спейд засмеялся). "I don't know (я не знаю). You'll have to figure that out for yourself (вы должны будете понять это для себя/сами). My way of learning (мой путь узнавания) is to heave a wild and unpredictable monkey wrench into the machinery (это вставлять дикие и непредсказуемые палки в колеса; toheave— поднимать, бросать с усилием; monkey wrench— разводной гаечный ключ). It's all right with me (для меня это не проблема), if you're sure (если вы уверены) none of the flying pieces (что ни один из разлетающихся кусков) will hurt you (не причинит Вам вреда; to hurt— делать больно, ранить)."

monkey-wrench ['mANkIrentS] machinery [mq'Si:n(q)rI] flying ['flaIIN]

"I suppose you do now," she said, looking at her sandwich again, her face serious. "But — oh! — I'm so tired of it, and I do so hate having to talk about it. Wouldn't it — wouldn't it be just as well to wait and let you learn about it as you say you will?"

Spade laughed. "I don't know. You'll have to figure that out for yourself. My way of learning is to heave a wild and unpredictable monkey wrench into the machinery. It's all right with me, if you're sure none of the flying pieces will hurt you."

She moved her bare shoulders uneasily (она неспокойно повела своими обнаженными плечами), but said nothing (но ничего не сказала). For several minutes they ate in silence (несколько минут они ели в тишине), he phlegmatically (он — флегматично), she thoughtfully (она — задумчиво). Then she said in a hushed voice (потом она сказала приглушенным голосом): "I'm afraid of you (я боюсь вас), and that's the truth (и в этом правда)."

He said: "That's not the truth (это неправда)."

"It is (это правда)," she insisted in the same low voice (она настаивала тем же тихим голосом). "I know two men (я знаю двух мужчин) I'm afraid of (которых я боюсь) and I've seen both of them tonight (и я видела их обоих сегодня вечером)."

several ['sev(q)rql] phlegmatically [fleg'mxtIk(q)lI] both [bqVT]

She moved her bare shoulders uneasily, but said nothing. For several minutes they ate in silence, he phlegmatically, she thoughtfully. Then she said in a hushed voice: "I'm afraid of you, and that's the truth."

He said: "That's not the truth."

"It is," she insisted in the same low voice. "I know two men I'm afraid of and I've seen both of them tonight."

"I can understand your being afraid of Cairo (я могу понять то, что вы боитесь Кейро)," Spade said. "He's out of your reach (он вне пределов вашей досягаемости)."

"And you aren't (а вы нет)?"

"Not that way (не таким образом)," he said and grinned (сказал он и улыбнулся).

She blushed (она покраснела). She picked up a slice of bread (она подняла кусок хлеба) encrusted with grey liverwurst (покрытого серой ливерной колбасой). She put it down (она положила его) on her plate (на свою тарелку). She wrinkled her white forehead (она сморщила свой белый лоб) and she said: "It's a black figure (это черная фигура), as you know (как вы знаете), smooth and shiny (гладкая и блестящая), of a bird (птицы), a hawk or falcon (ястреба или сокола), about that high (приблизительно такой высоты)." She held her hands (она развела свои руки) a foot apart (на фут в стороны).

"What makes it important (что делает ее такой важной)?"

reach [ri:tS] bread [bred] hawk [hO:k]

"I can understand your being afraid of Cairo," Spade said. "He's out of your reach."

"And you aren't?"

"Not that way," he said and grinned.

She blushed. She picked up a slice of bread encrusted with grey liverwurst. She put it down on her plate. She wrinkled her white forehead and she said: "It's a black figure, as you know, smooth and shiny, of a bird, a hawk or falcon, about that high." She held her hands a foot apart.

"What makes it important?"

She sipped coffee and brandy (она глотнула кофе и бренди) before she shook her head (прежде чем она покачала головой). "I don't know (я не знаю)." she said. "They'd never tell me (они мне никогда не говорили). They promised me five hundred pounds (они обещали мне пятьсот фунтов) if I helped them (если я помогу им) get it (достать ее). Then Floyd said afterward (потом Флойд сказал, позже), after we'd left Joe (после того, как мы оставили Джо), that he'd give me seven hundred and fifty (что он даст мне семьсот пятьдесят)."

"So (в таком случае) it must be worth more (это должно стоить больше) than seventy-five hundred dollars (чем семь тысяч пятьсот долларов)?"

"Oh, much more than that (намного больше, чем это)," she said. "They didn't pretend (они и не притворялись) that they were sharing equally with me (что они делились со мной поровну). They were simply hiring me (они просто нанимали меня) to help them (чтобы помочь им)."

sip [sIp] brandy ['brxndI] afterward(s) ['Q:ftqwqd(z)]

She sipped coffee and brandy before she shook her head. "I don't know." she said. "They'd never tell me. They promised me five hundred pounds if I helped them get it. Then Floyd said afterward, after we'd left Joe, that he'd give me seven hundred and fifty."

"So it must be worth more than seventy-five hundred dollars?"

"Oh, much more than that," she said. "They didn't pretend that they were sharing equally with me. They were simply hiring me to help them."

"To help them how (помочь им как)?"

She lifted her cup to her lips again (она подняла свою чашку снова к своим губам). Spade, not moving the domineering stare (Спейд, не двигая своего властного взгляда) of his yellow-grey eyes (своих желто-серых глаз) from her face (с ее лица), began to make a cigarette (начал делать сигарету). Behind them (за ними) the percolator bubbled (кофейник закипел: «забулькал») on the stove (на плите).

"To help them (помочь им) get it from the man (получить ее у того человека) who had it (у которого она была)," she said slowly (сказала она медленно) when she had lowered her cup (когда она опустила свою чашку), "a Russian named Kemidov (русского по фамилии Кемидов)."

domineering ["dOmI'nIqrIN] percolator ['pq:kqleItq] stove [stqVv]

"To help them how?"

She lifted her cup to her lips again. Spade, not moving the domineering stare of his yellow-grey eyes from her face, began to make a cigarette. Behind them the percolator bubbled on the stove.

"To help them get it from the man who had it," she said slowly when she had lowered her cup, "a Russian named Kemidov."

"How («как»)?"

"Oh, but that's not important (о, но это неважно)," she objected (возразила она), "and wouldn't help you (и не поможет вам)" — she smiled impudently (она дерзко улыбнулась; impudent — нахальный, дерзкий; бесстыдный) — "and is certainly none of your business (и, конечно, это не ваше дело)."

"This was in Constantinople (это было в Константинополе)?"

She hesitated (она поколебалась), nodded, and said (кивнула и сказала): "Marmara (на Мраморном море)."

He waved his cigarette at her (он махнул ей своей сигаретой), saying (говоря): "Co ahead (продолжайте), what happened then (что случилось потом)?"

object [qb'dZekt] impudently ['ImpjVd(q)ntlI] waved [weIvd]


"Oh, but that's not important," she objected, "and wouldn't help you" — she smiled impudently — "and is certainly none of your business."

"This was in Constantinople?"

She hesitated, nodded, and said: "Marmara."

He waved his cigarette at her, saying: "Co ahead, what happened then?"

"But that's all (но это все). I've told you (я сказала вам). They promised me five hundred pounds (они обещали мне пятьсот фунтов) to help them (чтобы помочь им) and I did (и я помогла) and then we found (а потом мы обнаружили) that Joe Cairo meant to desert us (что Джо Кейро задумал бросить нас), taking the falcon with him (взяв сокола с собой) and leaving us nothing (и не оставить нам ничего). So we did exactly that to him, first (так что мы сделали именно это с ним первые). But then I wasn't any better off (но и тогда я не стала богаче) than I had been before (чем я была до этого), because Floyd hadn't any intention at all (поскольку Флойд не имел никакого намерения) of paying me the seven hundred and fifty pounds (платить мне семьсот пятьдесят фунтов) he had promised me (которые он обещал мне). I had learned that (я узнала это) by the time (к тому времени) we got here (когда мы приехали сюда). He said we would go to New York (он сказал, мы поедем в Нью-Йорк), where he would sell it (где он продаст ее) and give me my share (и даст мне мою долю), but I could see (но я могла видеть) he wasn't telling me the truth (что он говорил мне неправду: «не говорил мне правду»)." Indignation had darkened her eyes to violet (возмущение сделало цвет ее глаз темным, почти фиолетовым). "And that's why I came to you (вот почему я и пришла к вам) to get you to help me learn (чтобы вы помогли мне узнать) where the falcon was (где сокол)."

desert [dI'zq:t] because [bI'kOz] violet ['vaIqlIt]

"But that's all. I've told you. They promised me five hundred pounds to help them and I did and then we found that Joe Cairo meant to desert us, taking the falcon with him and leaving us nothing. So we did exactly that to him, first. But then I wasn't any better off than I had been before, because Floyd hadn't any intention at all of paying me the seven hundred and fifty pounds he had promised me. I had learned that by the time we got here. He said we would go to New York, where he would sell it and give me my share, but I could see he wasn't telling me the truth." Indignation had darkened her eyes to violet. "And that's why I came to you to get you to help me learn where the falcon was."

"And suppose you'd got it (допустим, вы получили бы его)? What then (что потом)?"

"Then I'd have been in a position (тогда у меня была бы возможность; position— положение, место) to talk terms with Mr. Floyd Thursby (обсуждать условия с мистером Флойдом Терсби)."

Spade squinted at her (Спейд взглянул на нее украдкой; tosquint— косить /глазами/; смотреть искоса, украдкой) and suggested (и предложил): "But you wouldn't have known (но вы, видимо, не знали) where to take it (куда ее отвезти) to get more money (чтобы получить больше денег) than he'd give you (чем он бы вам дал), the larger sum (бóльшую сумму) that you knew (за которую, вы знали) he expected to sell it for (он ожидал продать ее)?"

"I did not know (я не знала)," she said.

squint [skwInt] larger [lQ:dZq] sell [sel]

"And suppose you'd got it? What then?"

"Then I'd have been in a position to talk terms with Mr. Floyd Thursby."

Spade squinted at her and suggested: "But you wouldn't have known where to take it to get more money than he'd give you, the larger sum that you knew he expected to sell it for?"

"I did not know," she said.

Spade scowled at the ashes (Спейд хмуро смотрел на пепел) he had dumped (который он свалил кучкой) on his plate (на своей тарелке). "What makes it worth all that money (что делает ее стоящей таких денег)?" he demanded (/требовательно/ спросил он). "You must have some idea (у вас должна быть какая-нибудь идея), at least (по крайней мере) be able to guess (можете предположить)."

"I haven't the slightest idea (у меня нет ни малейшего представления)."

He directed the scowl at her (он направил хмурый взгляд на нее). "What's it made of (из чего она сделана)?"

"Porcelain or black stone (из фарфора или черного камня). I don't know (я не знаю). I've never touched it (я никогда не касалась ее). I've only seen it once (я только видела ее один раз), for a few minutes (на несколько минут). Floyd showed it to me (Флойд показал мне ее) when we'd first got hold of it (когда мы только ее заполучили)."

dump [dAmp] plate [pleIt] directed [d(a)I'rektId]

Spade scowled at the ashes he had dumped on his plate. "What makes it worth all that money?" he demanded. "You must have some idea, at least be able to guess."

"I haven't the slightest idea."

He directed the scowl at her. "What's it made of?"

"Porcelain or black stone. I don't know. I've never touched it. I've only seen it once, for a few minutes. Floyd showed it to me when we'd first got hold of it."

Spade mashed the end of his cigarette (Спейд расплющил конец своей сигареты) in his plate (в своей тарелке) and made one draught of the coffee and brandy (и сделал один глоток кофе и бренди) in his cup (в своей чашке). His scowl had gone away (его нахмуренность ушла). He wiped his lips with his napkin (он вытер свои губы своей салфеткой), dropped it crumpled on the table (бросил его смятым на стол), and spoke casually (и сказал ненароком): "You are a liar (вы — лгунья)."

She got up (она встала) and stood at the end of the table (и встала у конца стола), looking down at him (глядя вниз на него) with dark abashed eyes (темными сконфуженными глазами) in a pinkening face (на розовеющем лице). "I am a liar (я — лгунья)," she said. "I have always been a liar (я всегда была лгуньей)."

draught [drQ:ft] cup [kAp] casually ['kxZVqlI]

Spade mashed the end of his cigarette in his plate and made one draught of the coffee and brandy in his cup. His scowl had gone away. He wiped his lips with his napkin, dropped it crumpled on the table, and spoke casually: "You are a liar."

She got up and stood at the end of the table, looking down at him with dark abashed eyes in a pinkening face. "I am a liar," she said. "I have always been a liar."

"Don't brag about it (не хвастайтесь этим). It's childish (это ребячество)." His voice was good-humored (его голос был добродушным). He came out from between table and bench (он вышел из-за стола и скамейки;between — между). "Was there any truth at all (была хоть какая-то правда) in that yarn (во всей этой байке; yarn — пряжа, нить)?"

She hung her head (она повесила голову). Dampness glistened on her dark lashes (влага блеснула на ее темных ресницах). "Some (немного)," she whispered (прошептала она).

"How much (сколько)?"

"Not — not very much (не — не очень много)."

brag [brxg] childish ['tSaIldIS] humor ['hju:mq]

"Don't brag about it. It's childish." His voice was good-humored. He came out from between table and bench. "Was there any truth at all in that yarn?"

She hung her head. Dampness glistened on her dark lashes. "Some," she whispered.

"How much?"

"Not — not very much."

Spade put a hand under her chin (Спейд положил руку под ее подбородок) and lifted her head (и поднял ее голову). He laughed into her wet eyes and said (он засмеялся в ее мокрые глаза и сказал): "We've got all night before us (у нас вся ночь впереди). I'll put some more brandy (я добавлю еще немного бренди) in some more coffee (в еще немного кофе) and we'll try again (и мы попытаемся снова)."

Her eyelids drooped (ее веки опустились; todroop— поникать, свисать; закрываться /о глазах/). "Oh, I'm so tired (о, я так устала)," she said tremulously (сказала она робко), "so tired of it all (так устала от всего этого), of myself (от себя), of lying (от лжи) and thinking up lies (и выдумывания лжи), and of not knowing (и не знания того) what is a lie (что ложь) and what is the truth (а что правда). I wish I (я хочу, чтобы я) — "

wet [wet] all [O:l] more [mO:]

Spade put a hand under her chin and lifted her head. He laughed into her wet eyes and said: "We've got all night before us. I'll put some more brandy in some more coffee and we'll try again."

Her eyelids drooped. "Oh, I'm so tired," she said tremulously, "so tired of it all, of myself, of lying and thinking up lies, and of not knowing what is a lie and what is the truth. I wish I — "

She put her hands up (она подняла свои руки) to Spade's cheeks (к щекам Спейда), put her open mouth (прижала свой открытый рот) hard against his mouth (жестко к его рту), her body flat against his body (ее тело как раз напротив его тела; flat — плоский, ровный, плашмя).

Spade's arms went around her (руки Спейда обвились вокруг нее), holding her to him (прижимая ее к себе), muscles bulging his blue sleeves (мускулы выпячивали его синие рукава), a hand cradling her head (рука, качающая/обнявшая ее голову; cradle — колыбель, люлька), its fingers half lost among red hair (ее /руки/ пальцы, наполовину затерялись среди рыжих волос), a hand moving groping fingers (рука, двигающаяся нащупывающими пальцами; to grope — ощупывать) over her slim back (по ее стройной спине). His eyes burned yellowly (его глаза горели желтым).

flat [flxt] gropingly ['grqVpIN] slim [slim]

She put her hands up to Spade's cheeks, put her open mouth hard against his mouth, her body flat against his body.

Spade's arms went around her, holding her to him, muscles bulging his blue sleeves, a hand cradling her head, its fingers half lost among red hair, a hand moving groping fingers over her slim back. His eyes burned yellowly.
