XI. The Fat Man (толстяк)

The telephone-bell was ringing (телефонный звонок звенел) when Spade returned to his office (когда Спейд вернулся в свой офис) after sending Brigid O'Shaughnessy off (после отправления Бриджит О’Шонесси) to Effie Perine's house (в дом Эффи Пирайн). He went to the telephone (он подошел к телефону).

"Hello. Yes, this is Spade (алло, да, это Спейд)... Yes, I got it (да, я получил его /сообщение/). I've been waiting (я ждал) to hear from you (что вы свяжитесь со мной: «услышать от вас»)... Who (кто)? ... Mr. Gutman (мистер Гутман…)? Oh, yes, sure (о, да, конечно)! ... Now (сейчас) — the sooner the better (чем скорее, тем лучше)... Twelve C (двенадцать «С»)... Right (хорошо). Say fifteen minutes (скажем, пятнадцать минут). Right (хорошо»)."

telephone ['telIfqVn] sending ['sendIN] twelve [twelv]

The telephone-bell was ringing when Spade returned to his office after sending Brigid O'Shaughnessy off to Effie Perine's house. He went to the telephone.

"Hello. Yes, this is Spade... Yes, I got it. I've been waiting to hear from you... Who? ... Mr. Gutman? Oh, yes, sure! ... Now — the sooner the better... Twelve C... Right. Say fifteen minutes. Right."

Spade sat on the corner of his desk (Спейд сел на угол своего стола) beside the telephone (рядом с телефоном) and rolled a cigarette (и скрутил сигарету). His mouth was a hard (его рот был жестким) complacent v (самодовольным «v»). His eyes (его глаза), watching his fingers (наблюдали, как его пальцы) make the cigarette (делают сигарету), smoldered (тлели; to smolder — медленно гореть/без огня/, тлеть) over lower lids (над нижними веками) drawn up straight (подтянутыми вверх = прищуренными: «подтянутыми прямо»).

The door opened (дверь открылась) and Iva Archer came in (и вошла Ива Арчер).

Spade said, "Hello, honey (привет, дорогая)," in a voice as lightly amiable (голосом, таким же слегка дружелюбным) as his face had suddenly become (каким вдруг стало его лицо).

complacent [kqm'pleIs(q)nt] smolder ['smqVldq] voice [vOIs]

Spade sat on the corner of his desk beside the telephone and rolled a cigarette. His mouth was a hard complacent v. His eyes, watching his fingers make the cigarette, smoldered over lower lids drawn up straight.

The door opened and Iva Archer came in.

Spade said, "Hello, honey," in a voice as lightly amiable as his face had suddenly become.

"Oh, Sam, forgive me (о, Сэм, прости меня)! forgive me (прости меня)!" she cried in a choked voice (закричала она задыхающимся голосом). She stood just inside the door (она стояла прямо в дверях; inside — внутри), wadding a black-bordered handkerchief (комкая носовой платок с черными краями; wad — связка, пучок, вязанка, сноп) in her small gloved hands (в своих маленьких руках в перчатках), peering into his face (всматриваясь в его лицо) with frightened red and swollen eyes (испуганными красными и опухшими глазами).

He did not get up from his seat (он не встал со своего места) on the desk-corner (на углу стола). He said: "Sure (конечно). That's all right (все в порядке). Forget it (забудь это)."

"But, Sam (но, Сэм)," she wailed (завопила она), "I sent those policemen there (я послала полицейских туда). I was mad, crazy with jealousy (я была сумасшедшей, безумной от ревности), and I phoned them (и я позвонила им) that if they'd go there (что если они пойдут туда) they'd learn something (они узнают что-нибудь) about Miles's murder (об убийстве Майлза»)."

forgive [fq'gIv] wadding ['wOdIN] jealousy ['dZelqsI]

"Oh, Sam, forgive me! forgive me!" she cried in a choked voice. She stood just inside the door, wadding a black-bordered handkerchief in her small gloved hands, peering into his face with frightened red and swollen eyes.

He did not get up from his seat on the desk-corner. He said: "Sure. That's all right. Forget it."

"But, Sam," she wailed, "I sent those policemen there. I was mad, crazy with jealousy, and I phoned them that if they'd go there they'd learn something about Miles's murder."

"What made you think that (что заставило тебя так подумать)?"

"Oh, I didn't (я не думала)! But I was mad, Sam (но я была в бешенстве, Сэм), and I wanted to hurt you (я хотела причинить тебе боль)."

"It made things damned awkward (это все так, черт возьми, осложнило: «это сделало вещи чертовски трудными»)." He put his arm around her (он обнял ее: «он положил свою руку вокруг нее») and drew her nearer (и притянул ее ближе). "But it's all right now (но сейчас все в порядке), only don't get any more crazy notions (только пусть такие безумные идеи больше не приходят тебе в голову; notion— понятие, фантазия, мнение) like that (похожих на ту /идею/)."

"I won't (я /больше/ не буду)," she promised (пообещала она), "ever (никогда). But you weren't nice to me (но ты не был мил со мной) last night (прошлой ночью). You were cold and distant (ты был холодным и отдаленным) and wanted to get rid of me (и хотел избавиться от меня), when I had come down there (когда я пришла туда) and waited so long (и ждала так долго) to warn you (чтобы предупредить тебя), and you (а ты) —"

mad [mxd] awkward ['O:kwqd] warn [wO:n]

"What made you think that?"

"Oh, I didn't! But I was mad, Sam, and I wanted to hurt you."

"It made things damned awkward." He put his arm around her and drew her nearer. "But it's all right now, only don't get any more crazy notions like that."

"I won't," she promised, "ever. But you weren't nice to me last night. You were cold and distant and wanted to get rid of me, when I had come down there and waited so long to warn you, and you — "

"Warn me about what (предупредить меня о чем)?"

"About Phil (о Филе). He's found out about (он выяснил о) — about you being in love with me (о том, что ты влюблен в меня), and Miles had told him (и Майлз рассказал ему) about my wanting a divorce (о моем желании получить развод), though of course (хотя, конечно) he never knew what for (он не знал, для чего), and now Phil thinks (и теперь Фил думает) we (что мы) — you killed his brother (что ты убил его брата) because he wouldn't give me the divorce (потому что он не дал бы развода мне) so we could get married (чтобы мы могли пожениться). He told me (он сказал мне) he believed that (он думает так), and yesterday (и вчера) he went and told the police (он пошел и рассказал полиции)."

about [q'baVt] never ['nevq] knew [nju:]

"Warn me about what?"

"About Phil. He's found out about — about you being in love with me, and Miles had told him about my wanting a divorce, though of course he never knew what for, and now Phil thinks we — you killed his brother because he wouldn't give me the divorce so we could get married. He told me he believed that, and yesterday he went and told the police."

"That's nice (это мило)," Spade said softly (сказал Спейд мягко). "And you came to warn me (и ты пришла, чтобы предупредить меня), and because I was busy (а поскольку я был занят) you got up on your ear (ты полезла в бутылку; on one's ear — в состоянии раздражения, негодования, ear — ухо, слух) and helped this damned Phil Archer (и помогла этому проклятому Филу Арчеру) stir things up (взбаламутить все дело; to stir up — расшевелить, разбудить)."

"I'm sorry (мне жаль)," she whimpered (захныкала она), "I know (я знаю) you won't forgive me (ты не простишь меня). I (мне) — I'm sorry, sorry, sorry (мне жаль, жаль, жаль)."

"You ought to be (тебе должно быть /жаль/)," he agreed (согласился он), "on your own account (ради себя самой; account — счет, расчет) as well as mine (так же как и ради меня). Has Dundy been to see you (Данди встречался с тобой) since Phil did his talking (с тех пор как Фил все разболтал; talking — говорение, обсуждение)? Or anybody from the bureau (или кто-нибудь из бюро /расследований/)?"

ear [Iq] stir [stq:] account [q'kaVnt]

"That's nice," Spade said softly. "And you came to warn me, and because I was busy you got up on your ear and helped this damned Phil Archer stir things up."

"I'm sorry," she whimpered, "I know you won't forgive me. I — I'm sorry, sorry, sorry."

"You ought to be," he agreed, "on your own account as well as mine. Has Dundy been to see you since Phil did his talking? Or anybody from the bureau?"

"No." Alarm opened her eyes (тревога открыла ее глаза) and mouth (и рот).

"They will (они встретятся: «будут»)," he said, "and it'd be just as well (и было бы хорошо) to not let them (не позволить им) find you here (найти тебя здесь). Did you tell them (ты сказала им) who you were (кто ты) when you phoned (когда ты позвонила)?"

"Oh, no! I simply told them (я просто сказала им) that if they'd go to your apartment (что если они приедут в твою квартиру) right away (немедленно) they'd learn something (они узнают кое-что) about the murder (об убийстве) and hung up (и повесила трубку)."

"Where'd you phone from (откуда ты звонила)?"

phone [fqVn] simply ['sImplI] hung [hAN]

"No." Alarm opened her eyes and mouth.

"They will," he said, "and it'd be just as well to not let them find you here. Did you tell them who you were when you phoned?"

"Oh, no! I simply told them that if they'd go to your apartment right away they'd learn something about the murder and hung up."

"Where'd you phone from?"

"The drug-store (из аптеки) up above your place (выше по улице от твоего дома). Oh, Sam, dearest, I (о, Сэм, самый дорогой, я) — "

He patted her shoulder (он похлопал ее по плечу) and said pleasantly (и весело сказал): "It was a dumb trick (это был глупый трюк), all right (конечно), but it's done now (но он уже сделан). You'd better run along home (ты лучше беги домой) and think up things (и обдумай вещи) to tell the police (которые сказать полиции). You'll be hearing from them (ты услышишь от них). Maybe (может быть) it'd be best to say 'no' (будет лучше всего говорить «нет») right across the board (на все подряд; across the board — все, все подряд: «через доску/стол»)." He frowned at something distant (он хмуро посмотрел на что-то отделенное). "Or maybe you'd better see Sid Wise first (или, может быть, тебе лучше встретиться с Сидом Уайзом для начала)." He removed his arm from around her (он убрал свою руку /с нее/), took a card out of his pocket (вынул карточку из своего кармана), scribbled three lines on its back (нацарапал три строчки на ее оборотной стороне), and gave it to her (и отдал ее ей). "You can tell Sid everything (ты можешь рассказать Сиду все)." He frowned (он нахмурился). "Or almost everything (или почти все). Where were you the night (где ты была в ночь) Miles was shot (когда Майлза застрелили)?"

drug [drAg] thing [TIN] board [bO:d]

"The drug-store up above your place. Oh, Sam, dearest, I — "

He patted her, shoulder and said pleasantly: "It was a dumb trick, all right, but it's done now. You'd better run along home and think up things to tell the police. You'll be hearing from them. Maybe it'd be best to say 'no' right across the board." He frowned at something distant. "Or maybe you'd better see Sid Wise first." He removed his arm from around her, took a card out of his pocket, scribbled three lines on its back, and gave it to her. "You can tell Sid everything." He frowned. "Or almost everything. Where were you the night Miles was shot?"

"Home (дома)," she replied without hesitating (ответила она без колебаний).

He shook his head (он покачал головой), grinning at her (ухмыляясь ей).

"I was (я была /дома/)," she insisted (настаивала она).

"No," he said, "but if that's your story (но если это твоя история) it's all right with me (для меня это нормально). Go see Sid (поезжай, встреться с Сидом). It's up on the next corner (это вверх /по улице/ на следующем углу), the pinkish building (розоватое здание), room eight-twenty-seven (комната восемь-двадцать-семь)."

Her blue eyes (ее голубые глаза) tried to probe his yellow-grey ones (пытались выведать что-нибудь в его желто-серых глазах). "What makes you think (что заставляет тебя думать) I wasn't home (что меня не было дома)?" she asked slowly (спросила она медленно).

pinkish ['pINkIS] probe [prqVb] one [wAn]

"Home," she replied without hesitating.

He shook his head, grinning at her.

"I was," she insisted.

"No," he said, "but if that's your story it's all right with me. Go see Sid. It's up on the next corner, the pinkish building, room eight-twenty-seven."

Her blue eyes tried to probe his yellow-grey ones. "What makes you think I wasn't home?" she asked slowly.

"Nothing except (ничего, за исключением того) that I know you weren't (что я знаю, что ты там не была)."

"But I was, I was (но я была, я была)." Her lips twisted (ее губы искривились) and anger darkened her eyes (и гнев затемнил ее глаза). "Effie Perine told you that (Эффи Пирайн сказала это тебе)," she said indignantly (сказала она с негодованием). "I saw (я видела) her looking at my clothes (как она смотрела на мою одежду) and snooping around (и шпионила; to snoop — совать повсюду свой нос; подглядывать, подсматривать; to snoop around — шпионить, выслеживать). You know she doesn't like me, Sam (ты знаешь, она не любит меня). Why do you believe things (почему ты веришь вещам) she tells you (которые она говорит тебе) when you know she'd do anything (когда ты знаешь, она сделала бы все) to make trouble for me (чтобы доставить мне неприятности)?"

anger ['xNgq] darken ['dQ:k(q)n] snoop [snu:p]

"Nothing except that I know you weren't."

"But I was, I was." Her lips twisted and anger darkened her eyes. "Effie Perine told you that," she said indignantly. "I saw her looking at my clothes and snooping around. You know she doesn't like me, Sam. Why do you believe things she tells you when you know she'd do anything to make trouble for me?"

"Jesus (боже: «Иисус»), you women (вы, женщины)," Spade said mildly (сказал Спейд мягко). He looked at the watch (он посмотрел на часы) on his wrist (на своем запястье). "You'll have to trot along, precious (ты должна будешь поторопиться, дорогая; to trot along — бежать трусцой, уходить). I'm late for an appointment now (я опаздываю на встречу сейчас). You do what you want (ты делай, что хочешь), but if I were you (но на твоем месте: «если бы я был тобой») I'd tell Sid the truth or nothing (я бы рассказал Сиду правду или ничего). I mean leave out the parts (я имею в виду, не упоминай: «выпусти» те части) you don't want to tell him (которые ты не хочешь рассказывать ему), but don't make up anything (но не выдумывай ничего) to take its place (чтобы занять их место)."

"I'm not lying to you, Sam (я не лгу тебе, Сэм)," she protested (запротестовала она).

Jesus ['dZi:zqs] mildly ['maIldlI] appointment [q'pOIntmqnt]

"Jesus, you women," Spade said mildly. He looked at the watch on his wrist. "You'll have to trot along, precious. I'm late for an appointment now. You do what you want, but if I were you I'd tell Sid the truth or nothing. I mean leave out the parts you don't want to tell him, but don't make up anything to take its place."

"I'm not lying to you, Sam," she protested.

"Like hell you're not (черта с два нет)," he said and stood up (сказал он и встал).

She strained on tiptoe (она потянулась на цыпочках) to hold her face (чтобы ее лицо было: «держать свое лицо») nearer his (ближе к его). "You don't believe me (ты не веришь мне)?" she whispered (прошептала она).

"I don't believe you (я не верю тебе)."

"And you won't forgive me for (и ты не простишь меня за) — for what I did (за то, что я сделала)?"

"Sure I do (конечно я прощаю)." He bent his head (он наклонил свою голову) and kissed her mouth (и поцеловал ее губы: «рот»). "That's all right (все в порядке). Now run along (теперь беги)."

strained [streInd] tiptoe ['tIptqV] along [q'lON]

"Like hell you're not," he said and stood up.

She strained on tiptoe to hold her face nearer his. "You don't believe me?" she whispered.

"I don't believe you."

"And you won't forgive me for — for what I did?"

"Sure I do." He bent his head and kissed her mouth. "That's all right. Now run along."

She put her arms around him (она обняла его своими руками). "Won't you go with me (разве ты не пойдешь со мной) to see Mr. Wise (чтобы встретиться с мистером Уайзом)?"

"I can't (я не могу), and I'd only be in the way (и я буду только мешаться; way— путь, дорога)." He patted her arms (он похлопал по ее рукам), took them from around his body (убрал их со своего тела), and kissed her left wrist (и поцеловал ее левое запястье) between glove and sleeve (между перчаткой и рукавом). He put his hands on her shoulders (он положил свои руки на ее плечи), turned her to face the door (повернул ее лицо к двери), and released her (и отпустил ее) with a little push (с легким толчком). "Beat it (беги; to beat— бить, ударять, /амер. разг./ удирать)," he ordered (приказал он).

wise [waIz] body ['bOdI] push [pVS]

She put her arms around him. "Won't you go with me to see Mr. Wise?"

"I can't, and I'd only be in the way." He patted her arms, took them from around his body, and kissed her left wrist between glove and sleeve. He put his hands on her shoulders, turned her to face the door, and released her with a little push. "Beat it," he ordered.

The mahogany door (дверь красного дерева) of suite 12-C (номера люкс 12-С) at the Alexandria Hotel (в отеле «Александрия») was opened by the boy (была открыта тем юношей) Spade had talked to (с которым Спейд разговаривал) in the Belvedere lobby (в вестибюле отеля «Бельведер»). Spade said, "Hello (привет)," good-naturedly (добродушно). The boy did not say anything (юноша ничего не сказал). He stood aside (он стоял в стороне) holding the door open (держа дверь открытой).

Spade went in (Спейд вошел). A fat man came to meet him (толстяк вышел встретить его).

mahogany [mq'hOgqnI] suite [swi:t] fat [fxt]

The mahogany door of suite 12-C at the Alexandria Hotel was opened by the boy Spade had talked to in the Belvedere lobby. Spade said, "Hello," good-naturedly. The boy did not say anything. He stood aside holding the door open.

Spade went in. A fat man came to meet him.

The fat man was flabbily fat (толстяк был дрябло толст) with bulbous pink cheeks (с отвисшими розовыми щеками; bulbous — имеющий форму луковицы, выпуклый) and lips (и губами) and chins (и подбородками) and neck (и шеей), with a great soft egg of a belly (с большим мягким животом в форме яйца) that was all his torso (который был всем его туловищем), and pendant cones (и болтающимися конусами) for arms and legs (вместо рук и ног). As he advanced to meet Spade (когда он продвигался вперед, чтобы поприветствовать: «встретить» Спейда) all his bulbs rose (все его отвислости-луковицы поднимались) and shook (и тряслись) and fell separately (и падали по отдельности) with each step (с каждым шагом), in the manner of clustered soap-bubbles (подобно собранным пучками мыльным пузырям) not yet released from the pipe (пока еще не освобожденным от трубки) through which they had been blown (через которую они были выдуты). His eyes (его глаза), made small by fat puffs around them (уменьшенные жирными вздутиями вокруг них), were dark and sleek (были темными и лоснящимися).

flabbily ['flxbIlI] egg [eg] clustered ['klAstqd]

The fat man was flabbily fat with bulbous pink cheeks and lips and chins and neck, with a great soft egg of a belly that was all his torso, and pendant cones for arms and legs. As he advanced to meet Spade all his bulbs rose and shook and fell separately with each step, in the manner of clustered soap-bubbles not yet released from the pipe through which they had been blown. His eyes, made small by fat puffs around them, were dark and sleek.

Dark ringlets (темные локоны: «завитки») thinly covered (редко: «плохо» покрывали) his broad scalp (его широкую голову; scalp — кожа черепа, скальп). He wore a black cutaway coat (на нем была черная визитка /короткий однобортный сюртук с закругленными, расходящимися спереди полами/), black vest (черный жилет), black satin Ascot tie (черный атласный аскотский галстук /с широкими как у шарфа концами/) holding a pinkish pearl (украшенный розоватой жемчужиной; to hold — держать, содержать, владеть), striped grey worsted trousers (полосатые серые шерстяные брюки; worsted — ткань из гребенной шерсти; камвольная ткань; шерстяная материя), and patent-leather shoes (и лакированные туфли).

His voice was a throaty purr (его голос был горловым урчанием). "Ah, Mr. Spade (а, мистер Спейд)," he said with enthusiasm (сказал он с энтузиазмом) and held out a hand (и вытянул руку) like a fat pink star (как толстую розовую звезду).

Spade took the hand (Спейд взял руку) and smiled (и улыбнулся) and said: "How do you do, Mr. Gutman (как поживаете, мистер Гутман)?"

scalp [skxlp] cutaway ['kAtqweI] purr [pq:]

Dark ringlets thinly covered his broad scalp. He wore a black cutaway coat, black vest, black satin Ascot tie holding a pinkish pearl, striped grey worsted trousers, and patent-leather shoes.

His voice was a throaty purr. "Ah, Mr. Spade," he said with enthusiasm and held out a hand like a fat pink star.

Spade took the hand and smiled and said: "How do you do, Mr. Gutman?"

Holding Spade's hand (держа руку Спейда), the fat man turned beside him (толстяк повернулся рядом с ним), put his other hand (положил свою другую руку) to Spade's elbow (на локоть Спейда), and guided him (и проводил его) across a green rug (по зеленому ковру) to a green plush chair (к зеленому плюшевому креслу) beside a table (рядом со столом) that held a siphon (на котором стоял сифон), some glasses (несколько фужеров), and a bottle of Johnnie Walker whiskey (и бутылка виски «Джонни Уокер») on a tray (на подносе), a box of cigars (коробка сигар) — Coronas del Ritz («Коронас дель Риц») — two newspapers (две газеты), and a small and plain yellow soapstone box (и маленькая и невзрачная желтая коробочка из мыльного камня).

guided ['gaIdId] rug [rAg] plush [plAS]

Holding Spade's hand, the fat man turned beside him, put his other hand to Spade's elbow, and guided him across a green rug to a green plush chair beside a table that held a siphon, some glasses, and a bottle of Johnnie Walker whiskey on a tray, a box of cigars — Coronas del Ritz — two newspapers, and a small and plain yellow soapstone box.

Spade sat in the green chair (Спейд сел в зеленое кресло). The fat man began to fill two glasses (толстяк начал наполнять два фужера) from bottle and siphon (из бутылки и сифона). The boy had disappeared (юнец исчез). Doors set in three of the room's walls (двери, установленные в стенах трех боковых комнат) were shut (были закрыты). The fourth wall (четвертая стена), behind Spade (за Спейдом), was pierced by two windows (была пробита двумя окнами; to pierce — пронзать, протыкать) looking out over Geary Street (выходящими на Гири-стрит).

"We begin well, sir (мы начинаем хорошо, сэр)," the fat man purred (проурчал толстяк), turning with a proffered glass (поворачиваясь с фужером, предлагаемым /Спейду/; to proffer — предлагать) in his hand (в своей руке). "I distrust a man (я не доверяю людям: «человеку») that says when (которые говорят «достаточно»; say when— скажи, когда довольно — говорят, когда наливают алкогольные напитки). If he's got to be careful (если он должен быть осторожен) not to drink too much (чтобы не выпить слишком много) it's because he's not to be trusted (это потому, что ему нельзя доверять) when he does (когда он сделает это)."

glass [glQ:s] bottle ['bOtl] siphon ['saIf(q)n]

Spade sat in the green chair. The fat man began to fill two glasses from bottle and siphon. The boy had disappeared. Doors set in three of the room's walls were shut. The fourth wall, behind Spade, was pierced by two windows looking out over Geary Street.

"We begin well, sir," the fat man purred, turning with a proffered glass in his hand. "I distrust a man that says when. If he's got to be careful not to drink too much it's because he's not to be trusted when he does."

Spade took the glass (Спейд поднял фужер) and, smiling (и, улыбаясь), made the beginning of a bow over it (слегка поклонился: «сделал начало поклона» над ним).

The fat man raised his glass (толстяк поднял свой фужер) and held it against a window's light (и подержал его напротив света из окна). He nodded approvingly (он одобрительно кивнул; to approve — одобрять) at the bubbles running up in it (пузырькам, бежавшим вверх в нем). He said: "Well, sir (ну, сэр), here's to plain speaking (за откровенный разговор; here's to smth — за что-либо— при произнесении тоста) and clear understanding (и ясное понимание)."

They drank (они выпили) and lowered their glasses (и опустили свои фужеры).

The fat man (толстяк) hooked shrewdly at Spade (проницательно посмотрел на Спейда) and asked (и спросил): "You're a closemouthed man (вы неразговорчивый человек)?"

Spade shook his head (Спейд покачал головой). "I like to talk (я люблю поговорить)."

window ['wIndqV] approvingly [q'pru:vINlI] understanding ["Andq'stxndIN]

Spade took the glass and, smiling, made the beginning of a bow over it.

The fat man raised his glass and held it against a window's light. He nodded approvingly at the bubbles running up in it. He said: "Well, sir, here's to plain speaking and clear understanding."

They drank and lowered their glasses.

The fat man hooked shrewdly at Spade and asked: "You're a closemouthed man?"

Spade shook his head. "I like to talk."

"Better and better (лучше и лучше)!" the fat man exclaimed (воскликнул толстяк). "I distrust a closemouthed man (я не верю неразговорчивому человеку). He generally (он, как правило) picks the wrong time (выбирает неправильное время) to talk (чтобы поговорить) and says the wrong things (и говорит неправильные вещи). Talking's something (разговор — это нечто такое) you can't do judiciously (что ты не можешь поддерживать: «делать» рассудительно) unless you keep in practice (если у тебя нет /постоянной/ практики)." He bent over his glass (он склонился над своим фужером). "We'll get along, sir (мы поладим, сэр), that we will (мы поладим: «это мы будем = ладить»)." He set his glass on the table (он поставил свой фужер на стол) and held the box of Coronas del Ritz out to Spade (и протянул коробку «Коронас дель Риц» Спейду). "A cigar, sir (сигару, сэр)."

better ['betq] distrust [dIs'trAst] close-mouthed ["klqVs'maVDd]

"Better and better!" the fat man exclaimed. "I distrust a closemouthed man. He generally picks the wrong time to talk and says the wrong things. Talking's something you can't do judiciously unless you keep in practice." He bent over his glass. "We'll get along, sir, that we will." He set his glass on the table and held the box of Coronas del Ritz out to Spade. "A cigar, sir."

Spade took a cigar (Спейд взял сигару), trimmed the end of it (обрезал ее конец; to trim — подрезать, подстригать), and lighted it (и закурил). Meanwhile (тем временем) the fat man pulled another green plush chair around (толстяк притянул другое зеленое плюшевое кресло) to face Spade's (чтобы смотреть прямо на Спейда) within convenient distance (с удобного расстояния) and placed a smoking-stand (и расположил пепельницу; stand — стойка, подставка) within reach (в пределах досягаемости) of both chairs (обоих кресел). Then he took his glass (потом он взял свой фужер) from the table (со стола), took a cigar from the box (взял сигару из коробки), and lowered himself into his chair (и опустился в свое кресло). His bulbs stopped jouncing (его луковички-отвислости перестали трястись; to jounce — ударять(ся), наталкиваться на что-л., наскакивать, трясти(сь)) and settled into flabby rest (и утихли в дряблом покое). He sighed comfortably (он уютно = удовлетворенно вздохнул) and said (и сказал): "Now, sir (теперь, сэр), we'll talk (мы поговорим) if you like (если хотите). And I'll tell you (и я вам скажу) right out (без обиняков) that I'm a man (что я человек) who likes talking to a man (который любит разговаривать с человеком) that likes to talk (который любит разговаривать)."

meanwhile ['mi:nwaIl] within [wI'DIn] convenient [kqn'vi:nIqnt]

Spade took a cigar, trimmed the end of it, and lighted it. Meanwhile the fat man pulled another green plush chair around to face Spade's within convenient distance and placed a smoking-stand within reach of both chairs. Then he took his glass from the table, took a cigar from the box, and lowered himself into his chair. His bulbs stopped jouncing and settled into flabby rest. He sighed comfortably and said: "Now, sir, we'll talk if you like. And I'll tell you right out that I'm a man who likes talking to a man that likes to talk."

"Swell (прекрасно). Will we talk about the black bird (мы будем говорить о черной птице)?"

The fat man laughed (толстяк засмеялся) and his bulbs rode up and down (и его округлости скакали вверх и вниз) on his laughter (по его смеху = от его смеха). "Will we (мы будем)?" he asked and (спросил он, и), "We will (мы будем)," he replied (ответил он). His pink face (его розовое лицо) was shiny with delight (светилось от восторга). "You're the man for me, sir (вы человек, который мне подходит: «для меня», сэр), a man cut along my own lines (человек, скроенный по моим меркам; line— линия, веревка, граница). No beating about the bush (не ходит вокруг да около; to beat— бить, ударять, bush— куст), but right to the point (но сразу /переходит/ к сути; point— точка, место, главное). 'Will we talk about the black bird (будем ли мы говорить о черной птице)?' We will (мы будем). I like that, sir (мне это нравится, сэр). I like that way (мне нравится этот способ) of doing business (делать дела). Let us talk about the black bird (давайте поговорим о черной птице) by all means (конечно), but first, sir (но вначале, сэр), answer me a question, please (ответьте, пожалуйста, на вопрос), though maybe it's an unnecessary one (хотя, может быть, он и ненужный; necessary— необходимый), so we'll understand each other (так мы поймем друг друга) from the beginning (с начала). You're here as Miss O’Shaughnessy’s representative (вы здесь как представитель мисс О’Шонесси)?"

laughter ['lQ:ftq] beating ['bi:tIN] representative ["reprI'zentqtIv]

"Swell. Will we talk about the black bird?"

The fat man laughed and his bulbs rode up and down on his laughter. "Will we?" he asked and, "We will," he replied. His pink face was shiny with delight. "You're the man for me, sir, a man cut along my own lines. No beating about the bush, but right to the point. 'Will we talk about the black bird?' We will. I like that, sir. I like that way of doing business. Let us talk about the black bird by all means, but first, sir, answer me a question, please, though maybe it's an unnecessary one, so we'll understand each other from the beginning. You're here as Miss O’Shaughnessy’s representative?"

Spade blew smoke (Спейд выдул дым) above the fat man's head (над головой толстяка) in a long slanting plume (длинной пологой струйкой). He frowned thoughtfully (он задумчиво и нахмуренно смотрел) at the ash-tipped end (на кончик из пепла; tipped — с наконечником; tip — тонкий конец; кончик) of his cigar (своей сигары). He replied deliberately (он осторожно ответил): "I can't say yes or no (я не могу сказать да или нет). There's nothing certain about it (нет ничего определенного /об этом/) either way (ни в ту, ни в другую сторону), yet (пока)." He looked up at the fat man (он поднял взгляд на толстяка) and stopped frowning (и перестал хмуриться). "It depends (это зависит от…)."

"It depends on — (зависит от чего)?"

Spade shook his head (Спейд покачал головой). "If I knew (если бы я знал) what it depends on (от чего это зависит) I could say yes or no (я мог бы сказать да или нет)."

The fat man took a mouthful (толстяк сделал глоток) from his glass (из своего фужера), swallowed it (проглотил его), and suggested (и предложил): "Maybe it depends on Joel Cairo (может быть, это зависит от Джоэля Кейро)?"

blew [blu:] slanting ['slQ:ntIN] mouthful ['maVTf(q)l]

Spade blew smoke above the fat man's head in a long slanting plume. He frowned thoughtfully at the ash-tipped end of his cigar. He replied deliberately: "I can't say yes or no. There's nothing certain about it either way, yet." He looked up at the fat man and stopped frowning. "It depends."

"It depends on — ?"

Spade shook his head. "If I knew what it depends on I could say yes or no."

The fat man took a mouthful from his glass, swallowed it, and suggested: "Maybe it depends on Joel Cairo?"

Spade's prompt "Maybe" was noncommittal (быстрое «может быть» Спейда было уклончивым). He drank (он выпил).

The fat man leaned forward (толстяк наклонялся вперед) until his belly stopped him (пока его живот не остановил его). His smile was ingratiating (его улыбка была вкрадчивой) and so was his purring voice (и таким же был его мурлыкающий голос). "You could say (вы могли бы сказать), then (тогда), that the question is (что вопрос в том) which one of them (кого из них) you'll represent (вы будете представлять)?"

"You could put it that way (вы можете сформулировать это таким образом)."

"It will be one or the other (это будет кто-то один из них двоих)?"

"I didn't say that (я этого не говорил)."

prompt [prOmpt] non-committal ["nOnkq'mItl] ingratiating [In'greISIeItIN]

Spade's prompt "Maybe" was noncommittal. He drank.

The fat man leaned forward until his belly stopped him. His smile was ingratiating and so was his purring voice. "You could say, then, that the question is which one of them you'll represent?"

"You could put it that way."

"It will be one or the other?"

"I didn't say that."

The fat man's eyes glistened (глаза толстяка блеснули). His voice sank (его голос упал) to a throaty whisper (до горлового шепота) asking (спрашивая): "Who else is there (кто еще в этом /замешан/)?"

Spade pointed his cigar (Спейд указал своей сигарой) at his own chest (на свою грудь). "There's me (это я/еще есть я)," he said.

The fat man sank back (толстяк опустился назад) in his chair (в своем кресле) and let his body go flaccid (и дал своему телу расслабиться; to go — зд. делаться, становиться; flaccid — мягкий, слабый, дряблый/о мышечных тканях/). He blew his breath out (он выдохнул воздух; breath — дыхание) in a long contented gust (длинным удовлетворенным порывом). "That's wonderful, sir (это чудесно, сэр)," he purred (промурлыкал он). "That's wonderful (это чудесно). I do like a man (я действительно люблю такого человека) that tells you right out (который говорит тебе прямо) he's looking out for himself (что он ищет для себя). Don't we all (разве мы все не /ищем для себя/)? I don't trust a man (я не верю человеку) that says he's not (который говорит, что он не /ищет/). And the man (а человеку) that's telling the truth (который говорит правду) when he says he's not (когда он говорит, что он не ищет /чего-либо для себя/) I distrust most of all (я не верю больше всего), because he's an ass (поскольку он осел) and an ass that's going contrary (и такой осел, который собирается противиться) to the laws of nature (законам природы)."

glisten ['glIs(q)n] gust [gAst] contrary ['kOntrqrI]

The fat man's eyes glistened. His voice sank to a throaty whisper asking: "Who else is there?"

Spade pointed his cigar at his own chest. "There's me," he said.

The fat man sank back in his chair and let his body go flaccid. He blew his breath out in a long contented gust. "That's wonderful, sir," he purred. "That's wonderful. I do like a man that tells you right out he's looking out for himself. Don't we all? I don't trust a man that says he's not. And the man that's telling the truth when he says he's not I distrust most of all, because he's an ass and an ass that's going contrary to the laws of nature."

Spade exhaled smoke (Спейд выдохнул дым). His face was politely attentive (его лицо было вежливо-внимательным). He said: "Uh-huh (угу). Now let's talk about the black bird (давайте теперь поговорим о черной птице)."

The fat man smiled benevolently (толстяк благосклонно улыбнулся). "Let's (давайте)," he said. He squinted so (он скосил глаза так) that fat puffs (что жирные выпуклости) crowding together (собравшиеся вместе) left nothing of his eyes (не оставили от его глаз ничего) but a dark gleam visible (кроме темного блеска, видимым). "Mr. Spade (мистер Спейд), have you any conception (имеете ли вы какое-либо представление) of how much money (о том, сколько денег) can be made out (можно сделать) of that black bird (на этой черной птице)?"


benevolent [bI'nev(q)lqnt] crowding ['kraVdIN] conception [kqn'sepS(q)n]

Spade exhaled smoke. His face was politely attentive. He said: "Uh-huh. Now let's talk about the black bird."

The fat man smiled benevolently. "Let's," he said. He squinted so that fat puffs crowding together left nothing of his eyes but a dark gleam visible. "Mr. Spade, have you any conception of how much money can be made out of that black bird?"


The fat man leaned forward again (толстяк снова наклонился вперед) and put a bloated pink hand (и положил жирную розовую руку; to bloat — раздувать(ся), пухнуть) on the arm of Spade's chair (на подлокотник кресла Спейда). "Well, sir (ну, сэр), if I told you (если бы я сказал вам) — by Gad (ей-Богу), if I told you half (если бы я назвал вам и половину) — you'd call me a liar (вы назвали бы меня лжецом)."

Spade smiled (Спейд улыбнулся). "No," he said, "not even if I thought it (нет, даже, если бы я подумал это). But if you won't take the risk (но, если вы не хотите рисковать) just tell me (просто скажите мне) what it is (что это) and I'll figure out the profits (и я подсчитаю прибыли)."

bloated ['blqVtId] risk [rIsk] profit ['prOfIt]

The fat man leaned forward again and put a bloated pink hand on the arm of Spade's chair. "Well, sir, if I told you — by Gad, if I told you half! — you'd call me a liar."

Spade smiled. "No," he said, "not even if I thought it. But if you won't take the risk just tell me what it is and I'll figure out the profits."

The fat man laughed (толстяк засмеялся). "You couldn't do it, sir (вы не смогли бы, сэр). Nobody could do it (никто не смог бы сделать это) that hadn't had a world of experience (который не имел целый мир опыта) with things of that sort, and (с вещами подобного рода, и)" — he paused impressively (он сделал выразительную паузу) — "there aren't any other things of that sort (других вещей такого рода не существует)." His bulbs jostled one another (его отвислости столкнулись друг с другом) as he laughed again (когда он снова засмеялся). He stopped laughing (он перестал смеяться), abruptly (внезапно). His fleshy lips (его мясистые губы) hung open (висели наружу) as laughter had left them (когда смех сошел с них). He stared at Spade (он уставился на Спейда) with an intentness (с такой пристальностью) that suggested myopia (которая предполагала близорукость). He asked (он спросил): "You mean (вы имеете в виду) you don't know (что не знаете) what it is (что это)?" Amazement took the throatiness out of his voice (удивление лишило его голос гортанности; to take (took, taken) out — вынимать, забирать).

experience [Ik'spI(q)rIqns] jostle ['dZOs(q)l] myopia [maI'qVpIq]

The fat man laughed. "You couldn't do it, sir. Nobody could do it that hadn't had a world of experience with things of that sort, and" — he paused impressively — "there aren't any other things of that sort." His bulbs jostled one another as he laughed again. He stopped laughing, abruptly. His fleshy lips hung open as laughter had left them. He stared at Spade with an intentness that suggested myopia. He asked: "You mean you don't know what it is?" Amazement took the throatiness out of his voice.

Spade made a careless gesture with his cigar (Спейд сделал беззаботное движение своей сигарой). "Oh, hell (о, черт)," he said lightly (сказал он легко = небрежно), "I know (я знаю) what it's supposed to look like (как она, предположительно, выглядит). I know (я знаю) the value in life (о ее стоимости в человеческих жизнях) you people put on it (в которую вы оценили ее; people— народ, люди, /амер. жарг./ — человек, особа /в обращении/). I don't know what it is (я не знаю, что это)."

"She didn't tell you (она не сказала вам)?"

"Miss O'Shaughnessy (мисс О’Шонесси)?"

"Yes. A lovely girl, sir (красивая девушка, сэр)."

"Uh-huh. No."

value ['vxlju:] people ['pi:p(q)l] lovely ['lAvlI]

Spade made a careless gesture with his cigar. "Oh, hell," he said lightly, "I know what it's supposed to look like. I know the value in life you people put on it. I don't know what it is."

"She didn't tell you?"

"Miss O'Shaughnessy?"

"Yes. A lovely girl, sir."

"Uh-huh. No."

The fat man's eyes (глаза толстяка) were dark gleams (были темным вспышками) in ambush (в засаде) behind pink puffs of flesh (за розовыми выпуклостями плоти). He said indistinctly (он сказал невнятно), "She must know (она должна знать)," and then (а потом), "And Cairo didn't either (а Кейро тоже нет = не сказал)?"

"Cairo is cagey (Кейро скрытен). He's willing to buy it (он хочет купить ее), but he won't risk (но он не рискнет) telling me anything (рассказав мне что-нибудь) I don't know already (/чего/ я уже не знаю = готов рассказать мне лишь то, что я и так знаю)."

The fat man moistened his lips (толстяк увлажнил свои губы) with his tongue (своим языком). "How much is he willing (за сколько он хочет) to buy it for (ее купить)?" he asked (спросил он).

ambush ['xmbVS] flesh [fleS] moisten ['mOIs(q)n]

The fat man's eyes were dark gleams in ambush behind pink puffs of flesh. He said indistinctly, "She must know," and then, "And Cairo didn't either?"

"Cairo is cagey. He's willing to buy it, but he won't risk telling me anything I don't know already."

The fat man moistened his lips with his tongue. "How much is he willing to buy it for?" he asked.

"Ten thousand dollars (десять тысяч долларов)."

The fat man laughed scornfully (толстяк презрительно засмеялся). "Ten thousand (десять тысяч), and dollars (и долларов), mind you (заметьте), not even pounds (даже не фунтов). That's the Greek for you (вот вам грек). Humph (хм)! And what did you say to that (и что вы на это сказали)?"

"I said if I turned it over to him (я сказал, что если я верну ее ему) I'd expect the ten thousand (я буду ожидать десять тысяч)."

"Ah, yes, if (ах, да, если)! Nicely put, sir (хорошо сказано, сэр)." The fat man's forehead squirmed (лоб толстяка изогнулся) in a flesh-blurred frown (в мясистой расплывчатой нахмуренности). "They must know (они должны знать)," he said only partly aloud (сказал он вполголоса: «только частично вслух»; partly— частично, отчасти), then (потом): "Do they (они знают)? Do they know (они знают) what the bird is, sir (что представляет из себя эта птица, сэр)? What was your impression (каково было ваше впечатление)?"

thousand ['TaVz(q)nd] scornfully ['skO:nf(q)lI] impression [Im'preS(q)n]

"Ten thousand dollars."

The fat man laughed scornfully. "Ten thousand, and dollars, mind you, not even pounds. That's the Greek for you. Humph! And what did you say to that?"

"I said if I turned it over to him I'd expect the ten thousand."

"Ah, yes, if! Nicely put, sir." The fat man's forehead squirmed in a flesh-blurred frown. "They must know," he said only partly aloud, then: "Do they? Do they know what the bird is, sir? What was your impression?"

"I can't help you there (здесь я не могу вам помочь)," Spade confessed (признался Спейд). "There's not much to go by (по этому судить нельзя; to go by— зд. следовать чему-либо). Cairo didn't say (Кейро не сказал) he did (что знает) and he didn't say (и не сказал) he didn't (что не знает). She said she didn't (она сказала, что нет), but I took it for granted (но я считаю очевидным; to grant— дарить, признавать) that she was lying (что она лгала)."

"That was not an in judicious thing to do (это не было благоразумно)," the fat man said (сказал толстяк), but his mind was obviously (но его мысли были явно; mind — ум, разум) not on his words (не на этих словах). He scratched his head (он почесал голову). He frowned (он хмурился) until his forehead (пока его лоб) was marked by (не обозначился) raw red creases (грубыми красными складками; raw — сырой, необработанный). He fidgeted in his chair (он поерзал в своем кресле) as much as his size (насколько его размеры) and the size of the chair (и размеры кресла) permitted fidgeting (позволяли ерзание).

confessed [kqn'fest] granted ['grQ:ntId] judicious [dZu:'dISqs]

"I can't help you there," Spade confessed. "There's not much to go by. Cairo didn't say he did and he didn't say he didn't. She said she didn't, but I took it for granted that she was lying."

"That was not an in judicious thing to do," the fat man said, but his mind was obviously not on his words. He scratched his head. He frowned until his forehead was marked by raw red creases. He fidgeted in his chair as much as his size and the size of the chair permitted fidgeting.

He shut his eyes (он закрыл свои глаза), opened them suddenly (открыл их неожиданно) — wide (широко) — and said to Spade (и сказал Спейду): "Maybe they don't (может быть, они не знают)." His bulbous pink face (его луковицеобразное розовое лицо) slowly lost its worried frown (медленно утратило свою озабоченную нахмуренность) and then, more quickly (и потом, более быстро), took on an expression (оно приняло выражение) of ineffable happiness (неописуемого счастья). "If they don't (если они не знают)," he cried (закричал он), and again (и снова): "If they don't (если они не знают) I'm the only one (я единственный) in the whole wide sweet world (на всем широком сладком свете) who does (кто знает)!"

Spade drew his lips back (Спейд поджал губы) in a tight smile (в плотной улыбке). "I'm glad (я рад) I came (что я пришел) to the right place (в правильное место)," he said.

ineffable [In'efqb(q)l] happiness ['hxpInIs] does [dAz]

He shut his eyes, opened them suddenly — wide — and said to Spade: "Maybe they don't." His bulbous pink face slowly lost its worried frown and then, more quickly, took on an expression of ineffable happiness. "If they don't," he cried, and again: "If they don't I'm the only one in the whole wide sweet world who does!"

Spade drew his lips back in a tight smile. "I'm glad I came to the right place," he said.

The fat man smiled too (толстяк тоже улыбнулся), but somewhat vaguely (но как-то неясно). Happiness had gone out of his face (счастье сошло с его лица), though he continued to smile (хотя он продолжал улыбаться), and caution had come into his eyes (и осторожность вошла в его глаза). His face (его лицо) was a watchful-eyed smiling mask (было настороженной улыбающейся маской) held up between his thoughts and Spade (державшейся между его мыслями и Спейдом). His eyes (его глаза), avoiding Spade's (избегающие глаза Спейда), shifted to the glass (переместились на фужер) at Spade's elbow (у локтя Спейда). His face brightened (его лицо прояснилось). "By Gad, sir (ей-Богу, сэр)," he said, "your glass is empty (ваш фужер пустой)." He got up (он поднялся) and went to the table (и пошел к столу) and clattered glasses (и звенел стаканами) and siphon (и сифоном) and bottle (и бутылкой) mixing two drinks (смешивая два напитка).

vaguely ['veIglI] watchful ['wOtSf(q)l] avoiding [q'vOIdIN]

The fat man smiled too, but somewhat vaguely. Happiness had gone out of his face, though he continued to smile, and caution had come into his eyes. His face was a watchful-eyed smiling mask held up between his thoughts and Spade. His eyes, avoiding Spade's, shifted to the glass at Spade's elbow. His face brightened. "By Gad, sir," he said, "your glass is empty." He got up and went to the table and clattered glasses and siphon and bottle mixing two drinks.

Spade was immobile (Спейд был неподвижен) in his chair (в своем кресле) until the fat man (пока толстяк), with a flourish and a bow (с претенциозным жестом и поклоном; flourish — цветение плодового дерева; дерево в цвету; показные движения /телом, оружием и т. п./; салют /перед поединком в фехтовании/) and a jocular (и шутливым) "Ah, sir (ах, сэр), this kind of medicine (этот вид лекарства) will never hurt you (вовсе не повредит вам)!" had handed him his refilled glass (передал ему его снова наполненный бокал; to fill — наполнять; to refill — наполнять снова). Then Spade rose (затем Спейд встал) and stood close to the fat man (и стал близко к толстяку), looking down at him (глядя на него вниз), and Spade's eyes were hard and bright (и глаза Спейда были жесткими и смышлеными: «светлыми, яркими»). He raised his glass (он поднял свой фужер). His voice was deliberate (его голос был нарочитым), challenging (вызывающим; to challenge — бросать вызов, вызывать): "Here's to plain speaking (за откровенный разговор) and clear understanding (и ясное понимание»)."

immobile [I'mqVbaIl] flourish ['flArIS] challenging ['tSxlIndZIN]

Spade was immobile in his chair until the fat man, with a flourish and a bow and a jocular "Ah, sir, this kind of medicine will never hurt you!" had handed him his refilled glass. Then Spade rose and stood close to the fat man, looking down at him, and Spade's eyes were hard and bright. He raised his glass. His voice was deliberate, challenging: "Here's to plain speaking and clear understanding."

The fat man chuckled (толстяк хихикнул) and they drank (и они выпили). The fat man sat down (толстяк сел). He held his glass (он держал свой фужер) against his belly (у своего живота) with both hands (обеими руками) and smiled up at Spade (и улыбнулся Спейду). He said: "Well, sir, it's surprising (ну, сэр, это удивительно), but it well may be a fact (но это вполне может быть фактом) that neither of them (что никто из них) does know exactly (не знает точно) what that bird is (что представляет эта птица), and that nobody (и что никто) in all this whole wide sweet world (во всем этом большом сладком мире) knows what it is (не знает, что это за птица), saving and excepting (за исключением; saving — экономный, бережливый, зд. содержащий оговорку) only your humble servant (только вашего скромного слуги), Casper Gutman, Esquire (Каспера Гутмана, эсквайра)."

chuckle ['tSAk(q)l] neither ['naIDq] servant ['sq:v(q)nt]

The fat man chuckled and they drank. The fat man sat down. He held his glass against his belly with both hands and smiled up at Spade. He said: "Well, sir, it's surprising, but it well may be a fact that neither of them does know exactly what that bird is, and that nobody in all this whole wide sweet world knows what it is, saving and excepting only your humble servant, Casper Gutman, Esquire."

"Swell (прекрасно)." Spade stood with legs apart (Спейд стоял, расставив ноги в стороны), one hand in his trousers-pocket (одна рука в кармане его брюк), the other holding his glass (другая, держащая его фужер). "When you've told me (когда вы мне расскажете) there'll only be two of us (будет только двое из нас) who know (кто знает)."

"Mathematically correct, sir (математически правильно, сэр )" — the fat man's eyes twinkled (глаза толстяка блеснули) — "but (но)" — his smile spread (его улыбка расплылась) — "I don't know for certain (я не знаю точно) that I'm going to tell you (что я намерен рассказать /это/ вам)."

"Don't be a damned fool (не будьте проклятым дураком)," Spade said patiently (сказал Спейд терпеливо). "You know what it is (вы знаете, что это). I know where it is (я знаю, где это). That's why we're here (вот почему мы здесь)."

leg [leg] mathematically ["mxTI'mxtIk(q)lI] correct [kq'rekt]

"Swell." Spade stood with legs apart, one hand in his trousers-pocket, the other holding his glass. "When you've told me there'll only be two of us who know."

"Mathematically correct, sir" — the fat man's eyes twinkled — "but" — his smile spread — "I don't know for certain that I'm going to tell you."

"Don't be a damned fool," Spade said patiently. "You know what it is. I know where it is. That's why we're here."

"Well, sir, where is it (ну, сэр, где она)?"

Spade ignored the question (Спейд проигнорировал вопрос).

The fat man bunched his lips (толстяк вытянул губы: «собрал в пучок»), raised his eyebrows (поднял свои брови), and cocked his head a little (вздернул голову немного) to the left (налево). "You see (понимаете)," he said blandly (сказал он вежливо), "I must tell you (я должен сказать вам) what I know (что я знаю), but you will not tell me (но вы не скажете мне) what you know (что вы знаете). That is hardly equitable, sir (это вряд ли справедливо/равноценно, сэр). No, no (нет, нет), I do not think (я не думаю) we can do business (что мы можем делать дела) along those lines (на таких условиях)."

bunched [bAntSt] equitable ['ekwItqb(q)l] those [DqVz]

"Well, sir, where is it?"

Spade ignored the question.

The fat man bunched his lips, raised his eyebrows, and cocked his head a little to the left. "You see," he said blandly, "I must tell you what I know, but you will not tell me what you know. That is hardly equitable, sir. No, no, I do not think we can do business along those lines."

Spade's face became pale and hard (лицо Спейда стало бледным и жестким). He spoke rapidly (он говорил быстро) in a low furious voice (низким яростным голосом): "Think again (подумайте снова) and think fast (и подумайте быстро). I told that punk of yours (я сказал это вашему молокососу; punk — гнилушка, «салага», простофиля) that you'd have to talk to me (что вам придется поговорить со мной) before you got through (прежде чем вы закончите это дело). I'll tell you now (я скажу вам сейчас) that you'll do your talking today (что вы расскажете все сегодня) or you are through (или с вами покончено; through — через, сквозь; насквозь, совершенно). What are you wasting my time for (для чего вы тратите мое время)? You and your lousy secret (вы и ваш вшивый секрет; louse — вошь)! Christ (Боже)! I know exactly (я знаю точно) what that stuff is (что представляет собой те вещи) that they keep in the subtreasury vaults (что хранятся: «они держат» в полуподвалах казначейства), but what good does that do me (но что хорошего в этом для меня)? I can get along without you (я могу обойтись и без вас). God damn you (проклятье: «Бог да проклянет вас»)! Maybe you could have got along without me (может быть, вы и могли бы обойтись без меня) if you'd kept clear of me (если бы вы держались подальше от меня; clear— ясно, целиком, в стороне от чего-либо). You can't now (теперь вы не можете). Not in San Francisco (не в Сан-Франциско). You'll come in (вы вступите в дело) or you'll get out (или вы выйдете из него) — and you'll do it today (и вы сделаете это сегодня)."

pale1 [peIl] subtreasury [sAb'treZ(q)rI] vault [vO:lt]

Spade's face became pale and hard. He spoke rapidly in a low furious voice: "Think again and think fast. I told that punk of yours that you'd have to talk to me before you got through. I'll tell you now that you'll do your talking today or you are through. What are you wasting my time for? You and your lousy secret! Christ! I know exactly what that stuff is that they keep in the subtreasury vaults, but what good does that do me? I can get along without you. God damn you! Maybe you could have got along without me if you'd kept clear of me. You can't now. Not in San Francisco. You'll come in or you'll get out — and you'll do it today."

He turned (он повернулся) and with angry heedlessness (и с сердитой небрежностью) tossed his glass (швырнул свой фужер) at the table (на стол). The glass struck the wood (фужер ударился о дерево), burst apart (раскололся на части; to burst — взрываться, лопаться), and splashed its contents (и разбрызгал свое содержимое) and glittering fragments (и блестящие осколки) over table and floor (по столу и полу). Spade, deaf and blind (Спейд, не слыша и не видя: «глухой и слепой») to the crash (грохота: «к грохоту»), wheeled (повернулся; to wheel — катить, описывать круги) to confront (чтобы встать перед) the fat man again (толстяком снова).

The fat man paid (толстяк обратил) no more attention (не больше внимания) to the glass's fate (на судьбу фужера) than Spade did (чем Спейд): lips pursed (губы поджаты), eyebrows raised (брови подняты), head cocked a little to the left (голова вздернута = наклонена немного влево), he had maintained (он поддерживал) his pink-faced blandness (свою розоволицую вежливость) throughout Spade's angry speech (во время гневной речи Спейда), and he maintained it now (и он поддерживал ее сейчас).

heedlessness ['hi:dlIsnIs] splash [splxS] purse [pq:s]

He turned and with angry heedlessness tossed his glass at the table. The glass struck the wood, burst apart, and splashed its contents and glittering fragments over table and floor. Spade, deaf and blind to the crash, wheeled to confront the fat man again.

The fat man paid no more attention to the glass's fate than Spade did: lips pursed, eyebrows raised, head cocked a little to the left, he had maintained his pink-faced blandness throughout Spade's angry speech, and he maintained it now.

Spade, still furious, said (Спейд, все еще злой, сказал): "And another thing (и еще одно). I don't want (я не хочу) — "

The door to Spade's left opened (дверь слева от Спейда открылась). The boy (юноша) who had admitted Spade (впустивший Спейда) came in (вошел). He shut the door (он закрыл дверь), stood in front of it (встал перед ней) with his hands flat against his flanks (со своими руками вдоль его боков), and looked at Spade (и посмотрел на Спейда). The boy's eyes were wide open (глаза юноши были широко раскрыты) and dark (и темны) with wide pupils (с широкими зрачками). Their gaze ran over Spade's body (его взгляд пробежал по телу Спейда) from shoulders to knees (от плеч до колен), and up again (и вверх снова) to settle on the handkerchief (и остановился на носовом платке) whose maroon border (чей темно-бордовый край) peeped from the breast-pocket (выглядывал из грудного кармана) of Spade's brown coat (коричневого пальто Спейда).

flank [flxNk] pupil ['pju:p(q)l] maroon [mq'ru:n]

Spade, still furious, said: "And another thing. I don't want — "

The door to Spade's left opened. The boy who had admitted Spade came in. He shut the door, stood in front of it with his hands flat against his flanks, and looked at Spade. The boy's eyes were wide open and dark with wide pupils. Their gaze ran over Spade's body from shoulders to knees, and up again to settle on the handkerchief whose maroon border peeped from the breast-pocket of Spade's brown coat.

"Another thing (еще одно: «другая вещь»)," Spade repeated (повторил Спейд), glaring at the boy (пристально глядя на юношу): "Keep that gunsel (держите этого ублюдка-стукача; gunsel — юный гомосексуалист /обычно живущий на улице и вращающийся в кругах взрослых бродяг/; информатор, стукач, доносчик /в криминальной среде/) away from me (подальше от меня) while you're making up your mind (пока вы принимаете решение). I'll kill him (я убью его). I don't like him (он мне не нравится). He makes me nervous (он нервирует меня). I'll kill him the first time (я убью его сразу; the first time — в первый раз) he gets in my way (как только он окажется на моем пути). I won't give him (я не дам ему) an even break (равных шансов; break — пролом, пауза, разрыв). I won't give him a chance (я не дам ему шанса). I'll kill him (я убью его)."

The boy's lips twitched (губы юноши искривились) in a shadowy smile (в мрачной улыбке). He neither raised his eyes (он ни поднял свои глаза) nor spoke (ни заговорил).

The fat man said tolerantly (толстяк сказал терпимо): "Well, sir, I must say (ну, сэр, я должен сказать) you have a most violent temper (у вас весьма буйный нрав; violent –неистовый, яростный, сильный)."

gunsel ['gAns(q)l] tolerant ['tOl(q)rqnt] temper ['tempq]

"Another thing," Spade repeated, glaring at the boy: "Keep that gunsel away from me while you're making up your mind. I'll kill him. I don't like him. He makes me nervous. I'll kill him the first time he gets in my way. I won't give him an even break. I won't give him a chance. I'll kill him."

The boy's lips twitched in a shadowy smile. He neither raised his eyes nor spoke.

The fat man said tolerantly: "Well, sir, I must say you have a most violent temper."

"Temper (нрав)?" Spade laughed crazily (Спейд безумно засмеялся). He crossed to the chair (он перешел к креслу) on which he had dropped his hat (на которое он раньше бросил свою шляпу), picked up the hat (поднял шляпу), and set it on his head (и надел ее на свою голову). He held out a long arm (он протянул длинную руку) that ended in a thick forefinger (которая заканчивалась толстым указательным пальцем) pointing at the fat man's belly (указывающим на живот толстяка). His angry voice (его гневный голос) filled the room (наполнил комнату). "Think it over (обдумайте это) and think like hell (и думайте побыстрей: «как ад»). You've got till five-thirty (у вас времени до пяти тридцати) to do it in (чтобы сделать это). Then you're either in or out (потом вы либо в игре, либо нет), for keeps (окончательно)." He let his arm drop (он уронил руку: «дал своей руке упасть»), scowled at the bland fat man (сердито глянул на вежливого толстяка) for a moment (на мгновение), scowled at the boy (сердито глянул на юношу), and went to the door (и пошел к двери) through which he had entered (через которую он вошел). When he opened the door (когда он открыл дверь) he turned (он повернулся) and said harshly (и грубо сказал): "Five-thirty — then the curtain (пять тридцать — потом конец всему; curtain— занавес)."

thick [TIk] either ['aIDq] turned [tq:nd]

"Temper?" Spade laughed crazily. He crossed to the chair on which he had dropped his hat, picked up the hat, and set it on his head. He held out a long arm that ended in a thick forefinger pointing at the fat man's belly. His angry voice filled the room. "Think it over and think like hell. You've got till five-thirty to do it in. Then you're either in or out, for keeps." He let his arm drop, scowled at the bland fat man for a moment, scowled at the boy, and went to the door through which he had entered. When he opened the door he turned and said harshly: "Five-thirty — then the curtain."

The boy (парень), staring at Spade's chest (глядя на грудь Спейда), repeated the two words (повторил те два слова) he had twice spoken (которые он сказал два раза) in the Belvedere lobby (в вестибюле отеля «Бельведер»). His voice was not loud (его голос не был громким). It was bitter (он был ожесточенным; bitter— горький, мучительный, резкий).

Spade went out (Спейд вышел) and slammed the door (и хлопнул дверью).

twice [twaIs] belvedere ['belvIdIq] slam [slxm]

The boy, staring at Spade's chest, repeated the two words he had twice spoken in the Belvedere lobby. His voice was not loud. It was bitter.

Spade went out and slammed the door.
