БВЛ — Библиотека Всемирной Литературы.

ВДИ — Вестник Древней Истории.

ЭЛ — Wilcke С, Das Lugalbandaepos. Wiesbaden, 1969.

АГО — Archiv fur Orientforschung.

AJAr — American Journal of Archaeology.

CAD — Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.

CT — Cuneiform Texts from the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum.

JAOS — Journal of the American Oriental Society

JCS — Journal of Cuneiform Studies.

Labat — Labal R. Manuel d'epigraphie accadienne. 1-е ed. Paris, I948.

PAPS — Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.

SL — Beimel A. Sumerisches Lexicon. Rom, 1928–1933.

WdO — Die Welt des Orients. Gottingen, 1947 Ff.

ZA — Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie.

ZANF — Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie, Neue Folge.
