

BB — Billboard

DB — Down Beat

GP — Guitar Player

MM — Melody Maker

MPL — Musician, Player and Listener

RS — Rolling Stone

VV — Village Voice

Albertson, Chris. “Record Reviews: In the Court of the Crimson King.” DB 37 (Feb. 5 1970): 20.

Arieti, Silvano. Creativity: The Magic Synthesis. New York: Basic Books, 1976. 448 pp.

Ayres, Bill. “The Spirituality of Rock.” The Catholic World (Jan./Feb. 1989): 39.

Bangs, Lester. “Records: Islands.” RS 103 (March 2 1972): 58.

_______. “‘Rosco’ Fripp’s Funky Tape-Loop.” VV (April 18 1980): 59.

Barber, Lynden. “Crimson: Back to Division One.” MM 56 (Sept. 26 1981): 5. Barber 1981A.

_______. “Enforcing Discipline: King Crimson, Discipline.” MM 56 (Sept. 26 1981): 20. Barber 1981B.

_______. “Albums: Too Much Pussyfooting: I Advance Masked.” MM 57 (Oct. 2 1982): 18.

_______. “Albums: Three of a Perfect Pair.” MM 59 (April 14 1984): 27.

Barthes, Roland. Elements of Semiology. Translated from the French by Annette Leavers and Colin Smith. New York: Hill and Wang, 1967. 111 pp.

Beer, Stafford. Platform for Change: A Message from Stafford Beer. London and New York: Wiley, 1975. 457 pp.

Bennett, John G. Gurdjieff: Making a New World. London: Turnstone, 1973. 320 pp.

_______. Witness: The Autobiography of John G. Bennett. Charles Town, W. Va.: Claymont Communications, 1983. 380 pp.

Bergman, Billy, and Richard Horn. Recombinant DoReMi: Frontiers of the Rock Era. New York: Quill, 1985.

Blacking, John. How Musical Is Man? Seattle: U. of Washington Press, 1973. 116 pp.

Bloom, Michael. “Is Robert Fripp Really Exposed? An Awesomely Hollow Sound.” RS 298 (Aug. 23 1979): 56.

Bourne, Mike. “Record Reviews: King Crimson, Islands.” DB 39 (April 13 1972): 22.

Brooks, William. “On Being Tasteless.” Popular Music 2: Theory and Method. Edited by Richard Middleton and David Horn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. pp. 9-18.

Carson, Tom. “Records: God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners.” RS 322 (July 24 1980): 56.

Cohen, Debra Rae. “Robert Fripp Climbs the Heap.” VV (Nov. 11 1981): 57.

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art. New York: Dover, 1956. 146 pp.

Corbett, Jerry. “King Crimson.” Beetle (July 1973): n.p.

Crowe, Cameron. “King Crimson’s Fripp: ‘Music’s Just a Means for Magic.’“ RS 149 (Dec. 6 1973): 22.

D., B. “King Crimson Click in America.” MM 44 (Nov. 15 1969): 16.

Dallas, Karl. “Caught in the Act: Robert Fripp, ICA, London.” MM 55 (Oct. 4 1980): 47.

_______. “King Crimson: Venue, London.” MM 56 (Oct. 17 1981): 22.

_______. “Disciplinary Action: Karl Dallas Goes to Holland to Meet the Born-Again King Crimson.” MM 56 (June 19 1982): 27.

Darling, Cary. “Talent in Action: King Crimson, Greek Theatre, Los Angeles.” BB 94 (Sept. 11 1982): 35.

_______. “Summers and Fripp Go Multi-Media: Two Guitarists Team Up for ‘Advance Masked’ Project.” BB 94 (Oct. 2 1982): 48.

Davis, Michael. “Records: Bobby Go Loop-de-Loop, Terry Go Loop-de-Li: Robert Fripp, God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners; Terry Riley, Shri Camel.” Creem 12 (July 1980): 54.

DeCurtis, Anthony. “Fripp, Lord of Discipline.” Record 3 (May 1984): 20.

Dery, Mark. “Fripp: the 21st Century Schizoid Man Sounds Off.” Record (Nov. 1985): 51.

Diliberto, John. “Record Reviews: Robert Fripp: Let the Power Fall.” DB 49 (Jan. 1982): 33.

_______. “Reviews: Three of a Perfect Pair.” DB 51 (July 1984): 45.

_______. “Zen and the Art of Fripp’s Guitar.” Electronic Musician (June 1987): 48.

Dillard, Annie. The Writing Life. New York: Harper & Row, 1989. 111 pp.

Doerschuk, Robert L. “Brian Eno: On Simplicity, Context, and the Necessity of Urgency.” Keyboard 158 (June 1989): 82.

Dove, Ian. “Fripp: After King Crimson, the Apocalypse.” RS 176 (Dec. 19 1974): 14.

Driscoll, J. Walter, and the Gurdjieff Foundation of California. Gurdjieff: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1985. 363 pp.

Drozdowski, Ted. “Robert Fripp: A Plectral Purist Answers the Dumb Questions.” Musician (Feb. 1989): 28.

Edwards, Paul, ed. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. New York: Macmillan and the Free Press, 1967. 8 vols.

Eldridge, Royston. “Dissent in the Court of King Crimson.” MM 45 (Jan. 17 1970): 13.

Ellul, Jacques. The Technological Society. Translated from the French by John Wilkinson. New York: Vintage, 1964. 449 pp.

_______. The Theological Foundation of Law. Translated from the French by Marguerite Wieser. New York: Seabury, 1969. 140 pp.

Eno, Brian. “Pro Session: The Studio as Compositional Tool — Part I.” DB (July 1983): 56.

Epictetus. The Golden Sayings of Epictetus. Translated by Hastings Crossley. The Harvard Classics. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier, 1980. 345 pp.

Fallon, B.P. “Give King Crimson Six Months.” MM 44 (July 12 1969): 7.

Farber, Jim. “Robert Fripp: The Untold Story.” Creem 10 (Nov. 1978): 26.

Festiner, Leon. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1957. 291 pp.

Fleischmann, Mark. “High C with Mr. Fripp: Our Reporter Sits in on a Master Class.” Guitar World (Nov. 1986): 86.

Fletcher, Gordon. “Records: Starless and Bible Black'” RS 162 (June 6 1974): 70.

Freff. “Crimson: Organizing Conflict in Time and Space.” Musician 70 (Aug. 1984): 28.

Fricke, David. “Crimson’s Fripp Challenges the Dinosaur.” Feature 96 (May 1979): 25.

_______. “Records: The League of Gentlemen”” RS 345 (June 11 1981): 59.

_______. “Old Cult Groups Never Die (They Just Become More Popular): King Crimson Hits the Road.” Trouser Press 71 (March 1982): 22.

_______. “Reviews: Three of a Perfect Pair”” Musician 67 (May 1984), 82.

Fripp, Robert. “Speaking of Jimi.” GP 9 (Sept. 1975): 7.

Liner notes to The Young Persons ’ Guide to King Crimson. Editions EG EGKC 10, 1976.

_______. “Moving Off Center: New Concepts in Stereo Mixing.” MPL 22 (Jan. 1980): 26. Fripp 1980A.

_______. “The New Realism: A Musical Manifesto for the 80s.” MPL 22 (Jan. 1980): 34. Fripp 1980B.

_______. “The Vinyl Solution.” MPL 24 (April-May 1980): 34. Fripp 1980C.

_______. “Creativity: Finding the Source.” MPL 25 (June-July 1980): 33. Fripp 1980D.

_______. “Touring with Fripp.” MPL 26 (Aug. 1980): 34. Fripp 1980E.

_______. “Guitarists on Hendrix, Guitars, Amps, Solos, and Performance.” MPL 27 (Sept.-Oct. 1980), 62. Fripp 1980F.

_______. “Touring: The Troubadour Today.” MPL 28 (Nov. 1980): 38. Fripp 1980G.

_______. “The Musician in Politics.” MPL 29 (Dec. 1980): 30. Fripp 1980H.

_______. “Bootlegging, Royalties, and the Moment.” MPL 32 (April-May 1981): 28. Fripp 1981A.

_______. “The Diary of the Return of King Crimson.” MPL 37 (Nov. 1981), 40. Fripp 1981B.

_______. “The Diary of King Crimson, Part II.” MPL 38 (Dec. 1981), 44. Fripp 1981C.

_______. “The Diary of King Crimson, Part III.” MPL 39 (Jan. 1982): 35. Fripp 1982A.

_______. “John McLaughlin with Robert Fripp: Coffee and Chocolate for Two Guitars.” MPL 45 (July 1982): 52. Fripp 1982B.

_______. “Fripp Strikes Back!” Musician 131 (Sept. 1989): 8. Fripp 1989A.

_______. “Guitar Craft: The Resonance of Rightness.” GP (Dec. 1989): 123. Fripp 1989B.

_______. “Guitar Craft: The Principle of Balance.” GP (Jan. 1990): 114. Fripp 1990A.

Fripp, Robert: see also Guitar Craft.

Fritz, Steve. “Yogi Bob: Relaxing with Robert Fripp.” Option (July-Aug. 1986): n.p.

Garbarini, Vic. “Robert Fripp.” MPL 19 (Aug. 1979): 30.

_______. “Rude Boys: An Interview with Joe Strummer and Robert Fripp.” MPL 33 (June 1981): 50.

_______. “Summers, Fripp: An Odd Couple Takes Sanctuary.” Musician 74 (Dec. 1984): 36.

_______. “Robert Fripp.” Musician 100 (Feb. 1987): 88.

Gerber, Robert. “Guitar Craft Systematics.” Impressions 4 (Spring 1986): 11.

_______. “Guitar Craft Systematics, Part II.” Impressions (Summer 1986): 20.

_______. “The Six Triads of a Musical Performance.” Unis Journal 1 (Fall 1987): 53.

Giles, Mike. “Good Day from a Very Homesick Scribe.” MM 44 (Dec. 20 1969): 23.

Grabel, Richard. “Robert Fripp’s Chocolate Cake Discipline: In the Court of the Crimson King, Phase II.” Creem 13 (Feb. 1982): 22.

Grant, Steven. “Brian Eno Against Interpretation.” Trouser Press (Aug. 1982): 27.

Groome, Carle. “Reviews: Robert Fripp and the League of Crafty Guitarists: Live!” Ear 12 (June 1987): 26.

Guitar Craft. “The Act of Music” in three parts. Also labelled “Guitar Craft Monograph One (A),” “One (B),” and “One (C).” Feb. 18 1988. Unpaginated.

_______. “Guitar Craft Newsletter” (irregular). With and without the “Newsletter” title, Fripp has been writing open letters to Crafties-at-large since 1985.

_______. “The Art of Craft: Guitar Monograph II.” Sept. 1988. Unpaginated.

_______. “An Introduction to Guitar Craft: Gc Pamphlet I.” Sept. 3 1988. Actually titled “GC Phamplet I,” I have it on authority that this was a printer’s error.

_______. “Guitar Craft Monograph III: Aphorisms.” Oct. 27 1988.

Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich. Meetings with Remarkable Men. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1969. 303 pp.

_______. Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson: An Impartial Criticism of Man. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974. 3 vols.

_______. Views from the Real World: Early Talks in Moscow, Essentuki, Tiflis, Berlin, London, Paris, New York and Chicago, As Recollected by His Pupils. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1975. 276 pp.

_______. Life is Real Only Then, When “I Am.” New York: E.P. Dutton, 1978. 177 pp.

Hadley, Frank-John. “Record Reviews: God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners.” DB 47 (Dec. 1980): 40.

Hajdu, David. “Home-Grown Rock & Roll: Taping Tips from the Pros.” RS 300 (Sept. 20 1979): 78.

Heckman, Don. “Reviews: Islands.” Stereo Review (June 1972): 101.

Hoffmeister, Mark, and Joy Williams. “King Crimson: Sounding the Depths.” Artist Magazine 2 (Sept. 1984): 8.

Holden, Stephen. “Daryl Hall: ‘Sacred Songs’ and Bubblegum.” RS 318 (May 29 1980): 20.

Iamblichus of Chalics. Iamblichus’ Life of Pythagoras. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. London: John M. Watkins, 1965. 252 pp.

Jenkins, Mark. “Reviews: Bewitched.” MM 59 (Sept. 22 1984): 29.

Jones, Allan. “Riding on the Dynamic of Disaster.” MM 54 (April 28 1979): 19. Jones 1979A.

_______. “Frippertronics without Tears: Robert Fripp, Virgin Record Shop, New Oxford Street.” MM 54 (May 5 1979): 40. Jones 1979B.

_______. “Serious Business: God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners.” MM 55 (March 15 1980): 29.

Jung, Carl Gustav. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe. Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. New York: Pantheon, 1963. 398 pp.

Kenton, Gary. “Records: Exposure.” Creem 11 (Sept. 1979): 56.

Kirby, Fred. “Concert Reviews: Procol Harum (5), King Crimson (4), Yes (5).” Variety 265 (Dec. 1 1971): 46.

_______. “Concert Reviews: King Crimson (4), Flying Burrito Bros., Redbone (4).” Variety 266 (Feb. 23 1972): 56.

_______. “Concert Reviews: King Crimson (4), Spooky Tooth (5), Strawbs (5).” Variety 270 (May 9 1973): 245. Kirby 1973A.

_______. “Concert Reviews: King Crimson (4), Steelwind (5).” Variety 272 (Sept. 26 1973): 16. Kirby 1973B.

_______. “Concert Reviews: King Crimson (4), Robin Trower (3).” Variety 274 (May 8 1974): 272.

Kirk, Cynthia. “New Acts: Robert Fripp, Songs, Instrumental.” Variety 295 (Aug. 1 1979): 78. Kirk 1979A.

_______. “Fripp ‘Anti-Tour’ Unconventional, But Artist Says It Proves Point.” Variety 296 (Aug. 8 1979): 59. Kirk 1979B.

_______. “Concert Reviews: King Crimson (4).” Variety 305 (Dec. 9 1981): 66.

_______. “Concert Reviews: King Crimson (4), Philip Wellford.” Variety 315 (June 13 1984): 72.

Kozak, Roman. “Together Again: Fripp, King Crimson.” BB 93 (Sept. 12 1981): 10.

Lee, Craig. “Robert Fripp and His Crafty League at Bogart’s.” Los Angeles Times (Jan. 20 1989, Part VI): 14.

Lehman, Michael. “At the Door of the Magus.” Rock (Sept. 10 1973): 12.

Lennon, John. In His Own Write. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1964. 79 pp.

Lewis, Alan. “Caught in the Act.” MM 44 (Oct. 15 1969): 6.

Loder, Kurt. “Performance: Robert Fripp Returns to Form — His First Band Since King Crimson: The League of Gentlemen, Irving Plaza, New York City.” RS 325 (Sept. 4 1980): 60.

Lossky, Vladimir. Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church. London: J. Clarke, 1957. 252 pp.

Melody Maker. “New Year Pop Shocks: King Crimson Lose Two Members.” MM 45 (Jan. 3 1970): 1. MM 1970A.

_______. “Haskell Quits Crimson.” MM 45 (Nov. 7 1970): 3. MM 1970B.

Malamut, Bruce. “Records: Starless and Bible Black.” Crawdaddy. 39 (Aug. 1974): 69.

Messiaen, Olivier. The Technique of My Musical Language. Translated from the French by John Satterfield. Paris: A. Leduc, 1956. 2 vols.

Milano, Brett. “Robert Fripp, Speaking.” Tower Records’ Pulse (Nov. 1985): 34.

Milkowski, Bill. “Fripp: ‘I Take My Iconic Role of Being Robert Fripp, Public Guitarist, Quite Seriously.’“ Guitar World (Sept. 1984): 28.

_______. “Robert Fripp: Discipline in Another Dimension.” DB (June 1985): 16.

Morthland, John. “Records: In the Court of the Crimson King.” RS 49 (Dec. 27 1969): 60.

Mulhern, Tom. “Review: Discipline.” GP 16 (Feb. 1982): 140. Mulhern 1982A.

_______. “Review: Beat.” GP 16 (Sept. 1982): 126. Mulhern 1982B.

_______. “Review: I Advance Masked.” GP 17 (Jan. 1983): 124.

_______. “Robert Fripp on the Discipline of Craft and Art.” GP 20 (Jan. 1986): 88. Mulhern 1986A.

_______. “Robert Fripp [on Roland guitar synthesizers].” GP 20 (June 1986): 119. Mulhern 1986B.

Niester, Alan. “Records: Larks’ Tongues in Aspic.” RS 142 (Aug. 20 1973): 82.

Nobles, Barr. “Fripp Fills Stage with Guitars.” San Francisco Chronicle Datebook (Jan. 17 1989): E1.

Ochs, E. “King Crimson Makes Rock Turn Red.” BB 81 (Dec. 6 1969): 22.

Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the World. London and New York: Methuen, 1982. 201 pp.

Orme, John. “In the Hall of the Crimson King.” MM 52 (Sept. 17 1977): 29.

_______. “Drive to Nowhere: Robert Fripp: ‘The League of Gentelmen.’“ MM 56 (March 14 1981): 18.

Ouspensky, P.D. In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1949. 399 pp.

Palmer, Robert. “King Crimson: Despite Upheaval the Band Plays On.”.Lew York Times (May 20 1984 II): 25. Palmer 1984A.

_______. “Reticent Rock Guitarists Are Edging Into the Spotlight.”.Lew York Times (Sept. 30 1984 II): 25. Palmer 1984B.

Pareles, Jon. “Robert Fripp Drives (to 1981) (He Says).” VV 24 (July 2 1979): 49.

Peel, Mark. “King Crimson’s Welcome Return: A Germinal Band Back Better than Ever.” Stereo Review 47 (Feb. 1982): 71. Peel 1982A.

_______. “King Crimson’s ‘Beat’: An Unbeatable Combination of Poetic Words and Strong, Rhythmic Music.” Stereo Review 47 (Nov. 1982): 72. Peel 1982B.

Persichetti, Vincent. Twentieth-Century Harmony. New York: Norton, 1961. 287 pp.

Piccarella, John. “Robert Fripp Thrives on a Loop.” VV 23 (Feb. 13 1978): 54.

_______. “Records: Discipline.” RS 363 (Feb. 18 1982): 51.

Pritchard, Stephe and Thos. Brooman. “Discipline: The Robert Fripp Interview.” Recorder Three (1981), n.p. (Bristol, album/magazine.)

Puterbaugh, Parke. “Records: Three of a Perfect Pair’” RS 421 (May 10 1984): 56.

Randel, Don Michael, ed. The New Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1986. 942 pp.

Rea, Steven X. “Reviews: I Advance Masked’” High Fidelity 32 (Dec. 1982): 87.

Richardson, Ken. “Special CD Report: King Crimson.” High Fidelity 37 (Oct. 1987): 83.

“Rock.” “It Beats Sominex Anytime… Let a King Crimson Interview Bore You to Sleep.” Rock (June 1974): 10.

Rockwell, John. “The Odyssey of Two British Rockers.” New York Times (July 23 1978, II): 16.

_______. “Rock: King Crimson Plays Concert.” New York Times (June 28 1984, III): 17.

Rosen, Steve. “King Crimson’s Robert Fripp.” GP 8 (May 1974): 18.

_______. “The Evolving Court of the Crimson King.” Record Review (Aug. 1983): 19.

Rush, George. “Brian Eno: Rock’s Svengali Pursues Silence.” Esquire 98 (Dec. 1982): 130.

Salewicz, Chris. “In the Court of the Crimson Kings.” Let it Rock (Sept. 1973): 36.

Schaefer, John. New Sounds: A Listener’s Guide to New Music. New York: Harper & Row, 1987. 297 pp.

Schillinger, Joseph. The Schillinger System of Musical Composition. New York: C. Fischer, 1964. 2 vols.

Schruers, Fred. “Robert Fripp’s Public Exposure: The Return to ‘An Intelligent Way of Listening.’“ RS 296 (July 26 1979): 16.

Schumacher, E.F. Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. New York: Harper & Row, 1975. 290 pp.

Seaker, Meg, Richard Lehnert, and Merridee Shaw. “Dancing on the Edge: Keith Jarrett on Music and Art.” East West Journal (Boston, (Oct. 1981): 36.

Seay, David, with Mary Neely. Stairway to Heaven: The Spiritual Roots of Rock’n ’Roll. New York: Ballantine, 1986. 355 pp.

Seiler, Carol. “Talent in Action: King Crimson, the Flying Burrito Brothers, Redbone.” BB 84 (Feb. 26 1972): 16.

Sofronii, Archimandrite. The Monk of Mount Athos: Staretz Silouan, 1866–1938. Translated from the Russian by Rosemary Edmonds. London: Mowbray, 1973. 124 pp.

Song Talk 1989. “The Best of ‘88.” Song Talk (Spring 1989): 3.

Stern, Chip. “Records: Beat.” RS 374 (July 22 1982): 50.

_______. “Obsessive Progressive.” VV 29 (June 1984): 74.

Stubbs, David. “Albums: Robert Fripp and the League of Crafty Guitarists: Live!” MM 61 (Oct. 4 1986): 32.

Summers, Andy (as told to Jas Obrecht). “My New LP with Robert Fripp.” GP 18 (Oct. 1984): 10.

Taylor, Barry. “Talent in Action: King Crimson, Robin Trower.” BB 86 (May 18 1974): 23.

Twigg, Geoff, and Penny Braybrooke. “A Crafty Guitarist.” Guitarist (Aug. 1986): 25.

Tyler, Tony. “Working with Fripp was a Pushover — Real Laid Back.” New Musical Express (Jan. 11 1975): 26-7, (Jan. 18 1975): 28.

Van Lustbader, Eric. “King Crimson: Red-y for Success.” Zoo World (Aug. 2 1973): 16.

Vare, Ethlie Ann. “Talent in Action: King Crimson.” BB 96 (June 23 1984): 47.

Ventura, Michael. Shadow Dancing in the U.S.A. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1985. 232 pp.

Vorda, Allan. “Avoiding Boxes: An Interview with Steve Reich.” Cum Notis Variorum: The Newsletter of the Music Library, University of California, Berkeley 131 (April 1989): 13.

Walls, Richard C. “Records: Beat.” Creem 14 (Oct. 1982): 57.

Walters, Charley. “Records: USA.” RS 192 (July 31 1975): 63.

Watts, Michael. “Matching Head, Hips and Heart: Robert Fripp: ‘Exposure.’“ MM 54 (April 21 1979): 19.

_______. “The Devil in Mr Fripp.” MM 55 (March 15 1980): 22.

Welch, Chris. “Doomwatch.” MM 45 (May 16 1970): 20.

Wenner, Jann, ed. Lennon Remembers: The Rolling Stone Interviews by Jann Wenner. San Francisco: Straight Arrow Books, 1971. 189 pp.

Whitburn, Joel. The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums. New York: Billboard, 1987. 330 pp.

Williams, Richard. “Bob Fripp, Keith Tippett and Crimson’s Resurrection.” MM 45 (March 28 1970): 19.

_______. “Robert Fripp of King Crimson.” Jazz and Pop 10 (March 1971): 23.

_______. “Frippertronics Without Tears: Robert Fripp, Pizza Express, Notting Hill Gate.” MM 54 (May 5 1979): 40.

Young, Jon. “Reviews: I Advance Masked'” Trouser Press 9 (Dec. 1982): 45.
