Gogol, Nikolai (cont.)

Government Inspector, The 32, 93, 118–21

“Nose, The” 116, 186, 240, 241

“Overcoat, The” 32, 116–17, 147, 148, 157

Selected Passages from a

Correspondence with Friends 124

“Sorochinsky Fair” 216 Goncharov, Ivan Aleksandrovich 167

Oblomov 72 Gorky, Maksim (pseudonym of

Peshkov, Aleksei Maksimovich) 13, 25, 27, 47, 56, 132, 133, 137, 157, 191, 192, 196–97, 199–200, 203, 207, 214, 217, 218, 221, 222, 225, 229

Mother 38, 203 Griboyedov, Aleksandr Sergeyevich 100

holy fool: see fools

Ilf and Petrov 202

Golden Calf, The 202

Twelve Chairs, The 202 intelligentsia 7, 17, 126, 224–30 Iskander, Fazil Abdulevich

Sandro from Chegem 53 Ivan IV, The Terrible 52, 59, 84, 118 Ivanov, Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich

Armored Train 14 – 69 47

Jakobson, Roman Osipovich 15, 222 jester: see fools

Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich 27,
87–88, 94, 106–07, 122, 149, 238
History of the Russian State 100
Letters of a Russian Traveler 94
“Poor Liza” 94–97, 107, 145, 245
Kataev, Evgeny Petrovich: see Ilf and

Petrov Kataev, Valentin Petrovich 25 Time, Forward! 25

Kharms, Daniil Ivanovich

Elizabeth Bam 53 Khlebnikov, Velemir Vladimirovich

81 Knyazhnin, Yakov Borisovich 97, 108,

120 Misfortune from a Coach 89–90 Korolenko, Vladimir Glaktionovich

29 Koshchey the Deathless 66, 67–70, 74,

205 Kurbsky, Prince Andrei Mikhailovich


Lermontov, Mikhail Yurievich 12, 13, 17, 99, 100, 106, 109–10, 112, 113, 154, 203, 217, 245 Hero of Our Time, A 109 “Prophet” 110 Leskov, Nikolai Semyonovich Enchanted Wanderer, The 46 Left-Handed Craftsman, The [Levsha] 53 Lipovetsky, Mark Naumovich 15 Lotman, Yury Mikhailovich 15, 18, 29,

76–79, 179–81, 185 Lukin, Vladimir Ignatievich 83

magic 24, 39, 61, 70, 74, 75–79, 105,

135, 142, 176, 177 Mandelstam, Nadezhda Yakovlevna 9 Mandelstam, Osip Emiliovich 184, 218 “Stalin Epigram” 52 Marshak, Samuil Yakovlevich 207 Marxism, communism, socialism 17, 25, 26, 36, 39, 130, 136, 191–219, 220–30, 231, 236, 246 mask: see face Mayakovsky, Vladimir 7, 8, 201

Bedbug, The 57, 201 Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich 134, 166–67, 169 Anti-Christ. Peter and Alexis 29 “L. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky” 166
