“On Reasons for the Decline of
Contemporary Russian
Literature, and on its New
Tendencies” 166 Meyerhold, Vsevolod Emiliovich 189,
194,218,221 miracle 8, 23, 24, 38, 40, 42, 56, 60, 61,
63, 71, 75-79, 129, 136, 173,
176-77, 210, 219 Mirsky, Prince Dmitri Petrovich
Svyatopolk: History of Russian
Literature, A 23 Moscow, myth of 1, 20, 27, 43, 77, 126,
171, 176-77, 183-87, 188, 189,
228 Mother Earth 8, 26, 61, 68, 71, 72
Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 4, 82, 105, 123, 238
Nikolai Gogol 117
poshlost', concept of 49-50 Napoleonic hero 54-56 Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich 153-55
On the Weather 154-55 Nestor, The Chronicler
“Life of St. Theodosius” 65 Nevsky, Alexander 59, 65-66, 73 Nicholas I, Tsar 53, 99, 102, 110, 125,
184,230 Nicholas II, Tsar 63, 125, 132 nihilistic hero 11, 55, 111, 112, 121,
246 Novikov, Nikolai Ivanovich 84, 100
Olesha, Yury Karlovich
Envy 57 ostranenie: see estrangement Otrepiev, Grigory (False Dmitry,
Dmitry Samozvanets, Dmitry the Pretender) 102,106,118,119,121
Panin, Count Nikita Ivanovich 86 Pashkevich, Vasily Alexeyevich 89 Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich 195, 220, 223-24
Doctor Zhivago 223 Appended “Poems of Yury Zhivago” “Hamlet” 217-18 Hamlet 218 Paul I, Tsar 63
Pelevin, Viktor Olegovich 237, 241–44 Chapayev and Emptiness [Eng.
Buddha’s Little Finger] 242-43 “Life and Adventures of Shed
Number XII, The” 241 Life of Insects, The 241 Omon Ra 28, 242 Yellow Arrow, The 242 Peshkov, Aleksei Maksimovich: see
Gorky, Maksim Peter I, The Great 11,27,29,39,59, 63, 73, 75, 80, 81, 84, 87, 93, 100, 102, 103, 180, 181,238 Peter III, Tsar 100,118,121 Petersburg, myth of 1, 20, 28, 30, 43, 114, 126, 135, 140, 165, 171, 179-83, 184 Petrovskii-Sitniyanovich, Samuil Emel'yanovich: see Polotsky Simeon Petrushevskaya, Lyudmila Stepanova 224, 230-36, 238, 240, 246 “Our Crowd” 232 Three Girls in Blue 232 Time: Night, The 233-36 Pilnyak, Boris (pseudonym of Boris
Andreyevich Vogau) 22 Platonov, Andrei Platonovich 20, 211-17,218,221 Dzhan 213 “For Future Use” 203 Foundation Pit, The 212-17,242 “Homecoming, The” 212 Pleshcheyev, Aleksei Nikolaevich 157 Polevoy, Boris Nikolaevich: Story of a
Real Man 242 Polotsky, Simeon (real name Samuil Emel'yanovich Petrovskii-Sitniyanovich): “Merchant Class, The” 51