Глава 3. Перфекционизм как болезнь, баланс как лекарство, женщины как пациенты
1. Borelli, Jessica L., et al. “Gender Differences in Work-Family Guilt in Parents of Young Children.” Sex Roles 76, no. 5–6 (January 30, 2016): 356–68. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199–016–0579–0.
2. Van Natta Jr., Don. “Serena, Naomi Osaka and the Most Controversial US Open Final in History.” ESPN, August 18, 2019. https://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/27408140/backstory-serena-naomi-osaka-most-controversial-us-open-final-history.
3. Matley, David. “‘Let’s See How Many of You Mother Fuckers Unfollow Me for This’: The Pragmatic Function of the Hashtag #Sorrynotsorry.” Journal of Pragmatics 133 (August 2018): 66–78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2018.06.003.