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Asiatic Library, University of California, Berkeley, and Murata Shiro * of the Murata Bookstore, Takaban 398, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. The Center for Japanese studies of the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, has supported my research with funds, a travel grant to Japan, and a superb collegial setting in which to try out some of my ideas. Since beginning this study in 1972, I have had the research assistance of several graduate students at Berkeley, including Fujimoto Tetsuya, Yasuda Ryuji*, Kawamoto Chizuko, Gotoda Teruo, Mikumo Akiko, Matsumoto Yoko, and Chang Dal-joong. My thanks also to Pauline D. Fox of Palm Springs, California, for her eight years of clipping the

Los Angeles Times

for me.

My greatest debt is to Sheila K. Johnson for her professional editing of my prose and her typing of the entire manuscript.

Despite all the generous assistance I have received, I remain responsible for all matters of fact or interpretation in this analysis of MITI and the Showa* era in Japan.



