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Denis Healey describes "a new approach to improving our industrial performance," which he established in Great Britain in 1974 after he became Chancellor of the Exchequer. It actually boiled down to an attempt at industrial rationalization. See Denis Healey,

Managing the Economy

, The Russell C. Leffingwell Lectures (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1980), p. 29.

60. Gilpin, pp. 7071.

61. See Ueno, p. 27.


Can Pluralism Survive?

The William K. McInally Lecture (Ann Arbor: Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1977), p. 24.

63. Takashima Setsuo, p. 30.

64. Ueno, p. 14.

65. Ohkawa and Rosovsky, p. 200.

66. See Kodama.

67. Ohkawa and Rosovsky, p. 182.

68. Boltho, pp. 18889.

69. Amaya, p. 78.

70. MITI,

Industrial Policy and MITI's Role

(Tokyo: MITI, 1973), p. 1.

71. In Arisawa, 1976, p. 133; and Nakamura, 1974, p. 164.

72. Arisawa, quoted in Obayashi, p. 69; Shiina, 1976, pp. 10614.

73. Tanaka, pp. 65556.

74. Maeda, 1975, p. 9.

75. Clark, p. 258.


1. See Johnson, 1980. Seidensticker's suggestion is contained in a letter of July 25, 1979.

2. Kakuma, 1979b, p. 171.

3. Japan Industrial Club, 2: 434.

4. See Obayashi. Cf. Berger, pp. 8788.

5. Campbell, p. 137.

6. Weber, p. 1004, n. 12.

7. Black, pp. 55, 77.

8. Weber, p. 959.

9. Cf. Ide Yoshinori, "Sengo kaikaku to Nihon kanryosei *" (Postwar reform and the Japanese bureaucratic system), in Tokyo University, 1974, 3: 146.

10. Ide and Ishida, pp. 11415.

11. For a theoretical discussion of this pattern in many late-developing nations, see Heeger.

12. See Iwasaki, pp. 4150.

13. Kojima Kazuo, p. 26. See also Personnel Administration Investigation Council, p. 58.

14. Henderson, pp. 166, 195.

15. Isomura and Kuronuma, pp. 1115, 18.

16. See Kanayama.

17. Black, p. 209.

18. Yamanouchi, pp. 85, 12122, 18182. For similar political uses of the phrase denka no hoto*, see




, pp. 5657.

19. Duus and Okimoto, p. 70.

20. Craig, p. 7.

21. The basic source on the purge is Hans H. Baerwald,

The Purge of Japanese Leaders Under the Occupation

(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1959).
