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6. Fujiwara, pp. 38485.

7. Ministry of Finance, Secretariat, pp. 5255, 67, 71, 7479, 1012, 151, 173, 18283; Yasuhara, p. 32.

8. Osaka

Asahi shimbun

, July 21, 1928; quoted by Yamamura Katsuro *, ''The Role of the Finance Ministry," in Borg and Okamoto, p. 291.

9. Anderson, pp. 84, 93.

10. See History of Industrial Policy Research Institute, 1978; and Kato*, p. 24.

11. On the Teijin case, see Roberts, pp. 29495; Arthur E. Tiedemann, "Big Business and Politics in Prewar Japan," in Morley, pp. 29496; and Yoshida Shigeru Biography Publication Committee, p. 72. (Note that this Yoshida Shigeru is a different person from the man who became prime minister after the war.)

12. Nakamura, 1974, pp. 3031.

13. Ide and Ishida, p. 110.

14. Yoshino Shinji, 1962, pp. 356, 36769.

15. Arisawa, 1976, pp. 11319; Kato Toshihiko, "Gunbu no keizai tosei* shiso*" (The military's economic control ideology), in Tokyo University, 1979, vol. 2,

Senji Nihon keizai

(The wartime Japanese economy), pp. 67110.

16. Shiina, 1976.

17. Yoshino Shinji, 1962, pp. 27778.

18. Yoshida Biography Committee, p. 76.

19. Arisawa, 1976, p. 147; Ito* Mitsuharu; and Osawa*, pp. 20428.

20. On Ogawa and his purge of MCI, see Akimi, pp. 14445; Kakuma, 1979a, p. 221; Kishi, Sept. 1979, pp. 28283; Kurzman, p. 118; Shiroyama, Aug. 1975, p. 306; and Yoshimoto, pp. 9296.

21. Yoshino Shinji, 1962, pp. 281, 28589.

22. See Murase Memorial Editorial Committee, pp. 10510, 698, 71115; and MITI, 1960, pp. 9294.

23. Yoshino Shinji, 1962, pp. 29091.

24. Nakamura, 1974, pp. 2123; Peattie, pp. 20817. Peattie notes the influence of Soviet economic planning on the Manchurian five year plan.

25. See Tajiri, pp. 11314; MITI, 1960, 1012; Shiina, 1970, pp. 18687; Shiina, 1976, pp. 1078; Kishi, Sept. 1979, pp. 28488; and Kishi, in




*, May 24, 1975, p. 21.

26. Domestic Political History Research Association, p. 129. Tanaka Shin'ichi, the subject of this monograph, was an official with the South Manchurian Railroad until 1937, when he joined one of Ayukawa's Mangyo* firms. From there he transferred to the Cabinet Planning Board, and from there to MM, MCI, and MITI.

27. Kakuma, 1979a, pp. 16769, 19596. For the law itself, see MITI, 1964, pp. 8889. Kogane Yoshiteru also participated in drafting the law. See Nishiyama, pp. 1038.

28. MITI, 1964, p. 238.

29. Yamamura, in Borg and Okamoto, pp. 28889, 300.

30. History of Industrial Policy Research Institute, 1975, 2: 17173. See also Yoshitomi, pp. 14855.

31. Industrial Policy Research Institute, p. 234; MITI, 1960, pp. 12324.

32. Shiroyama, Aug. 1975, p. 307; Berger, pp. 12324.

33. Yoshino Shinji Memorial Society, pp. 29599. See also Yoshino's pamphlet of late 1937,

Nihon kokumin ni uttau

(Report to the Japanese people).
