Page 383
Abe cabinet, 45, 134
Abegglen, James C., 206, 283
Abe Shinshichi, 63n
Adams, Brock, 70
Administrative guidance, 29, 40, 224, 236, 265-74, 282f, 296-302
, 318-19;
origins of, 110, 243, 309
Aichi Kiichi, 193, 229
Aircraft Manufacturing Law (1938), 133
Aizawa Hideyuki, 295
Akaboshi Jun, 243
Akama Bunzo *, 231
Akimoto Hideo, 243n
Akinaga Tsukizo*, 150
All Commerce and Industry Workers' Union, 213-14
All Nippon Airways, 59
Amagasaki Steel Co., 219
Amakudari, 11, 21, 63-73
, 254, 268-71
, 299, 312
Amaya Naohiro, 11ff, 20, 25-26, 32, 42, 71, 289-90, 293, 301
American Federation of Labor, 84
American Textile Manufacturers Institute, 285
Antimonopoly Law (1947), 175, 215, 221-27, 255-60
, 266, 282, 299-303
, 358
Aoki Kazuo, 125
Arisawa Hiromi, 6, 33, 160, 181f, 216, 254, 259
Artificial Petroleum Law (1937), 133
Asano zaibatsu, 85, 148, 205
Ashida cabinet, 189
Asian Economic Research Institute, 252
Automobile industry, 9, 31, 200, 240, 258, 268, 278, 286-88, 312
Automobile Manufacturing Law (1936), 111, 131ff
Awa Maru
, 127n
Ayukawa Gisuke, 56, 131f, 144, 205
Bank for Commerce and Industrial Cooperatives, 79, 129, 209n
Bank of America, 210
Bank of Japan, 10, 69, 76, 90, 97, 230;
officials of, 93, 100, 144, 167, 181, 201;
monetary policy of, 120, 201-7, 227, 292, 294;
jurisdictional disputes of, 176
Bank of Tokyo, 75, 250
Bartlett, Randall, 233n
Bell, Daniel, 24
Benedict, Ruth, 8
Beplat, Tristan E., 174
Berger, Gordon M., 36
Bismarck, Otto von, 36
Bisson, T. A., 153, 166, 169
Black, Cyril E., 40
Board of Audit, 73, 169
Board of Trade, 174, 187-92, 213, 355
Boltho, Andrea, 31, 211
Bridgestone Rubber Co., 223
Broadbridge, Seymour, 203
Brussels Customs Schedule, 251
Bureaucracy, 20-24
, 35-45, 55-78, 154, 275, 319-22.
See also
Economic bureaucracy
Business International, 276
Cabinet Advisers Council, 166-67, 312