The Blessings of Desire

Desire is one of the key forces in the origin, evolution, and definition of identity. Blindly, but yet instinctively, desire brought you out of the invisible world, sowed you in the womb, and guided your way through a gallery of forms until you emerged as a baby. Instinctively, in the innocence of childhood, desire still directs your feelings and thoughts towards fulfilment. It leads you to explore new frontiers. When the innocence of childhood breaks and your consciousness becomes divided, your desire divides too. The belonging of childhood breaks; you feel confused and alone in a way you never were in childhood. New longings are surfacing, and you can find little sense of belonging. Part of your desire becomes focused on what you want to do with your life. This is the task of realizing your life’s dream. Your desire crystallizes in questions like: What do I want to do with my life? Where do I want to work? Whom do I want to marry or do I want to marry? This is a complex and difficult time.

Deep down you desire the freedom to live the life you would love. Yet life itself will rarely give you exactly what you desire and seldom offers it to you in the form you would long for. Consequently, you learn the art of compromise. You learn to do with what you have. Destiny often deals us unexpected cards. Perhaps you have your dream profession, live in a lovely area, and yet the person with whom you live has never managed to reach you. Often you look out at her/him from someplace deep within and sadly acknowledge that, despite the dignity and endurance of your daily affection and care for each other, she/he will never want to travel that landscape to meet you. Or it could be the case that you find that you cannot give love at all; this is a worse hell than not receiving love. In relationship, the initial passion often settles in such a manner that you instinctively agree to meet on a certain level; other regions are to remain undisturbed. Inevitably in life, we end up walking one path. This demands choice and selection; we harness and limit the call of desire. Yet to live with a sense of balance, creativity, and integrity so much depends on how and what we choose.
