To be great, be entire:

Of what is yours nothing

exaggerate or exclude

Be whole in each thing. Put all that you are

Into the least you do

Like that on each place the whole moon

Shines for she lives aloft.

This is a lovely prayer poem; to put all that you are into the least that you do. When you hold back, you avoid the truth of situations, you diminish what a friendship or an experience can become. There are many people who love each other, who belong with each other, but their disappointment with each other, or the wounds they have caused each other, hold them out of reach from each other. Wouldn’t it be great if they could risk again coming in on a wave of new hope to the shore of each other’s lives? The greatest gift you can give is the gift of your self; it is a huge gift. The sun is the mother of life. She gives her light so generously and evenly all over the earth. Like the sun, each one of us should share the light of our souls with generosity.
