They allow themselves to be strangers.
Here is somewhere else for them;
They hunt for images to take back
To perfectly ordered cupboards
In Germany or the States,
Proud to have captured
Something authentic of the place.
When the bus drops them,
The cameras come out
To snap the cottage ruin,
Rimmed against the black desert
Of bog and overgrown mountains
With the bones out through them.
They shoot the ruin, not sensing
How the image is a relic,
Imprinted with the presence
Of the ones who laboured here,
The stones warm with breath,
From the time a tourist was a wonder.
Will these ever know how it was,
To live here and know nowhere else,
To wake up inside this house once,
And come out at dawn to discover
Gifts left at the door in the night,
A shivering lake between flowering granite
And this line of new, blue mountains?