Prayer and Wonder: The Art of Real Presence

Prayer is the art of presence. Where there is no wonder there is little depth of presence. The sense of wonder is one of the key sources of prayer. Wonder at the adventure of being here is one of the special qualities of humans. Plato said, “All thought begins in wonder.” Even our older sisters and brothers, the animals, often seem to be enthralled in silent wonder at creation. Sometimes in humans profound wonder can only be expressed in silence. Perhaps the huge silence of the animal world is their expression of wonder at creation. It certainly seems that the excitement of being here often overcomes them. Animals at play express pure joy. When you see young foxes tussle and tumble with each other, or a brace of lambs frisk and canter in the spring, you sense the innocent delight of the animal world. Animals often seem so contemplative in their presence. Often, when one goes out to the mountains to herd cattle, one comes upon them grazing slowly on the tough mountain grass. They raise their heads and look lingeringly into the middle distance. That still gaze resembles the human gaze of wonder. At times, they look at us not just with wonder, but in amazement. How strange we must seem to them, so full of talk and trembling restlessness.

Wonder is a beautiful style of perception; when you wonder at something, your mind voyages deep into its possibility and nature. You linger among its presences. You do not take it for granted and are not deceived or blinded by its familiarity. The sense of wonder keeps experience fresh and original. It is lovely to see a relationship that even after years has still retained its wonder. When the person you love still causes you to feel wonder, you are still alive to his or her mystery. Wonder is the child of mystery. It calls your heart to thanks and praise.
