For the Burren Action Group
who saved Mullach Mór
The mountain waits for no one
But rises on its own to overlook
The blind spread of fields and
The local pride of trees adept
At the art of singular ascent.
The lakes which stay in place,
Somehow held up by the threaded
Resolve of the bog that rusts the water
Until it takes dark for depth.
The grey certainty of the stones,
Stained yellow with moss and lichen,
Who serve as sentinels among the bushes,
Alert for the whisper of the ice
That will return to retrieve them
In white nests from the loose air.
And the earth-orphans
In their strong homes
That light up at night
On sealed ground
Where they shelter from
The seamless totality of the dark
Claiming all the spaces of separation.
Watched by animals,
They emerge at daytime;
No surface here
Could wear frowns
Like these faces.
Their limbs and eyes
Blurred with desire,
They climb up sometimes
Hoping, maybe,
To see what the summit sees.