To Breathe in Your Soul Light

Even though the body may kneel, or words may be said or chanted, the heart of prayer activity is invisible. Prayer is an invisible world. Normally, when we look at something with our eyes, we see it empirically. We notice its shape, colour, and limits. In prayer, we see with the eye of the soul. We see in a creative and healing way. A lovely way to pray is to engage this light of the invisible world. Because the body is in the soul, all around your body there is an embrace of subtle soul-light. When you pray with your breath, you breathe this soul-light into the deepest recesses of your clay body. When you feel isolated or empty or lonesome, it is so nourishing to draw the eternal shelter of soul-light deep into you. This helps to heal you and returns you to inner tranquillity. When you come into a rhythm of breathing, you get deeper than the incisions of thought and feeling which separate you. This prayer restores your belonging at the hearth of divinity, a belonging from which no thought or act can ever finally exile you.
