Suggested Further Reading

Gaston Bachelard. The Poetics of Space. Boston, 1969.

Jean Baudrillard. Fatal Strategies. New York, 1990.

Wendell Berry. Collected Poems. North Point Press, 1984.

Saint Bonaventure. The Journey of the Mind to God. Translated by P. Boehner, O.F.M. Hackett, 1993.

Jorge Luis Borges. The Book of Sand. London, 1980.

Ian Bradley. The Celtic Way. London, 1993.

Albert Camus. Exile and the Kingdom. New York: Vintage, 1991.

Alexander Carmichael. Carmina Gadelica. Edinburgh, 1994.

William Desmond. Being and the Between. New York, 1995.

Myles Dillon. Early Irish Literature. Dublin, 1994.

Robert Graves. Greek Myths. BCA, 1993.

Seamus Heaney. The Haw Lantern. London, 1987.

Philippe Jaccottet. Selected Poems. Translated by Derek Mahon. London, 1988.

John of the Cross. The Collected Works. Translated by K. Kavanagh, O.C.D., and O. Rodriguez, O.C.D. ICS, 1979.

Thomas Kinsella, trans. The Tain. Oxford, 1986.

Ivan V. Lalic. The Passionate Measure. Tranlsated by Francis R. Jones. Daedalus, 1989.

Mary Low. Celtic Christianity and Nature. Edinburgh, 1996.

Iris Murdoch. Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. London, 1992.

Gerard Murphy. Early Irish Lyrics. Oxford, 1996.

P. Murray, ed. The Deer’s Cry: A Treasury of Irish Religious Verse. Dublin, 1986.

Pablo Neruda. Selected Poems. Translated by N. Tarn. London, 1977.

Noel Dermot O’Donoghue. The Mountain Behind the Mountain: Aspects of the Celtic Tradition. Edinburgh, 1993.

John O’Donohue. Person als Vermittlung: Die Dialektik von Individualität und Allgemeinheit in Hegel’s ‘Phänomenologie des Geistes.’ Eine philosophisch-theologische Interpretation. Mainz, 1993.

_____. Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom. New York: HarperCollins, 1997.

_____. Echoes of Memory. Dublin, 1994/1997.

Daithi O hógain. Myth, Legend and Romance: An Encyclopaedia of the Irish Folk Tradition. New York, 1991.

Liam de Paor. Saint Patrick’s World. Four Court’s Press, 1996.

Fernando Pessoa. Selected Poems. Translated by J. Griffin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

M. Merleau-Ponty. Phenomenology of Perception. London, 1981.

Kathleen Raine. The Lost Country. Dolmen Press, 1971.

_____. On a Deserted Shore. Dolmen Press, 1990.

Rupert Sheldrake. The Rebirth of Nature. London, 1990.

Cyprian Smith. The Way of Paradox: Spiritual Life as Taught by Meister Eckhart. London, 1987.

George Steiner. Real Presence. London, 1989.

Esther de Waal. The Celtic Way of Prayer. London, 1996.

David Whyte. The Heart Aroused. New York, 1995.
