AC ― Archives Communales
ACA ― Archivo de la Corona de Aragon (Barcelona)
AD ― Archives Départmentales
AHG ― Archives historiques … de la Gironde
AHP ― Archives historiques du Poitou
AHSA ― Archives historiques de la Saintonge
AHVF ― Atlas historique des villes de France
AN ― Archives Nationales (Paris)
ASFDB ― European State Finance Database
BEC ― Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes
BL ― British Library (London)
BN ― Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris)
CCR ― Calendar of Close Rolls
CFR ― Calendar of Fine Rolls
CPR ― Calendar of Patent Rolls
EHR ― English Historical Review
GEC ― Complete Peerage
ODNB ― Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
PPC ― Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council
PRO ― Public Record Office (London) [The National Archives]
RISS1 ― Rerum Italicarum scriptores
RISS2 ― Rerum Italicarum Scriptores (new edition)
VCH ― Victoria History of the Counties of England