Prime Minister’s Office, South Block, Delhi, India

Local time: 0300 Tuesday 8 May 2007
GMT: 2130 Monday 7 May 2007

‘If we continue our ceasefire and show restraint, China will be condemned by the international community in such a way that it will never recover,’ said the Foreign Minister Prabhu Purie.

‘Whatever it does, China will recover,’ said Hari Dixit, unable to contain his anger. ‘China gunned down civilians in Tiananmen Square and within a year the Western leaders were kissing the asses of the men who ordered it. Now China is sinking our ships in our ocean, occupying our land, killing Buddhists in Tibet. If you are suggesting India surrenders now, you can bloody well resign.’

‘No, Prime Minister,’ Purie said firmly. ‘I am merely saying that we should wait a few hours and get unequivocal international support. Then we can do whatever we damn well like.’
