Operational Directorate, South Block, Delhi, India

Local time: 1230 Tuesday 8 May 2007
GMT: 0700 Tuesday 8 May 2007

‘Target the Chinese garrison in Namya Ra, Myanmar,’ said Chandra Reddy. ‘Target Chinese supply and airbase in Lashio. Target Chinese ELINT and SIGINT station on Little Cocos Island. Target Chinese naval ships at Hanggyi Island base on the Irrawaddy River delta. All targets are on Myanmar sovereign territory. None is in Tibet. One is in China itself — the DF-21 launch site in Chuxiong, used against Taiwan.’

‘To show solidarity with the Americans and the Japanese,’ said Hari Dixit.

‘For symbolic reasons, they are all conventional missile strikes. We are using the Prithvi with single 500 kilogram warheads from bases in Arunachal Pradesh on targets in Myanmar, and from bases on the Andaman Islands to hit Hanggyi and Little Cocos Island. The Agni from Gorakhpur region is due to impact on Chuxiong. It has a single 1,000 kilogram warhead. Ground-attack aircraft are already in the air for an immediate follow up on Hanggyi and Little Cocos Island. The aim is to put all Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal military activity to an end.’
