Presidential helicopter Marine One, USA

Local time: 1935 Sunday 6 May 2007
GMT: 0035 Monday 7 May 2007

Tom Bloodworth was interrupted in the middle of a conversation, notifying his office that he was en route from Camp David to Washington. He immediately passed the news on to John Hastings through the intercom on the Sikorsky VH-3D. ‘Pakistan has carried out a tactical nuclear strike.’

‘Battlefield or urban?’ asked Hastings.

‘Battlefield. It appears very precise and calculated.’


‘No word yet. We’re trying to get through to Dixit. But Chinese troops have also invaded India through Burma…’

Conversation on board was difficult at the best of times. Hastings remained quiet for five minutes, juggling his policy of domestic focus to the nuclear war which had just broken out in Asia. Then he said: ‘Get me the details of our task forces in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea. We’ll have a full crisis meeting of the Principals’ Committee on landing at the White House.’
