The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

Local time: 1230 Tuesday 8 May 2007
GMT: 0930 Tuesday 8 May 2007

‘Are you threatening me?’ said President Gorbunov. He had taken the call from John Hastings, without interpreters or even his private secretary taking notes.

‘I will repeat myself, Mr President,’ said Hastings. ‘You have five minutes to get an unequivocal ceasefire from both India and China. If you fail, we are going to obliterate China’s military capabilities with nuclear and conventional weapons. If you threaten to strike the United States or Europe we will strike Russia. Your office will be ground zero. This is not a threat, Mr President, it is reality.’

‘You are at risk of creating an even more dangerous situation.’

‘I did not call you for a debate in international relations. I called to tell you what is going to happen.’

‘And if I comply?’

‘No one need know this conversation ever took place.’
