Zhongnanhai, Beijing, China

Local time: 0630 Tuesday 8 May 2007
GMT: 2230 Monday 7 May 2007

‘He’s British,’ said Tang Siju. ‘He confessed after we gave him truth drugs. It is impossible for even the best-trained man to resist giving away his nationality.’

‘Is he a mercenary?’

‘He is a member of the Special Boat Squadron. I suspect he was following orders which would have had the approval of the British government.’

‘Comrade Song,’ said Tao, turning to his Foreign Minister, ‘what do you make of this?’

‘The only motivation I can see for it is to create a power balance against us in South-East Asia. The British commando probably came from HMS Ocean, which is in the Bay of Bengal on exercises under the Five Power Defence Agreement. Technically, the Cocos Islands belong to Myanmar. Our lease on them has not been officially declared.’

‘You’re waffling, Foreign Minister,’ said Tang. ‘Britain is an American ally and the United States is intent on containing the power of China. We must strike back immediately and effectively. We have a Song-class submarine which has been following the Ocean task force for two days now.’ Tang looked at his watch. ‘The satellite is passing overhead in fifteen minutes. I suggest we give the commander his orders.’
